Wisdom teeth bring a lot of problems to their owner from the very beginning of eruption. The gum in the place where the G-8 appears appears to be sore and inflamed, often the third molars grow incorrectly, causing a lot of inconvenience.
Because of the remote positioning on the jaw, it is difficult to take care of them, they are poorly cleaned during oral hygiene procedures and most often are affected by caries. In connection with these features of the "Eight" dentists very often tend to remove them.
Contents of
- How does removal work?
- Preparatory stage
- Anesthesia
- Extraction of the tooth
- Renewal of the socket and gum suturing, if necessary
- More information on the difficult removal of the retentive tooth
- Features of the operation on the lower and upper jaw
- How much does it take to tear the tooth?
- Reviews
How does removal work?
Removal must necessarily be performed by an experienced dental surgeon who has performed more than one such operation. This is necessary due to the fact that it is the eighth teeth that usually bring a lot of trouble during and after the procedure.
Preparatory stage
Any dental procedure usually starts with a doctor's consultation and a thorough examination of the patient's oral cavity. In order to decide whether to remove the wisdom tooth, the dentist should assess the condition of the G8, find out whether there is an urgent need for surgery or you can save the tooth. An anamnesis is collected, and the patient is found out whether he suffers from any diseases that could affect the course of the operation.
X-ray examination is recommended before disposal. This is necessary in connection with the features of the latter in a series of molars. A dentist should know the exact location of the tooth, the structure of its roots, which are often curved or curved, which complicates the task. Only after the doctor sees the full picture can you proceed directly to the procedure.
Removal is performed under local anesthesia. The anesthetic is administered to the patient with an injection. The injection is injected into the gum in the root area of the tooth, so that the anesthesia works better, it is injected in several places from different sides of the G-8.
In this case, the patient remains conscious, he only loses the sensitivity of the gum area and part of the face. The dosage of the drug is chosen in accordance with the parameters of the patient( age, weight, and others).Under the influence of anesthesia, a person does not feel any pain during the removal process. The maximum that he can feel is a slight discomfort and pressure, hear a crunch.
In some cases, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. But this is resorted to very rarely and only in extreme cases, since usually there is enough local anesthesia.
Extraction of the tooth
A few minutes after the injection of the anesthetic, the dentist begins to remove. It can be simple or complex. In the first case, the procedure is carried out with the help of such dental instruments as forceps and elevators. Simple removal usually does not take more than 10 minutes. The tooth is immediately removed completely, without needing to do incisions on the gum or perform any other manipulations.
Complex removal requires much more time and special tools. It is carried out with the use of a drill, the gum is cut, and after the operation is completed, the patient is sealed. In some cases, the tooth must be removed in parts.
Renewal and gum closure if necessary
After removal of the tooth, the cleared well is thoroughly cleaned of the formed fragments, after which a medicinal anti-inflammatory agent is placed in it. If one or several incisions were needed to extract the "eight", then at the end of the operation, the patient is sealed. This is necessary for faster wound healing.
Read more about complex removal of retinued tooth
Removal of the tooth is complicated in case it is retininated. Such are not the erupted "eight".They can for a long time not cause absolutely no inconvenience, and can manifest themselves at any time and then nothing remains, as soon as to go to the removal.
The operation to extract the retinas is also performed using local anesthesia. But in this case, a deeper effect of the anesthetic is expected and the procedure begins no earlier than 10 minutes after the administration of the drug.
Complex removal involves several consecutive steps:
- Gum incision in the root area of the problem tooth;
- Drilling of the bone tissue of the jaw by means of a drill;
- Divide the chewing element into several separate parts;
- Consecutive extraction of all tooth fragments;
- Place in the wound of antiseptic;
- Stitching on the gum at the site of the removed tooth and notches.
Recovery after such an operation takes longer and more painful than after a simple one. But all the unpleasant feelings usually go through 3 - 7 days.
Features of the operation on the lower and upper jaw
The procedures for removing the upper and lower wisdom tooth are very different. The lower G-8s are less susceptible to extraction due to the fact that the bones of the lower jaw are denser. In addition, these molars have more roots than the upper molars, they hold more firmly in the jaw and are more difficult to remove.
Local anesthesia in this case is not effective enough, when removing the lower wisdom tooth regional( regional) anesthesia is applied. Then other necessary manipulations are carried out, depending on the complexity of the case.
The removal of the upper wisdom tooth is complicated by its inaccessibility. The task becomes even more complicated in the case of a strong destruction of the G8 or the presence of bent roots. But, nevertheless extraction of the upper teeth occurs easier than the lower ones. Local anesthesia is used.
If the tooth is completely cut, then for the removal of the doctor quite enough dental forceps. If there are any complications, the tooth does not cut completely, there is a hood above it, then an incision of the gum may be needed, followed by suturing.
How much does it take to tear a tooth?
The cost of removing wisdom tooth depends on the complexity of the operation and the level of the dental clinic. Before the operation, in most cases, X-ray examination of is required, the cost of the aiming image is about 500 rubles .
The price of the operation to extract the retinued tooth of wisdom is up to 7500 rubles .
I have "hoods" constantly formed over the wisdom teeth on the lower jaw. Several times they were dissected, but the teeth again overgrew. At the last visit to the dentist, it was decided to get rid of the "eights".If only I knew what was ahead of me! In the process of removal, there was a feeling that my jaw had been turned, so everything crackled terribly. But the nightmare was ahead. The next few days, I lived only on painkillers, my cheeks swelled horribly, the temperature was kept. I could only have liquid food. Fortunately, after a few days my torment was over and I forgot about the problematic "wise" teeth.
Ольга, 29 years old
The wisdom tooth I initially developed incorrectly. Being in the gum, he rested against the crown in the roots of the next tooth. The dentist strongly recommended an operation to remove the retinas. Before the procedure, several injections were made, then, as I understood, they opened the gum, sawed the tooth into several parts and removed them in turn. In general, all this lasted more than an hour. In the end, they stitched and let go. By evening, the anesthesia had departed, and the gum began to ache terribly, her face swelled, and the temperature also rose. A couple of days the condition was like with the flu, drank antibiotics. About a week later everything passed.
Cyril, 30
The upper wisdom tooth had to be pulled out because of unexpected pain. I was also in a position at that time, so I could not drink anesthetizing. The whole procedure together with anesthesia took no more than 15-20 minutes, while I felt only pressure and heard a crunch. The most unpleasant thing in the whole procedure is an injection of anesthetic. After the anesthesia had gone off a little, the gum was beginning to ache, but by morning everything had passed.
Julia, 26 years old
Removing "eights" - a complex procedure that requires certain skills and skills. Unsuccessful surgery can lead to unwanted complications. Therefore, the procedure should be performed only by an experienced, qualified surgeon.
For the operation of removing the wisdom tooth on the lower jaw, see this video.