Over time, permanent teeth will collapse and dentures appear in their place, which are difficult to get used to, it is much easier to adapt to implants, but not all of them can afford it.
Therefore, the most common option for complete or partial loss of teeth is removable prosthetics. We will understand, what difficulties can arise in the period of adaptation to removable dentures and how quickly to get used to them.
Content of the
Content of the
- How to accelerate the process of habituation
- We reduce salivation
- Distracted from vomiting
- We reduce the pain
- We work on the taste buds
- Learn to speak correctly
- Useful tips for prosthetics
- When you can talk aboutcomplete addiction to the prosthesis
Adaptation problems
The procedure for prosthetics has certain differences, it all depends on the number of lost teeth, nThe period of getting used to the foreign body in the mouth goes almost the same and can cause a number of inconveniences:
- Extensive salivation of .Since everything that gets into the mouth, the body perceives as food, then the prosthesis in the first time will not be an exception. When the artificial jaw is installed, gastric juice and saliva will be secreted.
- The gag reflex .It is most pronounced when installing prostheses in contact with the sky. If, in time, desires do not stop, then one should think about acquiring a jaw of another configuration.
- Unpleasant sensations when chewing food .This is due to the fact that the artificial jaw presses on the gums and podnebenie, shifting all the load on them.
- Change in taste .It can become less saturated and varied, and in some dishes one can not be felt at all. The reason for this is the design of the prosthesis, which partially covers the oral mucosa, which prevents the penetration of food to the receptors located there.
- Violation of diction and speech .Some dentures, usually installed with full adentia, interfere with the movement of the tongue, but do not worry, as soon as it becomes addictive, speech is restored.
On what depends and how long the adaptation period of
lasts. On average, addiction to removable dentures passes within a month, but under certain circumstances the process can last up to six months. It depends on:
- Individual body features .
- Psychological readiness of , in some patients problems arise precisely because of the unwillingness to wear the false-jaw. Therefore, before visiting the clinic, it is worthwhile to prepare mentally.
- Construction and size .Sometimes the implant does not correspond to the size of the teeth, as a result of which the bite is broken and inconveniences arise.
- Method of fixing the prosthesis .If it is not installed firmly enough, then under load, its displacement occurs, which damages the gum and mucosa. This is most clearly felt by the holders of clasp structures, since they contain metallic elements.
- Period in which a person was without teeth .With prolonged absence of dentition, the jaw becomes atrophic.
How to accelerate the process of habituation
To quickly get used to dentures, it is necessary to solve the basic problems of the adaptation period.
We reduce salivation
Each patient has a different adaptation process. Therefore, some have dry mouth, others, on the contrary, increase salivation. If the mucous membranes dry up, the amount of fluid consumed should be increased. Drink a little, every time there is discomfort.
Usually this state passes independently, within two weeks. When the humidity rises in the mouth, saline rinses will help. To do this, mix 0.5 tsp salt and 100 ml water, the effect lasts for 45 minutes, after which the procedure is repeated if necessary.
Distracted from vomiting
In this case, deep breathing through the nose and rinsing with saline solution proved to be good.
It is very important to learn to ignore these feelings, you can do your favorite thing or to dissolve the candy. And mint tea not only helps to cope with the emetic desire, but will have a soothing effect. Only use it should be in reasonable quantities.
Relieve pain
In the first days after the installation of the prosthesis, many people complain that when eating food, painful sensations arise. To reduce the unpleasant feeling, you should temporarily give up hard food.
But after a few weeks it needs to be re-introduced into the diet, gradually increasing the consistency and degree of grinding. In the early days it can be broths, yogurts and liquid mashed potatoes. Then light vegetable soup or porridge, lightly ground or shredded on a blender.
In the future it is important to remember that pieces of food should be small and chew them with all the teeth in order to properly distribute the load on the entire working surface.
To accelerate the process of adapting the gums, you can do an easy relaxing massage. Massaging the gum is necessary in a circular motion for several minutes, paying the most attention to the painful places.
With the appearance of cracks and inflammatory processes, the mouth cavity is irrigated with decoction of chamomile and oak bark. The problem of discomfort can hide in the sensitivity of the gums, in this case, use fixing creams, ointments, powders or gels.
Effects on the taste buds of
A third of patients with a removable prosthesis are less sensitive to food. It becomes tasteless, which leads to loss of appetite.
The most common complaints appear in the owners of metal structures. But do not despair, this is a temporary effect, if you properly train your receptors, then, after 2 weeks, the difference will not be felt at all. The secret is to give up fast food and chew each piece for a long time.
Learning to speak correctly
With unaccustomed use of false teeth, speech is violated, and the person clearly lisps. To get rid of such a side effect, you need to perform a series of exercises from the first day:
- Reading your favorite books .Start the lesson in a low voice, gradually increasing the volume and speed. The procedure should be repeated for 15-30 minutes at least 3 times a day.
- Pronunciation of the words .Particular attention should be paid to problem sounds, for this you should write down the words in which they are present, and read them as often as possible.
- Reading of tongue twisters .Any tongue twisters will do, the main thing is to pronounce them clearly, gradually speeding up the pace, but the quality should not suffer at the same time.
With daily training, diction and speech will return within three weeks.
Useful tips for prosthetics
To ensure a long and non-discomfort prosthesis, you must follow certain rules of care for it:
- , after each meal, you need to rinse the removable structure and oral cavity with ordinary drinking water;
- prosthesis, like permanent teeth, should be cleaned twice a day, the only difference is that the toothbrush should be with soft bristles, and it is better to choose a paste that is gentle with antibacterial effect;
- removable structure must be disinfected by special means, so as not to infect the gum and oral cavity;
- better to give up food that can stick to the teeth, such food not only affects the integrity of the product, but can also cause pain and discomfort.
How to get used to removable dentures in practice:
When you can talk about complete addiction to the prosthesis
Since the false jaw performs very important functions for the body, it is necessary not only to accept the idea of its necessity, but also to learn how to use it correctly. The adaptation process ends when the person no longer feels discomfort while wearing the prosthesis, and the gum and oral mucosa have a healthy appearance, with no signs of damage or inflammation.
Restoration of chewing functions is not a whim, but a forced measure in order to avoid gastrointestinal diseases, to be able to eat normally and not to experience discomfort in society.
To quickly get used to dentures, you must prepare yourself in advance and realize the importance and necessity of wearing a removable structure.