Buerger's disease( obliterating endarteritis) is systemic immunopathological disease of the veins of the lower and upper extremities, in particular veins of medium and small diameter, with the development of secondary autoimmune processes.
The disease most often affects young men.
There are three types of disease:
- distal( small diameter vessels);
- proximal( vessels of medium diameter and larger);
- mixed.
Partly Burger's disease is endemic, the number of registered patients is highest in India, Israel, Japan and some countries in South Asia.
- Causes and risk factors
- Causes and risk factors
- Causes and risk factors
- Causes and risk factors
- Causes and risk factors
The exact cause of the obliterating endarteritis( OE) is unknown, therefore it is customary to note a whole group of provoking factors of occurrencepathology:
loading. ..- First - infectious .
- The second - neuroendocrine , hyperfunction of the adrenal gland promotes the release of an increased amount of adrenaline, resulting in hyperadrenalinemia, which causes spasms in the microcirculation system.
- One of the fundamental factors is the autoimmune .Due to autoimmune disorders, autoantibodies are produced in the body to elastin, endotheliocytes, collagen and laminin, which leads to antiphospholipid syndrome.
Also important factors are smoking, injuries, changes in the nerve trunks, genetics and increased levels of lipoprotein. OE can also develop from chronic arsenic poisoning.is characterized by four stages of Buerger's disease, each of which has the corresponding symptoms:
- At the initial stage of , the patient has increased chilliness of the limbs, slight tingling and burning sensation in the fingers. As a result of a long walk, he begins to have pain in the calf muscles, possible lameness.
- In the next stage of , lameness and pain occur after a short walking time( 10-20 minutes).The skin on the limbs loses elasticity, begins
is flaky. Pulse on the feet is not determined. Nails begin to grow slowly, get a dark color. The hair in the affected area falls out and slows down its growth.
- Later, pain can occur without physical activity and walking , ischemic edema is possible. Any abrasions, injuries, cuts do not heal, cracks and ulcers form around them, the skin turns purple and turns blue. In general, on the limbs, the skin becomes extremely sensitive to any effects. Atrophy of muscles begins.
- At the last stage of , destructive changes that require limb amputation start. Developed gangrene. The pains become unbearable, ulcers cover a vast area. The skin loses its original appearance. Fingers become brown, thin, with a gray bloom.
Diagnostic techniques
There are several ways to diagnose the obliterating endarteritis of the vessels of the lower extremities:
- To determine the exact diagnosis, the doctor, first of all, checks for the presence of the ischemia symptom of , - blanching of the raised feet. When performing the exercise, while lying down, flexing and unbending the hip and knee joint, the patient begins to feel fatigue after 10-20 exercises.
- The phenomenon of Panchenko is checked when the patient, having thrown one leg to the other, begins to feel severe pain in the gastrocnemius muscle, tingling and numbness in the legs.
- A Sham sample is also conducted, a cuff of the Riva-Rocchi apparatus is applied, into which air is injected with a pressure exceeding the systolic pressure. The leg is brought to a natural position, quickly removed the cuff, after a few minutes. After that, the presence of reactive heperemia on the back of the fingers is checked.
- To fix the correctness of the diagnosis, hardware studies are performed, - rheovasography, thermography and angiography.
How the disease is treated
At the initial stages of Buerger's disease, a massive complex treatment is performed. Eliminate pain symptoms, find out the cause of the disease and begin to fight it, medically remove spasm, improve metabolic processes in tissues, normalize the circulatory system.
At later stages, there is a need for surgical intervention, or if conservative treatment is ineffective.
There are also folk methods of treatment. They are based on herbal tinctures. Take a solution of propolis, infusion from St. John's wort, ovaries, chamomiles, initial letters, ditches and nettles. Also make baths for the feet with decoction from the bark of willow, chestnut leaves and marigolds.
Possible complications of
In the absence of effective and timely treatment, gangrene development is possible, followed by the need for high amputation of the limbs.
In the absence of any treatment and surgical intervention, a fatal outcome is inevitable.However, there are sluggish variants of the disease, in which all the symptoms are not clearly expressed, and can accompany the patient more than one year without significant complications.
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Preventative measures
Given the wide range of provoking factors of the disease, prevention is often difficult.
Our readers recommend!For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. Opinion of doctors. .. »Nevertheless, regular examination of the doctor, adherence to a healthy lifestyle, avoidance of injuries and hypothermia of the extremities, and the maintenance of the endocrine, blood and immune system in the norm of work significantly reduces the likelihood of this ailment.
For the first time obliterating endarteritis was described by Vinivarter in 1879.
And in 1911, Burger discovered a new form of the disease, accompanied by obliteration of the arteries and migrating thrombophlebitis. Since then, medicine has made many corrections during the course of the symptomatology and etiology of the disease, but it itself began to bear the name of Burger as its discoverer.
For all its threatening etymology, its course and prospects for recovery with a probability of serious complications, while observing certain safety rules, this disease is not a serious threat to human life.
In the treatment practice, Burger's disease is most often found in people who are addicted to drugs, who have developed serious autoimmune changes in the body due to the presence of HIV infection. In people leading a healthy lifestyle, the disease is extremely rare, and it is usually easy to treat.
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- Causes and risk factors
- Causes and risk factors
- Causes and risk factors
- Causes and risk factors