Combined drug Neladex

Many people have eyes - this is a problem organ. That appears conjunctivitis, then barley, then some other disease.

Many people also use lenses. With frequent eye inflammation, wearing a lens becomes problematic.

It is recommended to get acquainted with the medicine that successfully treats eye diseases, Neladexom.

This drug in its composition has as many as three active substances, which indicates its undeniable effectiveness.

Contents of
    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Contraindications and side effects of
    • 3. Specific recommendations of
    • 4. Conditions and periods for saving
    • 5. Cost of medicine
    • 6. Similar drugs
    • 7. Feedback from users
    • 8. Conclusion
    • 9. Optional

Instruction for use


Neladex is manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry in the form of ointments and drops.

At the pharmacy points, the ointment comes in an aluminum tube in a mass of 5.0 g, placed in a cardboard package. It is a homogeneous transparent substance. The ointment may have a yellowish or yellow-white color. The smell does not have a cure.

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The eye / ear solution comes in 5 ml each in a plastic vial that has a dropper with protective elements.

Drops are a white, microdisperse suspension that is odorless. The bottle is also placed in a cardboard box.

Instructions for using the product are always attached.


The ointment includes three active ingredients: Neomycin, Dexamethasone, Polymyxin In .

Basic means are supplemented with soft yellow paraffin, anhydrous lanolin and chlorobutanol.

The active substances in the drops are the same as in the ointment. In addition, they contain:

  • hydroxypropylmethylcellulose;
  • sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid;
  • sodium chloride;
  • 50% benzalkonium chloride solution;
  • polysorbate 80;
  • water for injection.

Action of the drug

Neladex is a complex medical device. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and other properties provided by active substances.

As an ophthalmic tool, Neladex is used when antibiotics and corticosteroids are needed at one time in eye therapy.

In the named medicine most of all Neomycin. It is an antibiotic, which is a composition of antibiotics Neomycin A, B, C, the producer of which is Streptomyces fradiae.

Aminoglycoside effectively acts on gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. Badly affects streptococci.

Very significant in the substance is that the resistance, that is, the resistance of bacteria to Neomycin is formed slowly and to a small extent. This means that the antibiotic will be in demand for a long time.

Synthetic glucocorticosteroid Dexamethasone, which is part of the basic composition of Neladex, exhibits anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, anti-allergic, anti-shock, desensitizing, antitoxic and other actions. The substance is able to penetrate into the central nervous system.

Dexamethasone is not accidentally considered to be one of the most important and vital medicines.

Complex organic compound Polymyxin B exhibits bactericidal and antibacterial pharmaceutical effects. This substance is based on the residues of polypeptides.

The agent causes the bacteria to die. It is mainly active on gram-negative microorganisms.

Indications for use

Neladex is used as an external remedy. Corticosteroid is prescribed primarily for the treatment of acute and chronic inflammation of the eyes in the event of a threat of bacterial infection.

It is used for such types of diseases:

  • blepharitis;
  • iridocyclitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis.

As a preventive agent, the drug is used after eye surgery to prevent the inflammatory process in the anterior part of the eye.

If the resection is performed on the auditory organ, there is also a need for the appointment of Neladex. The drug will prevent bacterial infections, inflammation of the ear in varying degrees.

How to use and dispense

Before using the drug, you need to find out how sensitive the bacteria are to it. The dosage of the medication depends on the degree of damage and the state of the organs of vision and hearing. With a decrease in inflammation, the number of receptions of the remedy is reduced to 2-3 times / day.

The average course of treatment is 8 days. If there is a need to use Neladex for more than 10 days, systematic measurements of intraocular pressure are carried out.

Use of ointment

Neladex in the form of an ointment is used for administration conjunctivally. The number of receptions is determined by the severity of infection:

  • severe form - 4-6 times / day;
  • weak form - 3-4 times / day.

Assignment of drops

In infectious eye lesions, instillation is carried out in such quantity:

  • in acute form - every hour( only two days) until the condition improves;
  • with a weak form - 1-2 drops 4-6 times / day.

Hearing treatment is performed as follows:

  • 4 drops 3-4 times / day.- with infection of the external auditory canal;
  • from 4 to 10 drops 3-4 times / day - for infections after surgical treatment.

Interaction with other medications

Medication Neladex enhances the ototoxic effect of monomycin, netilmicin, streptomycin, amikacin and gentamicin. Therefore, SCS with these medicines is not compatible.

During the use of Neladex in combination with aminoglycosides, serum analysis should be performed on the level of neomycin concentration.

Contraindications and side effects of

Neladex is not always prescribed. Contraindications are the following:

  • personal rejection of any component of the medication, other aminoglycosides;
  • uncomplicated surgery to remove a foreign body in the cornea;
  • fungal infection of organs;
  • herpetic keratitis;
  • damage to the organs of sight and hearing by viruses;
  • mycobacterial eye infections;
  • suppuration;
  • tuberculosis.

If the eye is red and the diagnosis is not made, a corticosteroid drug is not prescribed. Unreasonable use of a medicament can cause difficulties in diagnosing the pathology of the organ of vision.

The drug is not prescribed for children under 12 years( according to one source) and generally not used in children( according to other sources).

Side effects of

During therapy with Neladex, undesirable effects caused by the ingredients of the drug and their combination may occur.

Antibiotic actions can cause such allergic reactions:

  • abundant lacrimation;
  • photophobia;
  • pain;
  • dilated pupil;
  • descent of the upper eyelid and others.

If skin allergies occur, use of Neladex should be discontinued immediately.

Dexamethasone is capable of increasing intraocular pressure, provoking the appearance of posterior subcapsular cataract, and slowing the healing of wounds.

A glucocorticosteroid agent may contribute to the development of glaucoma. It also causes perforation of the fibrous membrane in eye pathology, the result of which is the thinning of the cornea and sclera. Therefore, for diseases that cause the erosion of the cornea, you should not use Neladex.

In addition, the use of a combined agent can cause the development of a secondary infection. This is due to the weakening of the body.

SCS can conceal or enhance an existing infectious disease. A similar phenomenon occurs with pustular lesions in acute form.

As a result of long-term treatment with steroid medications, non-healing ulcers may appear on the cornea. Such lesions occur in fungal infestation.

Dizziness, headache, dysgeusia when using Neladex are also possible.


Exceeding the dose of the drug can cause undesirable effects. In this situation, the excess medicine should be removed by rinsing the eyes with warm water.

Usage during pregnancy

Some components of a medical product when used in animals have revealed reproductive toxicity.

In connection with this, the use of medication in pregnant women is not shown. Breastfeeding during the medication should be discontinued.

When driving vehicles

Fluid entering the eye temporarily disables vision. It is not recommended to get behind the wheel before restoring vision.

Special recommendations

  1. No contact lenses are used during the period of use. If you can not do without lenses, then you must remove them before instillation. You can wear the lenses in 15 minutes.
  2. The hygiene of using a dropper or tuba must be observed: To avoid contamination with microbes, do not touch the tips of packages to the eyes, ears, or any objects.
  3. To avoid the unpleasant sensation resulting from the ingress of cold drops into the ear, before burying the bottle with the medicine should be warmed in the hand.
  4. Bury the drug in your ear in such a way: tilt your head, drip the medicine in one ear, do not raise your head for several minutes. Then do the same with burying another ear.
  5. After instillation of Neladex into the eyes it is recommended to lie down with eyes closed tightly.

Terms and terms of savings

Neladex is stored in a packed form for 2 years. Storage temperature is from 15 to 25 ° C.Avoid contact with the drug of children.

If the package is opened, the medicine can be used within one month.

Sale in pharmacy

With prescription.

Medication price

Average price in Russia - no data.

Average cost in Ukraine - a bottle of 5 ml - 73 UAH .

Similar preparations

  • Maxitrol;
  • Tevendex;
  • Dexapol.

User reviews

No negative comments about the preparation of Neladex found. Users call the drug excellent.

Mark its effective effect in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the eyes, the appearance of barley. They say that when instilled in the eyes feel a slight burning or tingling, observe the reddening of the eye.

But these unpleasant symptoms quickly pass. It is recommended to have the drug in the first aid kit.

Despite the fact that the drug is contraindicated for children in general( one source) and for children under 12 years( according to other sources), ophthalmologists assigned it to children. As a result of the treatment of children by Neladeks, parents are very happy.

Dear users!

If you have experience with Neladex treatment, do not be lazy to leave a review about it for other visitors of the site. With your true stories you will do people a great favor.


  1. Neladex is a combined remedy used in the treatment of eye and ear diseases: it removes inflammation, destroys bacteria.
  2. The main substances in it are antibiotic Neomycin, synthetic glucocorticosteroid substance Dexamethasone and complex organic compound Polymyxin B.
  3. The drug is available for external use. Used in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the eyes and ears in the event of a threat of bacterial infection.
  4. The medication is not given to pregnant women, it is canceled with breastfeeding. According to one source, it is not prescribed for all children, for others it is not used for children under 12 years old.
  5. Prior to instillation, the application features should be studied. There are contraindications and side effects.
  6. After eye dropping, vision may become cloudy. The drivers should wait until the vision comes back to normal, and then sit behind the wheel.
  7. Athletes should know: Dexamethasone as an active substance gives a positive reaction when doping control.

Success in treatment!


One of the indications for the use of the drug is keratitis. The following picture details the varieties of this disease and how to treat them:

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