What if the pain is given in the anus and why does it happen?

pain gives in the anus Most of the time, in consultation with the proctologist, most patients complain of the presence of pain, which is given to the anus.

There are cases when such a pain syndrome can be observed in the lower abdomen, but as established, they are usually localized only in the rectal area.

A fairly large number of cases are characterized by the appearance of pain first in the abdomen, and after which it gradually passes to the anus. With this symptomatology, it's important to seek medical help on time. After all, sometimes these signs can indicate the course of a serious illness.

The problem is not hearsay

It is known that the anus and rectum is the final part of the human digestive tract. There is a huge number of violations of this area, which can be accompanied by severe pain and discomfort.

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Passing pain in the anus is one of the common symptoms in which people are afraid or shy to seek help from a doctor.

At the same time, some of them are confident that they will be able to resolve the arisen trouble on their own. sitting pain

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However, most often this kind of pain is the first signal that there are some violations in the functioning of the body, the treatment of which must be urgently carried out.

In most cases, it is possible to establish the cause of the pain and make an accurate diagnosis only after a thorough examination by a specialist.

In addition to serious pathologies that can cause pain, experts identify several causes that do not indicate a serious illness.

These are:

  1. People who spend most of the day sitting on a chair of often face such a problem. Most often, anal pains are observed in office workers.
  2. Spasmodic muscle, which is located in the anal area of ​​the .This process is peculiar to teenagers, and is observed only during sleep. In more mature age, this symptomatic disappears by itself.

What causes pain in the anus?

A variety of causes can cause pains of this nature. Most often, the provoking diseases are as follows:

  1. Formation of anal fissure .Provoke the development of such a violation can chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, as well as the ingress of foreign bodies into the intestines. Pain in this case centers around the anus. Most often unpleasant sensations a person experiences when trying to commit an act of defecation.
  2. Hemorrhoids formation .Hemorrhoids are considered one of the main causes that cause the appearance of pain near the anus. In this case, the patient may have an itch and burning of the anus, which with time will gradually be supplemented with painful sensations. It is known that the pain syndrome in such a situation can be weakly expressed, or it can cause severe torment to a person.
  3. Thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes .Is an exacerbation of the course of hemorrhoids. At the same time, thrombus formation is observed, which makes it impossible to perform normal blood flow in the pelvic organs. Pain in the formation of thrombosis can be of a different nature.
  4. Pinched hemorrhoidal nodules .In this case, the node may fall out of the rectum, thereby jamming in the anal ring. In this case, a person has acute pain, sharply worsens well-being and body temperature rises.
  5. Proctitis flow in acute form .With this diagnosis, the patient may have pus and blood clots during the emptying of the intestine along with the caloric proctitis.The process of defecation is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and pain in the anus. If you do not tackle the disease, then the illness will take a chronic course.
  6. Paraproctitis .During the course of this disease there is a strong inflammatory process in the intestinal mucosa. It is this pathology that causes the appearance of pronounced pain sensations. Paraproctitis should be treated with strict medical supervision. Otherwise, the risk of complications of the disease increases.
  7. Rectal prolapse .This phenomenon is not common, usually affects only women of advanced age. At the same time, a person feels so much pain that this causes a shock or even a loss of consciousness. Treatment is carried out promptly.
  8. The formation of polyps in the rectum .Polyps can appear on mucous membranes or soft tissues in a wide variety of locations. Most often they are localized in the lumens of the rectum, thereby causing discomfort and pain in a person. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, surgery is necessary.
  9. Worms .When helminthiases appear in the rectum, a person may feel itching and burning in the area of ​​the anus. When they are accumulated in large numbers, the patient begins to show pain in the anus.
  10. Foreign body entry into rectum .
  11. Anal sex sessions. .
  12. Traumatisation of the anus .

Concomitant symptomatology

Pathological abnormalities can manifest themselves abruptly, with accompanying symptoms:

  • pain paroxysms in the anus and rectum;
  • pain can give in the lower limbs, down the abdomen and bladder;
  • the patient has tachycardia( rapid heart rate);
  • frequent urination;
  • the accumulation of gases in the rectum;
  • worsening of general well-being;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • diarrhea.
If you have any of the symptoms described, you should urgently seek medical help. Timely treatment will help to avoid many complications of pathological disorders in the body.

Which solution will be correct in this situation?

In order to resort to the use of medications, the proctologist must first make an anamnesis of the disease and carefully examine the patient.

If necessary, additional laboratory tests of blood, urine and feces may be prescribed. Based on the results obtained, a conclusion is made and medication is prescribed.

The most effective and widespread treatment options are the use of such drugs:

  1. Rectal suppositories, ointments and gels. Help to remove the inflammatory process and reduce pain. Pain management .It is advisable to apply when the pain is clearly pronounced.
  2. Using homemade candles made of propolis, aloe .
  3. Medications for constipation and hemorrhoids .Are necessary in the event that the pain in the anus is caused by these diseases.
  4. is also important to observe the diet. It is necessary to eat food, which contains in its composition a lot of fiber and vitamins and microelements useful for the body's work.

Pain in the anus can be absolutely harmless to human health, but this does not mean that such manifestations can be ignored. To exclude the development of concomitant diseases of the rectum, it is best to seek medical advice immediately.

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