Boric acid from acne - the use of folk remedies for facial skin in home cosmetology

Acne, acne and other dermatological diseases not only cause discomfort, spoil the skin, but also cause a feeling of inferiority of the patient. Funds of official, alternative medicine for the effective treatment of acne are many, but most people are wondering whether you can wipe your face with boric acid.

How does a solution of boric acid from acne

This medical product is available in the form of liquid and powder, from which an effective antiseptic composition is prepared. Active components in the chemical formula purposefully act on the deep layers of the dermis, while cleaning clogged pores, disinfect the skin, "burn out" pimples, eliminate the accumulation of fat. In addition, in such an accessible way, it is possible to normalize the secretion and work of the sebaceous glands as a whole. Boric acid is sold in every pharmacy, but before using this proven tool, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

How to apply boric acid for the face

Antiseptic has a drying effect, so in cosmetology is often used in a fat, combined type. Dry skin substance is not completely suitable, because it causes contraction, discomfort, peeling, cell death. You can use this medication not only with face problems, you can additionally treat boric acid with acne on the back, shoulders, other parts of the body.

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The use of folk remedies helps to remove inflammation in small areas of the skin, and when treating extensive foci of pathology, it is better to use another medication. Otherwise, the risk of side effects increases, excessive drying of especially problem areas occurs. If such areas are absent, the alcohol solution is treated with acne, but the lesions are preliminarily cleaned. The purchased powder must be diluted with water before the session begins, after which it should be used in the same way as the liquid.

Home treatment is best done in the morning and evening, after cleaning, drying the skin. The duration of intensive care is individual, more often the remedy is used until the anxiety symptomatology disappears completely. After the completion of the procedure, it is advisable not to use cream and other cosmetics with a fatty base, do not perform peeling sessions.

Alcohol solution of boric acid

To prepare an antiseptic solution, it is required to dilute the powder with water, according to the instructions. After a good mixing and pour into a glass container. Before each use of acne, it is recommended to shake the vial, and use the finished product preferably in the morning and in the evening. Important:

  1. does not wash;
  2. not go out;
  3. does not fall under the draft stream;
  4. take a course through.

Chatterbox with antibiotic

This is an effective remedy against any dermatological problems. The active component is two. Levomycetin( antibiotic) exterminates the pathogenic flora, kills pathogenic microorganisms, boric acid reduces the work of the sebaceous glands and the amount of secretion on the face. The recipe for preparing such a medicinal composition is extremely simple and accessible to all comers. It will take:

  • medical alcohol - for liquid consistency;
  • acetylsalicylic acid - 2.5 parts;
  • Levomycetin - Part 2;
  • boric acid - 1 part;
  • sulfur - 3 parts.

Preparation and use of the medicine:

  1. Dilute and mix all the ingredients in one container, drained into a glass container.
  2. Use a prescription for wiping your face instead of lotion in the morning and evening.

Mask with trichopolum and boric acid powder

Another effective anti-acne medication that acts gently, purposefully, effectively. All active ingredients can be bought in a pharmacy without a prescription, they cost a penny. Use the proposed remedy in the form of a cosmetic mask, and the session should be 2-3 times a week, not more often. Below is a recipe that can be cooked in your kitchen without any tangible financial costs. You will need:

  • Trichopol - 2 tablets;
  • boric acid( powder) - 0.5 tsp;
  • hydrogen peroxide 3% - for the consistency of sour cream;
  • powder for children - 0,5 tsp.

Preparation and use of acne:

  1. Pound the tablet, mix with boric acid powder.
  2. Add the peroxide, sprinkle, dilute so that the result is the consistency of sour cream.
  3. Apply to face areas, do not rinse off for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash with running water, additionally treat the skin with a nourishing cream.

Contraindications and side effect

Acid boric acid has a quick effect, but you must first consult a dermatologist. The medical product has contraindications and side effects, which can only worsen the overall well-being of the patient. Restrictions on the use are presented below. These are:

  • problems in the functioning of the liver, kidneys;
  • hypersensitivity to active components;
  • dryness of the dermis, tendency to peeling.

Adverse events following the administration of boric acid at home are represented by local and allergic reactions. More often it is a small rash, hives, itching, hyperemia of the skin, increased swelling of certain areas. Such anomalies appear the very next day after the use of boric acid. Stabilize the general condition can be after the abolition of this medication, and from acne should continue to choose a more gentle antiseptic solution.

Video: an effective remedy for acne


Marina, 21 year

When I learned how much boric acid costs, I realized that I will not lose much from buying. In Samara, it is sold for 30 rubles, and the result is a practical one. Immediately left the sebaceous gloss from the face, acne became less, disappeared unpleasant itch of the skin. I rub the face with acne from the morning, in the evening, very happy with this grand opening.

Inna, 18 years old

I've tried various folk remedies for acne, even boric acid has stopped helping recently. I can not get rid of this problem, which lasts from the age of 14.I came to the conclusion that you just need to wait this unpleasant period. After using boric acid after the acne, only the scars remain. Dangerous and ugly.

Anna, 25 years old

I still use periodically a chat with levomitsetinom and boric acid, although on the face of acne is much less than before. This folk remedy is effective, cheaply worth, in my case, has no side effects. I recommend taking a note at a transitional age, since this is a budget option, how to quickly get rid of acne.

Irina, 23 years old

I did not think that boric acid from acne helps. Such a tool can already be sold in the form of a solution or it can be prepared independently from the powder. I rub my face in the morning and evening, then do not rinse, and so I go to bed. At first I was afraid of allergies, but when I saw that the pimples were gone, I immediately grew bolder. The recipe is cheap, but the efficiency is high.

  • Mar 14, 2018
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