How to store fat properly

One of the most delicious products is lard. He needs special storage, without which fat can lose its flavor and useful qualities. Prepare a place and think about how to store the product is not difficult. In the article we will consider ways of storing different types of fat: salted, over-smoked and smoked.

Storage of salted fat

Salt, black ground pepper, for lovers - garlic and dried herbs must be prepared in advance for the storage of salted bacon. Salting the fat should be in accordance with the proportion - 3 tablespoons.salt( you need to be guided by your own taste, if you like salted or salted foods), 1 ground pepper for 1 kg of fat. For those who want to add aroma and spicy salo, you can use garlic and dried herbs. To do this, chop the small pieces of garlic, and then make large cuts on fat. The width of the incisions should be not less than 5 cm. In them, we stuff the prepared garlic, and then we pour well into the salt with pepper.

It is necessary to store lard in an enamel ware, in which we put fat firmly and sprinkle it generously with spices and herbs. The process of salting can last about 5 days, maybe less, and maybe more. The storage location must be cool and protected from sunlight. After 5 days, get out and try the fat. If it is sufficiently salted, then it can be extracted from enameled dishes, wrapped in food film and stored in a refrigerator or freezer. It should be remembered that in the refrigerator, fat can stay for about a month, but in the freezer - for more than a year!

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How to store smoked bacon

In order to smoke the fat, we need a smokehouse and firewood. The sorts of trees that are best suited for smoking lard are alder, willow or poplar. Using the previous salting recipe, we prepare the lard in a mixture of salt and pepper with garlic and herbs. Only for smoking fat we cut it in long strips, about 20 cm each. Having rolled fat in salt and spices, it is necessary to keep it in the refrigerator for three days. After this, take the fat, wipe it with a paper towel or napkins and hang it on the hooks of the smokehouse. After three hours of smoking, the fat will be ready for consumption in food.

Smoked bacon is perfectly stored in the cold, even in the refrigerator it can lie about a year.

Storage of the overheated fat

It is not difficult to prepare the overheated fat, following the recipe you will succeed. To do this, thoroughly rinse the fat in running water and cut it with plates. Put the pan on the stove and, as it warms up, put the sliced ​​lard into it. To reapply bacon it is necessary only on small fire. Fat, which will appear, remove with a spoon in prepared beforehand dishes - ceramic or glass.

Store the stored fat in the refrigerator. There it can stand about three years. You can use overturned fat not only in food, but also for cosmetic purposes.

Storage of
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