Cystitis with monthly

Cystitis is not only among those who are accustomed to dress easily in winter. Too many factors that can cause inflammation of the bladder, and they can not always be saved. Cystitis with menstruation often occurs precisely because critical days are one of such circumstances.

Contents of

  • 1 Where does inflammation come from?
  • 2 Why does cystitis worsen before menstruation
  • 3 Inflammation of the bladder during menstruation
  • 4 Cystitis and delay: is there a pattern?
  • 5 After menstruation
  • 6 Character of menstruation after getting rid of cystitis
  • 7 How to treat
    • 7.1 Treatment with herbs

Where does inflammation come from?

Cystitis can cause several causes:

  • Pathogenic bacteria that are in the body always, but are activated under the influence of different circumstances;
  • Pathogenic microorganisms obtained from the sexual partner;
  • Uncontrolled drug intake;
  • Trauma of the bladder mucosa in the removal of stones from the kidneys.
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The female reproductive system is closely adjacent and closely related to the urinary, inevitably influencing each other. Pathogenic bacteria, which are the main cause of cystitis, easily reach the reproductive organs. Therefore, interest in how cystitis affects the monthly, is natural.

Why cystitis worsens before menstruation

Many men know that menstruation is a process completely dependent on hormones. Manifestations of the disease are due precisely to the action of these substances. It adds to other circumstances, which before critical days, too, have a stronger impact:

  • Changes in the microflora of the vagina. The organ becomes more susceptible to pathogenic bacteria that can predominate at this stage of the cycle, easily "dividing" them with neighboring tissues;
  • Weakened immunity, general and local. The concentration of hormones reduces the protective forces of the body, since most of them are aimed at creating favorable conditions for the renewal of the mucous membrane of the uterus;
  • Effect of hygiene components. Due to changes in the microflora of the vagina, the mucous membrane may react negatively to habitual constituents;
  • Neglect of hygiene rules. This factor provokes inflammation of the genitals, which is transmitted and urinary. In time, not washed away discharge, delayed in the perineum, allow bacteria to penetrate the urethra.

The changes in the body caused by these factors explain why the monthly cystitis is more likely than, for example, in the middle of the cycle. A woman is more prone to any infection due to a sharp decrease in protective forces. Microorganisms from the intestine, vagina enter the urethra in a shorter route, also due to the pre-menses excreta, which in this period is more.

Cystitis before menstruation can be prevented by taking vitamins to boost immunity, the right way to wash from the pubic to the anus. And more it is necessary to remove from the shelf in the bathroom means that cause even the slightest manifestations of allergies: gels, soap, daily pads.

Inflammation of the bladder during menstruation

Cystitis during menstruation adds "thrills" and so difficult for most women to critical days. To abdominal pain caused by rejection of the upper layer of the endometrium and contractions of the uterine muscles, are added:

  • Painful and frequent urination;
  • Decline in forces;
  • Rezi in the abdomen near the bladder;
  • Pathological impurities in the urine;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Almost constant sensation of bladder overflow.

Cystitis during the monthly causes has associated with inflammation in the pelvic organs. If there is a chronic infection in the appendages, which then fades, then again appears, menstruation is the most suitable time for exacerbation. Bacteria not only multiply on the mucosa, but also come out with menstrual secretions, which are themselves a favorable environment for them. The ingress of pathogenic microorganisms through contact with the urethra in the bladder is inevitable.

Cystitis and delay: is there a pattern?

Inflammation of the bladder, whatever it is caused, never runs autonomously. Occurring in the body often causes a woman to doubt whether there are menstruation with cystitis. Serious changes affect the reproductive organs, which become especially vulnerable to infection during the period of menstruation. And if it is chronic in the urinary system, then a hidden inflammatory process in the pelvis is inevitable.

Can cystitis cause delay in menstruation? And how. The regularity of the cycle is determined by the condition and operation of the ovaries. And with inflammation of the bladder they are unlikely to be able to protect themselves from pathogenic bacteria. Menstruation can lag not only in the cycle when it was diagnosed, but also in the next after the treatment. This is caused not only by the probability of an ongoing infectious process in the reproductive organs, but also by the influence of antibiotics on them.

From the state of the endometrium, it also depends on whether there can be a delay in menstruation with cystitis. An acute or chronic inflammatory process can affect its development. Breaking the hormonal balance, he pushes for a while the upper layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus to a state in which the cells must be separated, removed and then replaced by new ones.

Cystitis and delay of menstruation require complex treatment, in which a woman needs to take a blood test for hormones and make ultrasound of the pelvic organs. The examination, most likely, will show a violation of the ovaries producing the necessary substances, resulting in menstruation can be delayed for 4-5 days, and for several weeks. It is also necessary to be convinced of the absence of pregnancy, with cystitis its probability can not be ruled out if the woman has a partner.

After menstruation

Sometimes a woman feels that she has cystitis after her menstrual period, although a seemingly renewed organism is no longer so vulnerable to infection. The pain in the lower abdomen intensifies, the depressed mood persists, and frequent urge to urinate. It is not uncommon to continue excretions, but not bloody, but muddy-white.

Cystitis after monthly causes may have slightly different than in other periods of the cycle:

  • Inflammation of the wall of the bladder. It occurs due to the ingress of menstrual flow through the urethra into the organ;
  • Allergy to hygiene products. The intolerance of some components of the gasket material causes chemical irritation of the bladder. The way from the hygiene means to it is very short;
  • Venereal infections. Each of them has a period in which the disease is not manifested. Menstruation becomes a kind of trigger, because with secretions, pathogenic bacteria move even faster to the bladder;
  • Thrush. Violation of the vaginal microflora, manifested by secretions, facilitates the penetration of foreign bacteria into the bladder.

The nature of menstruation after getting rid of cystitis

The fact that the disease often affects not only the urinary system, but also reproductive, has already been said. And if treatment is chosen incorrect, not finished, there may be unpleasant surprises from the latter. Hiding in the ovaries, infection prevents the synthesis of the necessary hormones. Therefore, the monthly after cystitis is not only often delayed, but also can change the usual nature:

  • Become more scarce and painful;
  • Become more plentiful, with clots;
  • Lasts longer than usual or ends in 2 days.

With adequate treatment, the character of menstruation does not change. A short delay caused by the use of antibiotics and a general weakening of the body by an infection is considered acceptable.

How to treat

If a woman showed cystitis during her period, what to do, it is necessary to decide together with the urologist and gynecologist. The independent choice of medicines can lead to a new coil of the disease, as the bacteria quickly and easily adapt to antibiotics. Some of the drugs may not have any effect on the particular pathogen.

What a woman can do besides taking prescribed medicines:

  • Do not overcool;
  • Often wash and change gaskets;
  • Do not eat spicy foods, do not drink alcohol, sodas and sour drinks;
  • Delay the use of tampons to recovery, as they contribute to the cystitis of the delayed bacteria in the immediate vicinity of the genito-urinary organs.

Many causes can cause cystitis during menstruation, treatment in this regard should be preceded by their elucidation. Since the most frequent are pathogenic bacteria, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Nolitsin;
  • Furagin;
  • Tsiprolet;
  • Lomoflox;
  • Avelox;
  • Amoxiclav.

A wide selection of antibiotics is possible because of the same variety of species of infection-causing microorganisms. Choose among the set the one that will help yourself is unrealistic. An incorrect drug will weaken the body even more, will enable cystia to move into a chronic stage. Therefore, the doctor should prescribe the antibiotic after receiving the results of the analysis.

Recently, a new preparation Monural has appeared at the disposal of specialists, which precisely affects the bacteria in the genitourinary system. Sometimes a single intake of 3 grams of water diluted with water is enough, in some cases after 24 hours you can swallow the same dose. Monural is a potent drug, so its independent use is quite dangerous. The antibiotic has quite a few contraindications.

No-shpa and Papaverin are suitable for relieving pain. As a supplement to antibiotics and antispasmodics, homoeopathic drugs Kanefron and Phytolysin are prescribed, which have anti-inflammatory effect, relieve painful contractions of the bladder.

Inflammation is treated and heated. But when cystitis occurs with menstruation, it is necessary to apply this method of therapy with caution. Heat increases excretion, and if you are too fond of this method of fighting infection, a woman can cause bleeding.

Treatment is necessary to complete, rather than stop taking medicine, barely feeling relieved. Cystitis is cunning, easily passes into a chronic form, without giving the woman big inconveniences. But with the first opportunity favorable for bacteria, the disease is able to return and remind oneself with renewed vigor.

Treatment with herbs

Despite the relatively fast effect, medicinal plants can be considered only as an additional therapy for cystitis.

Choosing them during menstruation, it is important to consider the possible impact on it. With the permission of the attending physician it is useful to take:

  • Broth of bearberry at the rate of 1 tbsp.herbs for 250 ml of water. The plant increases the acidity of urine, which bacteria do not like;
  • Infusion of parsley.1 tspfinely chopped plant insist in 200 ml of boiling water 2-3 hours and drink in small portions an hour before meals. The seasoning contains vitamin C, which increases immunity and reduces soreness with contractions of the bladder;
  • Dill water, which is prepared from 3 tablespoons.raw materials and 1 cup of boiling water in a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling, filter it, add liquid to 200 ml and drink 3 cups per day. This diuretic and antibacterial agent perfectly helps with cystitis occurring during menstruation;
  • Infusion based on the collection from the cowberry leaf( 2 parts), the plants of the initial letter( 2 parts), the leaves of the wintergreen( 2 parts), the penny root( 3 parts), the sporicha( 4 parts), the horsetail of the field( 1 part).The mixture in an amount of 1 tsp.insist in 200 ml of boiling water in a thermos for 3 hours. Drink 1/5 of the glass 4 times a day. It is an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic collection.

Contrary to the ideas about infection, cystitis with menstruation is by no means harmless. Frequent exacerbations of the disease - a signal about the pathological process in the reproductive sphere. If it is started, limited to symptomatic treatment, it can result in endometriosis, endometritis, purulent inflammation, neoplasms. And these are factors that threaten the termination of pregnancy in the future or infertility.

Before using any medications, consult a physician specialist. There are contraindications.

  • Mar 14, 2018
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