In order to notice the disease in time, it is necessary to periodically examine the body. This also applies directly to the eyes. There is no need to wait until vision falls to a minimum, and pain or burning in the eye area will seem unbearable.
Consult with the doctors, choose the eye clinic that suits you and take the diagnostic test. This does not require you to make big money outlays and will take no more than one day.
Methods of eye examination used by modern eye clinics in Izhevsk
- 1. Eye examination methods used by modern eye clinics in Izhevsk
- 2. Eye clinics in Izhevsk
- 3. Cataract treatment with phacoemulsification
In the eye clinics of Izhevsk,as a rule, the following methods for examination and diagnosis of the eye:
- Visometry - using this method, the doctor determines visual acuity in the distance. This procedure consists in the fact that when viewing a table with letters and other symbols, the patient should be referred to as those indicated by the ophthalmologist;
- Tonometry - this method measures intraocular pressure. The study in this case is aimed at identifying possible glaucoma, and its conduct is mandatory in patients over the age of forty( after 40 there is an increased risk of the formation and development of glaucoma);
- Refractometry - this method determines the optical power of the eye( refraction) and can detect refractive errors( astigmatism, nearsightedness or farsightedness).Refractometry is carried out using an automatic refractometer;
- Study of color vision - this method determines the violation of color vision( color weakness, deuteranopia and protanopia).These studies are carried out using the tables of Rabkin;
- Perimetry - this method determines peripheral vision and diagnoses glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, etc. The study is carried out using a special apparatus in the form of a hemisphere, on the inner surface of which various color signals are projected;
- Biomicroscopy - this method investigates the anterior segment of the eye. The study is carried out using a special microscope( so-called slit lamp);
- Ophthalmoscopy - this method investigates the fundus( retina, vascular system).The study is carried out without contact with an ophthalmoscope or lens;
- Ophthalmometry - this method determines the refractive power of the cornea, which makes it possible to determine the degree of corneal astigmatism using an ophthalmometer;
- Probing of the lacrimal canal - it is performed for therapeutic purposes, usually in infants or people of age, using a special extension probe;
- Flushing of the lacrimal canal - if there is a suspicion of impassability of the lacrimal canal, it can be diagnosed with this method.
Read more - eye clinics in Ufa. Description of some of the best clinics in the country.
In the news( link) reviews about ophthalmological clinics in Moscow.
Konovalov Ophthalmology Center in Sochi!http: // oftalmologicheskie-tsentry-konovalova.html
The application of the above eye examination methods makes it possible to diagnose the most common eye diseases: cataracts, conjunctivitis, glaucoma, myopia, and the like.
Eye clinics in Izhevsk
In the eye clinics of our country with eye diseases are struggling with modern equipment and qualified doctors. And the number of such clinics is growing.
Modern ophthalmology in Izhevsk is represented by the following clinics:
1. Ophthalmological clinic "Krugozor" - is a member of Lux Lux Optics, which has been operating in this market for more than 20 years. Here, a complete diagnosis of the eye, treatment of refractive errors( astigmatism, nearsightedness or farsightedness), incl.and scleroplasty, surgical cataract treatment and glaucoma.
The clinic is located in Izhevsk, st. Udmurtskaya, 304 n. Telephone for recording and consultation 8( 3412) 72-88-20.
2. The Republican Center for the Treatment of Nearsightedness is one of the leading medical institutions in the field of treatment of functional treatment of eye refraction abnormalities( astigmatism, nearsightedness, farsightedness), strabismus, ambiopia and computer visual syndrome.
The center is located in Izhevsk, st.30 years of Victory, 9. Telephone for recording and consultations 8( 3412) 59-96-54.
3. Ophthalmology Center "IZHVIZHN No. 1" - in this center, patients are offered laser correction of vision, knifeless and seamless surgery( phacoemulsification) of cataracts and selective laser trabeculoplasty, as well as laser retinal coagulation and visual diagnostics.
The center is located in Izhevsk, ul. Petrova, 14 a. Telephone for recording and consultation 8( 3412) 40-32-03.
4. Center for vision correction "EKSI" - offers photorefractive keratectomy( method of correction of vision by changing the curvature of the cornea with a cold laser beam), surgical treatment of cataracts( phacoemulsification) and glaucoma, scleroplasty, eye retina coagulation, eye disease diagnostics and childcare servicesophthalmologist.
The center is located in Izhevsk, ul. Lenin, 101. Telephone for recording and consultation 8( 3412) 68-27-50.
Cataract treatment with phacoemulsification
Cataract can develop in everyone, which may be related to age, trauma or an innate feature.
The main symptom of cataracts is deterioration of vision, as this disease is accompanied by loss of transparency by the lens of the eye.
Today, the most painless method of cataract removal and vision restoration is the method of phacoemulsification used by ophthalmological clinics, including clinics in Izhevsk, accompanied by implantation of an artificial lens.
This method does not require "maturing" of cataracts, which can take several years( cataract maturation is accompanied by a gradual deterioration of vision and temporary disability due to loss of vision).
The operation is performed through a microcut( after the end of the operation it self-sealing, which does not require additional suturing).The lens is brought to the state of emulsion with the help of ultrasound and output in this form from the eye( this is phacoemulsification), after which a flexible lens is implanted into the eye( the lens will perform the function of the lens - it serves the whole life and does not require replacement).
Rehabilitation after surgery is not required, and the patient can perfectly see after an hour after the end of the operation. Full visual acuity will be restored within 2-7 days.
The application of the phacoemulsification method is very effective and as safe as possible for the patient. WHO recognized this operation as the only fully rehabilitating operation among all surgical interventions.
Removing the cataract with phacoemulsification patient:
- gets excellent vision without waiting for the cataract ripening;
- gets rid of the need to undergo a rehabilitation period;
- gets a guaranteed result;
- gets rid of the inconveniences associated with vision impairment.
The only drawback of this operation is the loss of the eyes of the accomodating function( a person can no longer focus the vision), which requires further use of glasses( for example, for reading).