ATSTS is a drug that has a mucolytic effect. The role of the main component is acetylcysteine. Today this medicine has gained immense popularity. The reason for this demand is related to the positive effect that ATS has on the patient's body during the cough treatment. Everyone knows that the medicine is coping well with a wet cough, but can it be used when dry? In this we have to understand.
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Contents of
- 1 Can
- 1 be used How to take
- 2.1 How to take an adult
- 2.2 How to use
- 2.3 How to take pregnant
- 1 be used How to take
Can I use
The composition of the drug I have been studied has been studied by many scientists for a long time. In the course of the study, it was possible to determine that ACC has a mucolytic, antioxidant and expectorant effect.
More recently, another property of this drug has been discovered, which consists in removing toxin from the body. But most often ATSs are involved in the treatment of colds, which are characterized by the formation of a cough. During such therapy, it is possible to thin the sputum, reduce its viscosity and quickly remove it from the bronchi. In addition, with the use of ATSs it is possible to remove inflammation.
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Positive effect of this drug comes after an hour. For sale ATSTS in different dosage form. Most often, doctors prescribe to their patients ATSTS in the form of powder for syrup or in the form of tablets. These two tools are the most convenient to use. But prescribe a specific form of the drug should only the doctor, as each of them has its effect.
For example, with the help of a syrup it is possible to eliminate unpleasant manifestations of chronic ailments of the lungs, but the solution is very useful for laryngotracheitis.
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As a rule, ACC is prescribed for the following diseases:
- pneumonia;
- various types of bronchitis;
- cystic fibrosis;
- bronchial asthma;
- sinusitis;
- otitis media.
Most often, ATSs are recommended for use in the treatment of wet cough. Nobody forbids it to be used even when dry, but only on condition that medicines for increased sputum liquefaction have already been used. They have already exerted their influence and transferred the cough to a productive form. Only under such condition it is expedient to use ATSTS.Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve effective elimination of dry cough.
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If the patient has a dry cough, then he can be assigned to ATSTS Long. Its administration is conducted in conjunction with additional medications that will improve the effect obtained from the ACS.
But not in all cases you can use a remedy for the treatment of dry cough. As contraindications, the following appears:
- hypersensitivity to the drug and its components;
- septic ulcer;
- sputum discharge with blood;
- pulmonary hemorrhage.
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Even if you do not have any contraindications to admission, do not show self-activity, be sure to consult with a doctor about this.
How to take
Before considering the instruction for the reception, it is necessary to understand how to prepare the ATSC solution. To do this, take the drug in the form of granules. Depending on the dose set by the doctor, pour a sachet or ½ of it into a glass of water. Thoroughly stir and drink after eating. If you did not get the medicine right away, you can do it within 3 hours. It is no longer possible to hold a remedy, otherwise all its components will no longer have the necessary effect.
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The video tells about the use of ATS with a dry cough:
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In addition to water, the powder for the solution can be dissolved in warm juice, tea or compote the granules for the syrup should be dissolved in a vial of warm water to the designated label. When the patient has taken the necessary dose of the drug, it is worth to drink an additional liquid in large quantities. Then you will be able to get the maximum therapeutic effect.
How to take an adult
For adults, use the medicine in an amount of 200 mg 2-3 times a day. This is if you use ATSTS in the form of granules to obtain a solution. The same dosage remains for patients older than 14 years.
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How to use
Children Before determining the permitted dose of the drug, it is necessary to understand the age at which ATSs are allowed to be used. Doctors have found that the drug can be used to treat dry cough even to newborn babies. The reason in the natural composition of the drug, which does not have a negative effect on the body of a small patient. The dosage of ACC depends on the form you apply it and for what age:
- ACTS 100 - is authorized for children from birth. For babies up to 2 years old it should be taken 3 times a day in the amount of 50 mg. When the baby is more than 5 years old, the amount of the drug is increased to 100 mg, and the intake per day is 4. starting from the age of six, the daily dose will be 600 mg, it will be distributed 3 times.
- ASC Long should be given to patients age 14 or younger. The daily dose of the drug is 600 mg, and you need to drink it at a time. The tablet dissolves in water and is used only after meals. If you forgot to drink immediately remedy, you can do it within 3 hours, but not later. Then you will have to prepare a new medicine.
- ACS 200 should be used only in the form of a solution. He can prescribe to children, whose age is more than 6 years. The daily dosage is ½ packet 2 times a day. Dissolve its contents in warm water. If adolescents are taking drugs, then they need to take a sachet 3 times a day.
This treatment can be supplemented with drops prepared at home. Traditional medicine will strengthen the positive impact of ATSTS.Therapeutic course lasts no less than 5 days. If the case is started, then the treatment can be delayed for 6 months. This period includes the time of therapy and prevention of infection.
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How to take pregnant women
For women in the position it is very common to be ill with colds. But the treatment in this case should be safe, so as not to harm the baby's health. ATSTS at a dry cough is authorized to use not only to babies, but also to pregnant women. Although until today, the finest influence of the components of the drug on the fetus has not been established exactly.
To eliminate dry cough for a woman at the time of bearing a child, it is necessary to use ACTS 100. It is taken 50 mg 3 times a day. If there are suspicious phenomena, you should immediately inform your doctor about it.
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For the treatment of cough it is very important to know its cause and nature. After all, the pharmacy has drugs designed specifically for dry or wet cough. Always there is a question of azts with a dry cough or not. ATSTS can be used for both dry and wet. The only thing, in dry need additional therapy, otherwise get a positive effect will not be easy.