How to fall in love with a girl by correspondence?

It would seem that today no one writes letters to anyone( sms with text like "PPS", "ok", "Pnh" and others do not count), but men continue to wonder how to fall in love with a girl by correspondence .

And if someone is looking for such information, I can not help but help.

Since I never tried to fall in love with a girl by correspondence( 🙂), I turned to my friend Sasha for help.

Sasha - coach, helps representatives of the stronger sex to establish a personal life.

He was the main consultant in the preparation of this text.

Why try to fall in love with a girl by correspondence?

The art of tying the relationship by correspondence was owned by more than one generation of men.

That's how it used to be with husbands and wives, bridegrooms with brides, secret lovers that were separated.

Our ancestors knew how to fall in love with a girl by correspondence.

Great people's letters are even published in separate books, how beautiful they are.

Reading the messages of Mozart, Balzac, Pushkin or another gifted person, you understand that you can fall in love with a man who wrote such beautiful words without even seeing him.

instagram viewer

Modern men do not believe that you need to improve your ownership of the epistolary genre, they say, it's not that life now to write long letters, trying to fall in love with a girl in this way.

And for their carelessness these short-sighted gentlemen have to pay, because now in the age of social networks, dating sites and e-mail can not be ignored such a tool of courtship as correspondence.

How to get to know the Internet?

Imagine, you made friends in social networks with a beautiful girl and decided to win it at any price.

Pretty woman refuses to meet with you personally, but agrees to correspond.

But, if you write to her boring illiterate short letters, then she will just be confirmed in her opinion: "I was right when I decided not to waste time on this idiot."

But if you can charm her with your own text messages, then it is quite possible that after a while you will represent the beauty to your friends as your girlfriend.

For how long can you fall in love with a girl by correspondence?

To fall in love with a girl by correspondence is not so easy and for this, of course, it takes time.

If you think that it's enough to write 1-2 letters and the young lady will rush into your arms and she will offer you her hand and heart, you are either an immature youngster, or read ladies' novels and presented yourself as a beautiful lady.

You are a man, so you will have to conquer a girl and it will take time and effort.

Even for the onset of easy love it takes several months.

No, there is, of course, love at first sight, but by correspondence to fall in love with a girl with a single message is almost impossible.

At best, it will be enough to write a dozen letters to her, but be prepared for the fact that it may take several months to fill up the subject of your adoration with correspondence.

Ready for this?

Then let's go further!

8 rules how to fall in love with a girl by correspondence

In this case, as in any other, there are their own rules, knowledge of which will help you quickly fall in love with a girl by correspondence.

Here are the 10 most useful that you should adhere to if you are committed to success:

  1. Write competently.

    Orthographic, grammatical, syntactic and other errors in the letter will spoil the impression of you.

    But, if you achieve the liking of the same illiterate creation as yourself, then the errors are not a problem.

  2. Do not turn your correspondence into something ordinary.

    You do not need to write that you took your hamster to a vet, bought socks or repaired a vacuum cleaner.

    Bytovuhi any girl and in life enough.

    She wants romance from you.

  3. Talk about your strengths.

    Based on your letters, the girl should form a representation: such a smart, caring, reliable, romantic, fun, kind, in general - the ideal guy she has not met.

  4. You're joking.

    Young ladies love funny guys.

    Your jokes should be witty, not flat and vulgar.

  5. Ask the girl about her life, be attentive to her problems - most women adore to talk about themselves.
  6. Do not repeat in your letters, otherwise it will decide that you do not have any imagination.
  7. In the correspondence behave naturally.

    Do not try to seem who you are not: a sultry macho, a tired philosopher, a misunderstanding freak, etc.

    How do you like the girl?

  8. Be decisive.

    Do not be afraid to take the initiative.

How to fall in love with a girl by correspondence: effective tools

Compose from the letters of the word, and from the words - the sentence is under the power of every man.

But to do this so masterly to be able to fall in love with a girl by correspondence, not everyone can.

If you feel that the conquest of the ladies of the heart with the help of the epistol is hardly progressing, start using effective tools:

  1. Poems.

    Ideally, if you yourself own a poetic syllable, but if not - it does not matter, because the great poets have composed enough poems for loving gentlemen.

    It is not necessary to rewrite whole poems in your letters, it's better to insert quatrains into the text that fit in the sense, or to end your messages with short samples of love lyrics.

    How to invite a girl on a date?

  2. Illustrations.

    Again - well draw yourself - forward, women love artists.

    Can not you force you to take a pencil or a brush in the hands of a gun?

    Then look for beautiful landscapes, works of art, works of photo artists, funny animals on the Internet.

    Especially young ladies love romantic nonsense: a couple under an umbrella, a beautiful kiss, traces of feet on the sand, etc.

    But from the pictures depicting the poses from the Kamasutra, with the postscript "I want with you the same way" while abstain.

  3. Compliments.

    This is generally a powerful weapon to fall in love with a girl, and not only - by correspondence.

    The main thing is that the compliments were not trivial and not vulgar.

What else to write to a girl to please her,

is told in the video:

What can not be done if you want to fall in love with a girl by correspondence?

Men, seeking to fall in love with a girl by correspondence, begin to do stupid things that negate all their efforts.

If you want the correspondence with the girl of your dreams to be marked, let not by a wedding, but by a strong and lasting relationship, then do not write in your letters:

  1. Lie.

    Do not ascribe yourself to other people's exploits, do not tell me that you are rich, like Rockefeller, if this is really not the case.

    If your goal is to have some fun, then lie as much as your darling likes, but if you want more, it's better to admit honestly: who you are and what you do.

  2. Declare your love in the first letter.

    The girl will decide that you are crazy, or a joker, or a banal liar and will not answer you.

  3. To agree in everything and give promises that you can not fulfill.

    Remember that you are a man, let him be in love, let him act as one who tries to win love, but - a man.

    Do not turn into a sexual cloth about which a girl can wipe her feet.

  4. Write platitudes of , at least until your relationship goes to the second stage.

    If you ask a girl in the third letter what she is wearing and start describing what you would like to do with her, you will get a turn from the gate.

  5. Terrorize the object of your adoration.

    "Why did not you answer me so far, I sent you an email an hour ago? !", "Where were you so late yesterday? !

    I waited until you appeared online, but did not wait! "- such interrogations can be arranged by a husband, but not a pen-partner.

Having mastered these simple recipes, you will definitely know, how to fall in love with a girl by correspondence .

In this age of the Internet - this is a very valuable skill.

  • Mar 14, 2018
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