How to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home more effectively

  • 1 Wrinkles under the eyes - how to get rid at home
    • 1.1 How to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home more efficient
    • 1.2 Heparin ointment for wrinkles under the eyes( reviews)
    • 1.3 How to smooth and reduce bags under the eyes
  • 2 Folk remedies,helping to remove deep mimic wrinkles
    • 2.1 Mask from jojoba oil for mature skin
    • 2.2 How to deal with the problem of castor oil
    • 2.3 Recipes time-tested

Age changedThey do not add beauty, so every woman tries to hide flaws with the help of make-up, use concealer or injections in beauty salons. But is it possible to consider this as a panacea, after all, so it is possible only to disguise the problem? Why wrinkles appear sharply, especially in such notable places as the corners of the lips and the contour of the eyes? How to deal with this? And can tighten the skin?

Wrinkles under the eyes - how to get rid at home

The most popular variant of modern beauties is plastic and professional products used in beauty salons( botox injections, gel pads etc.) often for the prevention. But both methods have a significant disadvantage - high cost and risks. Therefore, many women are asking themselves: are there any cheaper and safer alternatives? We answer - there are a lot of ways for such procedures, you just have to choose one that is convenient for you.

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For example, an excellent tool from the pharmacy of tiagamma. Sold in pharmacy chains, the cost is low. Accelerates the process of cell renewal, has a lifting effect, the agent is effective in getting rid of acne, sunburn, wrinkles, skin peeling, etc. Use it is recommended only for owners of oily or combination skin, since it has the property of drying the top layer.

How to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home is more effective

Experienced cosmetologists give a lot of useful advice on the topic of filling the balance of collagen fibers, for example:

• Board number 1 - balanced nutrition;
• №2 - exercises for the face( facial expressions) and general gymnastics;
• №3 - abundance of fresh air( walks, airing of buildings, etc.);
• №4 - on sunny days, the mandatory wearing of sunglasses, at the same time learn not to squint;
• №5 - nourishing masks, creams, lotions, massage - the skin is very responsive to care.

From modern means you can use creams and masks of such manufacturers as IvRoshe, Avon, Vichy, Chanel. They have excellent correctors for age-related manifestations for men and women. Excellent products such as Black Pearl, Eluazh pr.

are excellent. Many beauties use inexpensive pharmaceuticals as creams, cosmeticians approve the majority of such variants, for example: retinoic or zinc ointment, glycerin, etc. The main condition - correctly applied to problem areas.

Heparin ointment against wrinkles under the eyes( отзывы)

The opinion of specialists on this subject is very diverse, but in one they agreed - heparin ointment is effective, but not a safe remedy, if constant use is meant. It really cleans swelling under the eyes and helps to smooth wrinkles.

But such manifestations as blockage of the skin pores are possible, in the future it inevitably leads to the appearance of black dots, then on the list - the drying of the skin around the eyes and so on.

Conclusion - you can use the tool in the fight for youth, but without fanaticism( do not recommend more than 1 procedure per day, the course in 10 days).After use, make sure to use moisturizing creams. At a preliminary stage, it is advisable to get medical advice.

How to smooth and reduce bags under the eyes

If you very urgently need to put yourself in order you can use a tool that even Hollywood stars - ointment from hemorrhoids "Relief" do not disdain. This miracle remedy helps to quickly remove swelling, get rid of fine wrinkles, make deeper ones less noticeable. But do not recommend using it on a daily basis - always combine and periodically change the means. Also help to get rid of the problems: Aevit, Dioptikrem, Radevit, Istial, Darsonval, Lierak, Nerolli, Solcoseryl, Kuriosin, Bioderma, Panthenol, etc. The usual ice cubes or special plaster are also excellent.

Folk remedies helping to remove deep mimic wrinkles

In Ukraine there is a television program: "Everything will be good."One of the leading in the section "from Olga Seymour" opens the secrets of beauty and answers the questions of viewers for example: "Advise how to prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Can I use a vitamin, which is better? Can the proposed remedies prevent aging of the skin? "Etc.

All offered components are affordable and at the disposal of many housewives, so the rating of the program is simply staggering. We will share with some of them. For those who want to see everything with their own eyes - on the Internet you can see the video and photos on the official website of the program.

Mask from jojoba oil for mature skin

This unique component is equated with cosmetologists to liquid gold, because it is considered a natural lipid ingredient. It can be used even for such gentle areas as the eyelids.

It can be used alone or in combination with other components, for example, with avocado, sandalwood oil, camphor oil, milk, myrtle oil, geranium, bergamot oil, etc. All components are mixed in equal parts( 2 drops each) and make a mask compress.

Another option - lip balm with this component( 40 ml).To it it is necessary to add: calendula oil and vanilla oil( 10 ml), beeswax( 10 g), 5 g of cocoa butter( dissolve on a steam bath).

Castor oil helps remove freckles and other pigmentation, removes dark circles under the eyes, has a rejuvenating and strengthening effect, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, enhances the growth of eyelashes, etc. In other words, it is an effective way to get rid of manyproblems. But its main advantage is the lack of allergy.

Apply it by adding a single drop in the usual cream( day, night, etc.), or combining the composition, for example, olive, almond, grape, peach or sea-buckthorn oil or fruit oil( rose, rose, avocado etc.).

Recipes, time-tested

We offer an excellent mask for wrinkles and skin rejuvenation:

• aloe juice;
• fruit( any, use the pulp);
• oil( any, can be coconut, flax, wheat germ, essential or even butter or cod liver oil);
• sour cream( serum may be used);
• honey;
• yeast;
• an egg;
• potatoes( potatoes are used in the form of gruel, you can use starch).

Take all the ingredients in equal proportions, mix thoroughly and apply to the face, neck and décolleté zone. Each ingredient can be used alone, it will help to refresh and nourish the skin with the necessary trace elements.

You can also use a gelatin mask( gelatin pre-infused with clean water).It has a beneficial effect on rejuvenation and skin correction.

  • Mar 14, 2018
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