Sage from hot flushes with menopause

The changeability of well-being in menopause forced women to look for ways to stabilize it with the help of medicinal herbs. Many of the plants proved to be so effective that they are successful even now, when there are many other possibilities.

The use of sage for menopause and hot flashes, how to take it, to their patients is told by gynecologists. Recipes are passed on from the previous generations, so it's quite easy to choose a suitable one.

Why sage

This plant is widely spread, it can be found in the pharmacy and collected independently. The main thing is that the latter does not occur near highways and industrial facilities.

Studies on the effectiveness of sage in the relief of signs of menopause, especially vasomotor, were conducted in Europe. It was found that funds on its basis, including those prepared on their own, helped 70 women out of 100. Others say they felt a slight improvement in their condition.

Useful properties of sage in hot flashes are as follows:

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  • The plant inhibits the decline in sex hormones, which is the main cause of heat attacks and sweating;
  • Relieves nervous tension, extinguishes anxiety, irritability, improves mood;
  • Regulates the activity of sweat glands, making them less active;
  • Eliminates headache, vestibular disorders;
  • Reduces spasmodic sensations throughout the body;
  • Helps to remove inflammation in the genitourinary area, interfering with night rest and good mood in the afternoon;
  • Copes with insomnia and heart palpitations.

In short, sage in menopause and hot flushes affects most of the negative manifestations. This is possible due to the presence in it of estrogen-like substances, essential oils, vitamins, flavonoids, phytosterols.

Recipes with sage for climacteric syndrome

When it comes to herbalism of menopause, an important point is how to make a compound for the relief of its symptoms. There are a lot of recipes with sage, the effect obtained depends on the way of preparation. Before experiencing any of them, it is necessary to inform the treating doctor.

The plant has contraindications, like any other remedy, it can cause intolerance.

No less important aspect, when decided to use sage in menopause, how to take. Each recipe has its own rules. But the plant is prepared for use inside, and for adding to the bath. The following recipes have proved to be well:

  • Tea. This is the easiest, but effective way of using the herb for the treatment of hot flashes and sweating.1 tspDry sage brewed 100 ml of boiling water, aged for 3 minutes. This amount is 1 time, and in just one day you can drink up to 4 such cups. It's good to add to such tea when it cools down, a little honey and lemon. This composition, among other things, will reduce pressure;
  • Infusion. It is made from 1 tbsp.herbs and 240 ml of boiling water, keeping in a closed container for 30 minutes. This is a more concentrated agent. If it is decided in this way, the prepared sage to use in menopause and tides, how to take depends on the severity of the manifestations. In uncomplicated flow, 1 tbsp will suffice.per day. If the menopause is severe enough, you can drink the same amount up to 8 times a day;
  • Juice. It will need fresh plant leaves, and not dry, as in previous recipes. Salvia is ground, gauze squeezes out the juice. On a daily basis you will need 2 tablespoons. This tool is known as a regulator of the functions of the sweat glands. It also stimulates blood circulation, cleanses blood vessels;
  • Collection. Sage from hot flushes with climax goes well with other medicinal herbs. To collect against vasomotor manifestations and abundant sweating, 1 part of valerian and horsetail is added to 3 parts of a dry plant. Taking 1 tbsp.assorted, it is placed in enameled dishes with a lid and stand for half an hour. The resulting broth is drunk in 100 ml twice a day;
  • Finished forms. In a pharmacy without a prescription, you can buy sage for alcohol. The drug is allowed to take those who have a relatively stable blood pressure, and there is no diagnosis of "arterial hypertension".Tincture is drunk on 15-20 drops not more often 3 times a week. There is also essential oil of sage. To eliminate irritability, restore night sleep, you can do inhalation with it. And when applying a few drops on the whiskey, it will relieve the headache;
  • Bath decoction. Here the concentration of substances can be stronger, so usually take 8-9 tbsp.chopped small plants and 1.5 liters of boiling water. Infusion prepare an hour in a sealed container. The filtered liquid is poured into the bath, there you can add a dozen drops of essential oil of sage. After 15 minutes in such water, heated to 37-40 degrees, you can relax, get rid of anxiety, irritability. If you take a bath with a sage before going to bed, it will be stronger and quieter.

We recommend reading an article on the treatment of hot flashes in menopause with folk remedies. You will learn about the advantages of folk methods, recipes and features of using traditional medicine.

When you need to be careful with sage

Despite the obvious benefits of how to use sage for hot flashes with menopause, you must strictly follow the dosage. Otherwise, adverse reactions will occur, among which:

  • Increased heart rate;
  • A sharp drop in blood glucose;
  • Intoxication due to the ability of plant essential oils to linger in the kidneys and liver;
  • Dry mouth and thirst.

Therefore, noticing the improvements from therapy, it is still necessary after a month of using the plant to make a 2-week pause. This does not apply to baths with sage tea. Harm they will not bring, but with excessive frequent use without interruptions, the effect of them may decrease due to habituation.

Knowing what salvia will help with menopause and hot flashes, how to take it, will make this difficult period more palatable. The plant is allowed to be used together with pharmaceutical preparations from menopause. But the side effects of sage are much less common and less pronounced.

  • Mar 14, 2018
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