Monthly after miscarriage

A serious problem arises if a long-awaited pregnancy is suddenly interrupted by miscarriage, and the mother's psychological trauma is intertwined with additional health problems. Unfortunately, such situations are not so rare. Psycho-emotional state of parents, after the loss of a child for a long time may be violated. Especially hard on this occasion women are going through.

The natural desire in this situation is to quickly conceive a child again, and this is directly related to the restoration of normal and full-fledged functioning of the ovaries and the appearance of regular menstruation. How should the first months after the miscarriage? On what features of menstruation should pay attention?

When to wait for the onset of menstruation after a miscarriage?

Basically, it is the character of menstruation that indicates the state of the body after a miscarriage. It is considered normal if critical days continue within 3 - 7 days. Most often they pass painfully and are of different intensity. In the first few cycles, some deviations are possible. The most ideal option will be the onset of menstruation at regular intervals. But this is not so often, because miscarriage is a serious dramatic change in the hormonal balance in the female body. Without its adjustment, do not expect that the monthly will pass, as before.

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In case of a favorable development of the situation after a miscarriage, it is necessary to avoid intimate relationships during the first month.

If to start from the moment of miscarriage, as from the time of the onset of maturation of a new egg, the first day of bleeding is considered the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. Critical days should come in 26 - 35 days. This period depends on which month cycle was before pregnancy.

How quickly the normal activity of the ovaries will recover depends on a number of factors:

  • at what time the miscarriage occurred;
  • whether additional operational manipulations were made;
  • what is the duration of the required treatment;
  • what are the causes of miscarriage;
  • what is the general health of a woman.

Progesterone hormones and estrogen in pregnancy

With early miscarriage in the female body, significant hormonal changes have not yet begun, so recovery can take place more quickly, and menstruation can begin on time. As a rule, at first terms, such a loss for the mother is practically not perceptible at the physiological level. This is only if the body is healthy and obvious violations have not previously been seen. Quite differently, things are going on for more than 16 weeks.

Fetal loss in late terms is equated with the processes occurring during labor. The resumption and complete normalization of the monthly will occur in 1 to 2 cycles. The longer the period, the stronger the female body has time to restructure, the hormonal background is changing, and physiological changes are also taking place.

If during the miscarriage self-cleaning of the uterus happened and ultrasound - the diagnosis showed that its condition is satisfactory, there are no foreign particles in the cavity, then in a month full critical days come.

The nature of the discharge during the months after the miscarriage of

It is important to pay attention to what are the monthly ones with miscarriage. In the case of additional cleaning, they can be more abundant and with clots. If the menstruation has started before the time and in addition to this an unpleasant smell appears, and the discharge becomes brown, it is necessary to visit the doctor in the near future and do a second examination. Perhaps the fetus remains in the uterus, which can lead to inflammation and even sepsis. Severe bleeding can lead to the development of anemia. It is necessary, as soon as possible, to seek professional help and not wait for serious, but under an hour and irreversible processes.

Since the endometrium is damaged after miscarriage, infection and inflammation can also occur from unprotected sexual intercourse during menstruation.

Dangerous and sparse monthly after miscarriage, especially if they last more than 1 to 2 cycles.

The main reasons for this situation can be:

  • severe psychological stress;
  • formation of intrauterine adhesions.

Such adhesions can become a serious obstacle to the emergence of a new pregnancy, so it is necessary to respond to these symptoms. From this, the further possibility of motherhood may depend. It is not uncommon for a woman to become pregnant after an unsuccessful miscarriage.

In most cases, appropriate treatment should be prescribed. Prescribe anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal drugs. If the months are very abundant, iron-containing, hemostatic drugs that cause uterine contractions are added to the treatment course.

When does the normalization of the menstrual cycle occur after the termination of pregnancy?

For the prompt full-value restoration of a female organism it is important precisely to establish the reason of abortion of pregnancy. Most often, it is unclear from what the frozen pregnancy occurs. Usually it is asymptomatic, fetal fading occurs, mainly in the first trimester. And most often this is due to the condition of the female body, but there are also external factors. Stress and injury can also cause a miscarriage.

Under such circumstances, a woman must perform a curettage, which is fraught with the appearance of micro-traumas. With an operation, blood allocation can last a long time. Sometimes, menstruation after a stiff pregnancy does not begin for a long time, which may indicate a deep damage to the endometrium during cleaning. Fetal particles are sent to the study, the results of which will form the basis for the appointment of treatment.

The most common causes are:

  • inflammatory processes of female genital organs;
  • abnormal ovarian function;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • environmental or psychological adverse environment.

In most cases, menstruation after a stiff pregnancy is irregular and normalizes only after 2 to 3 cycles.
Usually, it is the restoration of the body's hormonal balance that leads to the normalization of the menstrual cycle. After examination, the doctor prescribes hormonal means and advises to lead a healthy lifestyle, not to expose themselves to stressful situations and to establish proper nutrition.

It's important to know! You can get pregnant again in the first month after the miscarriage, which will be extremely undesirable for the body and can lead to a repetition of the situation. It is necessary to protect at least the first three months.

Any abnormalities in the course of the monthly after the miscarriage, which do not disappear within 2 to 3 cycles, this is a compelling reason to go to the doctor. You definitely need to respond to with a rise in body temperature, the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. Do not neglect treatment.

If you contact a specialist in a timely manner and undergo the necessary restoration and preventive procedures, the monthly cycle can fully recover within a month, and the family will be ready to start planning a new pregnancy.

  • Mar 14, 2018
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