Monthly for acclimatization

Any changes, including those relating to the environment, can affect the menstrual cycle. The human organism sometimes reacts sharply to surrounding conditions, than to its own internal difficulties. Therefore, monthly acclimatization can present surprises.


  • 1 What is acclimatization and what is its effect on the body
  • 2 Probable character of the cycle disorders
  • 3 Absence of menstruation
  • 4 Nature of menstruation with climate change
  • 5 What after acclimatization of
  • 6 How to reduce the influence of acclimatization

What is acclimatization and what is its effect on the body

Acclimatization -this is the habituation and adjustment of the organism to the changed parameters of the surrounding world. The sharper the transition from one temperature regime, humidity, time zone to other values ​​of the same parameters, the higher the probability of failure in the functioning of various systems. Therefore, monthly acclimatization is also able to significantly change. The reproductive system of all the components of the body is the most sensitive.

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Changes in environmental conditions can also contribute to exacerbation of diseases. And this is another reason for violating the cycle in any form, the main source of which will also be acclimatization.

Probable nature of the violations of the cycle

The first thing that a woman will pay attention to when changing the living conditions, can there be a delay in the months due to acclimatization. The cycle is known to be controlled by hormones. The deviation of their values ​​in any direction shifts the timing of arrival of critical days. Acclimatization begins with a move or flight, which in themselves is a stress that can make the functioning of the hormone producing organs slow. After all, the factors of influence that were previously absent are:

  • Increase-lowering of air temperature;
  • Other humidity values;
  • Another time zone;
  • Changes in atmospheric pressure.

When you fly to them, you add more radiation, which under normal conditions is much lower.

Changes in the hormonal background for these reasons can be significant, so that the delay in menstrual acclimatization is absolutely natural. To it may be added and the excitement associated with the road. This is an additional element of stress, which can further disrupt the production of sex hormones. Most likely, the deficit will be associated with FSH, LH and estrogens. The first culprit of all this is acclimatization, the delay of monthly can be up to 7 days.

Absence of menstruation

If a woman needs acclimatization, there is no monthly enough long time, but there is a bad state of health and other negative signs, it is probably not only the change of living conditions that is guilty. Exacerbation of chronic diseases in this case is more likely than in complete rest. If a woman has changed the temperature and other living conditions, her immunity will noticeably decrease.

And it does not matter, she moved out of the cold in the heat or vice versa. And all this is another blow to the hormonal background. Acclimatization the absence of monthly in this case is able to prolong for a long time. So you need to recover with the help of doctors.

Nature of menstruation with climate change

The disturbance of the hormonal balance in the event of a change in climatic conditions can have a different character and concern not only the timing of the menstrual cycle, but also other features of the menstrual cycle. Since this is most often a slowdown in the work of organ-producing substances, and therefore their lack, a poor monthly acclimatization makes it more likely. With a deficiency of hormones, the endometrium develops not only at a slowed pace, but its growth potential is also reduced. Consequently, the excretions during its rejection will be much less.

That after acclimatization

Getting used to the new conditions quickly enough - for 2 weeks. And if there are no additional complications, the monthly ones after acclimatization will soon return to the same features. Irreversible processes in the body during its course can not happen.

It's a different matter if diseases are superimposed on the stress associated with changing external conditions. Then it may take more time or medical help to recover.

How to reduce the influence of acclimatization

Since acclimatization affects the monthly not in the best way, it makes sense to look for opportunities to reduce the dependence of the reproductive system on it. There are some rules suggested by specialists:

  • The intake of vitamins, which begins a couple of weeks before the trip. Complex of substances will help to maintain immunity at the proper level, and therefore, to minimize the likelihood of hormonal failure. Especially important vitamins E, promoting the production of FSH and LH, and C, which reduces the risk of infection and strengthens the blood vessels. The latter is important, since the monthly ones, which begin with acclimatization, can be more abundant than usual, which is undesirable on rest;
  • A continuous night's sleep. If this disturbs the excitement, you can take sedative natural remedies. Full rest will not allow overexcitement of the central nervous system, which also affects the hormonal balance;
  • Caloric nutrition and consumption of a sufficient amount of liquid. It is not necessary to overeat, but the necessary diet and abundant drink will ensure the normal functioning of the organism and will prevent stress;
  • Elimination for this period of life of alcohol and tobacco. Ethanol and nicotine gums are able to make the menses that are due to acclimatization, completely intolerable due to the negative effects on blood vessels and the central nervous system;
  • Normal physical activity. Walking in the air, swimming, yoga will allow the body to resist falling out of habitual conditions and support immunity;
  • Prevention of exacerbation of existing diseases and other infections. Do not forget, especially consciously skip the medication, if it is necessary constantly.

Acclimatization and monthly - an unpleasant coincidence. But there are always opportunities to prevent the trip from damaging women's health, and menstruation spoil the trip. And the main one is to watch for yourself always, and not just on the eve of the event.

  • Mar 14, 2018
  • 99
  • 136