The use of non-traditional methods of treatment in practical therapy is of great interest among specialists and patients. However, there are quite controversial points in this practice, for example, leeches during menstruation.
Hirudotherapy has been mentioned in medical treatises since ancient times. This method of treatment remains relevant today because of its unique capabilities to influence the woman's body.
- 1 General information about medical leech
- 2 When treatment will help
- 3 Leeches in gynecology
- 4 Hirudotherapy during menstrual bleeding in women
- 5 To whom doctors forbid treatment with leeches
General information about medical leeches
First of all it should be noted that of the 150 species of these creatures curativeproperties have only one form. Medical leeches are not found in nature, but are grown in special factories and can be used to treat a patient no more than once.
That's why any questions about the possibility of contracting viral hepatitis, HIV infection and other diseases when applying this technique are not true.
Modern pharmacological studies have shown that the curative saliva of leeches contains more than 35 medical components. The main constituent in this liquid is considered by experts as the hirudin enzyme, which affects the blood coagulation system of a person.
Specialists in different fields of medicine appreciated the urgency of this method of therapy of various pathologies. In 2013, the MOH recognized hirudotherapy as a medical device and facilitated the creation under its auspices of the International Society of Hirudotherapists.
When treatment with
will help. The spectrum of action of the medicinal substances excreted by these creatures is wide enough. Hirudotherapy is used in the treatment of various diseases, including:
- Pathology of the heart and blood vessels of the human body. Due to its effect on the walls of arteries, veins and capillaries, leeches help the resorption of atherosclerotic plaques, rapid reduction of fat accumulation, and improvement of conduction along neurons.
- The impact of these useful creatures on the human immune system has been proven. The medicinal substances released by them, getting into the blood of the patient, improve the activity of brain cells in it, reduce the toxic component of the decay products of cells.
- Leeches have proven themselves in the treatment of inflammatory processes and related stagnant phenomena in the tissues of the human body. Experts explain this mechanism of saliva work in hirudotherapy by the ability to provoke the removal of excess fluid from cells and tissues into the vascular bed.
- Doctors use leeches for osteochondrosis, hemorrhoids, hypertension, GI diseases.
Hirudotherapy is widely used in the treatment of many diseases of the female genital area. With such use of useful creatures, often the question arises in patients about whether leeches can be put on during menstruation, since treatment of many female diseases requires regularity in the complex of the therapy.
Look at the video about the benefits of hirudotherapy:
Leeches in gynecology
Doctors of this profile have long been using a medical leech in a complex of measures for treating various diseases of the female sexual sphere. Here are the advantages of this method:
- First of all, with this therapy, specialists use the ability of these therapeutic individuals to stimulate the immune defense of the female body. The natural resistance of any infection is considered the main factor in confronting any pathology in a woman.
- Do not forget that the leech released by the leech is a powerful bactericide that has a harmful effect on many microbes and bacteria.
- As a result of its effect on the patient's blood, the leech helps wash out various harmful substances, infection and tissue-damaged inflammation from the inflammation focus.
- When an inflammatory foci is present in the body of a patient, this place is always surrounded by a special area of protection from infiltration into other organs and systems. Such a protective barrier prevents the penetration of special medications into the point of localization of the disease, which requires an increase in the dose of medication. Saliva leeches can penetrate into such places without much effort due to its natural consistency.
Do not relieve pain from the shields and prevent the formation of edema due to the saliva of these creatures.
The pathology of the female genital area is a rather complex problem. Of course, such diseases require specific therapy, but the use of leeches allows to accelerate the process of recovery of women. The positive curative qualities of these creatures can help with ovarian cysts, uterine myome, adhesions, menstrual irregularities.
In the medical literature of various countries, there have been reports of the use of hirudotherapy to prevent the adhesion process after gynecological cavitary operations. This use of leeches avoids various pathologies on the part of the digestive tract.
On whether it is possible to put leeches during menstruation, largely depends on her menstrual cycle, the causes of hirudotherapy and the results of laboratory blood tests.
Hirudotherapy during menstrual bleeding in women
Treatment of various female diseases quite often intersects with the temporary factor of the menstrual cycle. Specialists talk about the specific therapy of various female pathologies and the use of leeches in this case:
- The most common hirudotherapy is used to treat endometriosis. Usually, such a pathology is a consequence of abortion or operative labor. In addition to special medicines, leeches are used to treat such diseases.
- The action of the saliva of the creatures under consideration has a positive effect on the fight against inflammation, pain and the restoration of the integrity of the cell in the affected parts of the woman's body. Experts recommend to spend from 6 to 12 sessions, thus it is not recommended to do a break for time monthly.
- The essence of the method of specific treatment of female problems is that the first setting of leeches is allowed on the 5th-7th day after menstruation. The second session is usually held a week later. A total of 4 to 8 attempts to treat leeches are required.
During the therapy, it is quite possible for the patient to start menstruating. Under the influence of the saliva of these creatures, bleeding from the vagina is usually more pronounced. This is due to the shift in the patient's blood coagulation system and a sharp change in the hormonal balance.
There are many methods of treating various diseases in a woman where leeches are used:
- Mastopathy, which manifests itself in a change in the structure of the breast tissue, is well amenable to therapy in this way. Since the change refers to chronic diseases, the recommendation not to use leeches with monthly ones can be ignored.
- Fibroma of the uterus body is also quite easy to treat with hirudotherapy. Leeches exert their influence on the hormonal balance of the female body, at the same time relieve edema and reduce the resistance of the walls in the cells.
- Leeches perfectly proved themselves in various inflammations of the female sexual sphere. Especially experts recommend their local use. In this case, the effect of the saliva of useful creatures is localized precisely in the areas of inflammation. An example may be inflammation of the vaginal mucosa of various etiologies, erosion of the uterine wall and other diseases.
Hirudotherapy sessions with such diseases are usually repeated 4 to 10 times. If the question arises in patients why it is not possible to put leeches during menstruation, then it is necessary to recall the peculiarities of female physiology during this period and the effect of hirudotherapy on the body.
We recommend to read an article about the treatment of leech with uterine fibroids. From it you will learn about the peculiarities of hirudotherapy with a woman's uterine myoma, the effect of leeches on the body and the effectiveness of such therapy.
To whom doctors forbid treatment with leeches
First of all it should be said that the treatment with leeches has a strictly individual character. Although many experts agree in this opinion: when a woman suffices for the entire period of monthly 2 - 3 pads, then treatment with leeches during menstruation is entirely permissible.
It should be noted that some experts even recommend that patients with severe pain during menstrual bleeding use leeches. Doctors say that the effect of such treatment exceeds all expectations. However, this method of relief of pain during menstruation requires a certain testing.
There are general contraindications for the use of leeches in the treatment of various female diseases:
- You can not use hirudotherapy during pregnancy and lactation.
- Various disorders of the blood coagulation system are also an obstacle to the treatment with leeches.
- It is not recommended to use this technique for various pathology of the skin in the patient. In this case, inflammatory processes may occur in places where leeches are used for treatment.
- Also a contraindication for hirudotherapy, a different pathology of the heart and blood vessels, the main symptom of which is low blood pressure. The use of leeches in this case can lead to loss of consciousness and orthostatic collapse.
- It is forbidden to place medicinal leeches on large vessels, such as the femoral or brachial veins and arteries. Under the prohibition is the use of hirudotherapy in the area of the vessels of the face and neck.
Treatment with leeches, like any other external effect on the female body, is possible only after the appropriate consultation of the treating doctor. Laboratory tests for such therapy are mandatory.