Chest during menstruation

During the months of the chest, it hurts a relatively short time, but the very fact of the appearance of such pains causes quite reasonable anxiety and requires the most serious attention. Changes in its density, engorgement, soreness are familiar to every woman. Many people have quite unpleasant feelings during this period. The pain can be of different locality and different strength, it can be given to the armpit, arm, shoulder or shoulder blade. There are descriptions of pain of such intensity that it is even hard for a suffering woman to lift or simply turn her hand. Sometimes it covers the entire mammary gland, most often the nipples hurt. Before the menstrual period, it is precisely these phenomena that most accurately portend the imminent onset of menstruation. In healthy women, such feelings are expressed rather weakly or completely pass almost unnoticed.


  • 1 Causes of pain
  • 2 Pain after monthly
  • 3 Severe pains - they can not be ignored
  • 4 Drugs and herbal medicine
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Causes of pain

Why the mammary glands aches before menstruation and there is the appearance of unpleasant sensations, burning, tingling, pressure in the glands at the nearest days before menstruation.

Consider several reasons for which a woman's chest hurts:

  • Serious disorder in the hormonal background. To this state quite often lead chronic fatigue, constant stressful situations, irregular sexual life.
  • Dysfunction of the ovaries.
  • Postponed abortion.
  • The pain leads to incorrectly selected clothing, not suitable in size and shape, which prevents proper circulation of blood. This can cause quite a strong sensation of soreness and discomfort.
  • With stress, nervousness, depression and overwork.
  • Chest pain can be present due to ovulation, which leads the body into complete readiness for the conception of the child, as a result of which the changes occur at the hormonal level, and the female mammary glands react very sensitively to any changes in the hormonal background due to which there is an increase in mammary glands,there is an internal pressure that causes pain. Thus, this complex body prepares for its main purpose - feeding the child.
  • The pain that occurs before menstruation is very often one of the manifestations of such a complex condition as premenstrual syndrome( PMS).The chest hurts in this case, so to speak, in a complex, together with the rest, characteristic for PMS symptoms: shortness of breath;swelling;increased blood pressure;prostration;Strong headache;insomnia;indigestion disorder;depression;irritability;severe pain in the abdomen.
  • During menstruation, there is an increase in the production of the hormone estrogen and prolactin, which causes the enlargement of the thoracic ducts, resulting in an increase in the flow of blood to the breast. Due to this, the breast at palpation sometimes acquires a dense, cloddy consistency.

Pain after monthly

Much less common is the situation that the breast swelled after menstruation. In this case, first of all, you need to make sure that the pregnancy has not come. Changes in sensitivity, sensation of "puffiness", enlargement of the mammary glands, soreness of the nipples are quite common indirect signs of this condition. If a woman shows a marked delay in the onset of menstruation and at the same time the mammary glands are clearly enlarged, it is advisable to make a test for a possible pregnancy.

Severe pains - they can not be ignored

Self-examination should be done every month on the 6-12th day of the menstrual cycle.

If you notice:

  • on palpation of the appearance of seals, nodules in the chest;
  • there was a discharge of brown or bloody color from the nipple;
  • has not undergone mammography for a long time;
  • you are experiencing deep discomfort;
  • if the pain in the chest before the monthly is so strong that it is difficult to sustain without resorting to pain medications.

This state of categorically can not be ignored, you need as soon as possible to seek medical help for qualified help and undergo a comprehensive examination from a mammologist. As a rule, in this case, blood tests for hormones are investigated and ultrasound examination of both mammary glands and all organs of the small pelvis is prescribed. You may need to consult an oncologist, because you need to completely eliminate the risk of developing cancer.

Drugs and herbal medicine

After a comprehensive examination, the doctor, if necessary, can appoint hormonal contraceptives for relief, which should be taken at the rate before the onset of menstruation, anti-inflammatory drugs or special agents that inhibit the production of prolactin.

Also at home, you can do compresses( cold or warm), preferably through some gasket. You can try to change the diet. Exclude: salt;food that contains caffeine;eat less fatty foods;chocolate. Eat more diuretic plant foods( celery, parsley).A good effect for eliminating unpleasant symptoms is provided by herbal preparations: saber, dandelion root, St. John's wort, celandine crotch, nettle, string, peony, labaznik, tartar. Also exercises for a breast can be effective.

Do not self-medicate, be sure to consult a physician specialist.

  • Mar 14, 2018
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