How to understand that you do not abuse perh, but apply it as rationally as possible

Perga is a useful product, the taste of which is very similar to the taste of aromatic rye bread. Therefore, most people should not get carried away with this product and lose count of the amount eaten, and this can be unsafe for the body.

How to take pergue to get only good from it and what to do if the taste of this product is still not liked?

Features of the reception of perga

The most natural way of eating perga is chewing honeycombs in which it has ripened from a carefully packed bee pollen. During the chewing of honeycombs under the action of enzymes of saliva, bee bread dissolves and, accordingly, is swallowed. After the honeycombs lose the characteristic taste of rye bread, the empty wax left in the mouth must be spit out.

Warning! Purchasing pergu in honeycombs it is necessary to be convinced of absence of a mold and traces of ability to live of wax larvae that testifies to infringement of conditions of storage of a product and, hence, its inadequacy to use.

Some people do not like chewing honeycombs, because in addition to wax and bee bread, they contain also merva, that is cocoons. In such cases, the question of how to take beeswax can be solved by using its mixture with honey. You can buy it in ready-made form, and you can make your own at home. To do this, pepper grind in a meat grinder and add about 30% of your favorite honey. In this form, the product not only acquires more palatable taste qualities, but is also much better stored, that is, does not mold.

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Important: when taking perga in honeycombs and in the form of a mixture with honey, it is impossible to accurately calculate the dose of the product, so, carried away with delicacy, you can easily exceed the dosage several times and get unpleasant side effects. To avoid this, you need to carefully consider how to use pengu and not eat too much.

The third variant of the use of bee bread is the reception of pure perga, extracted from honeycombs. Finished granules can be thoroughly dissolving in the mouth, because thanks to the enzymes of saliva, the nutritional components of the product are fully absorbed by the body, or grind them with a coffee grinder or other device and use it in this form. Whatever option you choose, you need to remember that it is not recommended to drink perga with water, therefore, within half an hour after its reception, it is necessary to refrain from using any drinks.

Before or after eating?

Many people are worried about the question of how to eat properly: before or after eating? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to it, since both methods are considered correct. For example, before meals( about 30 minutes), it is worth taking bee bread for those who have gastrointestinal diseases and are prone to having a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Also, a quarter of an hour before a meal, it is recommended to use perga for those who want to lower high blood pressure with it. With equal success, the product can be consumed and after a meal, but it is better that after eating it has passed no less than half an hour.

Why not add bee bread to breakfast?

The power of the therapeutic effect of bee bread is not reflected in any way by its mixing with sour-milk products or porridge. Therefore, if the natural taste confuses the person, it can be used in this form.

Advice: do not take perga in its pure form at night, as it has a strong invigorating effect, so eating it a few hours before sleep can give a person a long and sleepless night. At the same time, taking a mixture of Perga and honey, on the contrary, calms and relaxes the body, therefore, greatly facilitates the process of going to sleep.

Doses for Children and Adults

In general, the way of use and the dose of pergium depends on the purpose of its use. So, adults are recommended to take only 5-10 g of this beekeeping product on a daily basis for the prevention of diseases and general strengthening of immunity. If the purpose of its use is the treatment of a disease, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of apitherapists and take bee bread in the form and quantity in which it will be offered by a specialist. Usually, the medical daily dosage of Perga is 2-3 tsp, which is used for 2-3 meals.

Sometimes dosage is recommended to be increased by 2 times, for example, if the infectious diseases worsen. It should be remembered that the use of more than 60 g of bees a day for some time can lead to the development of hypervitaminosis, the consequences of which can be problems with kidneys, liver, spleen, diabetes, etc. But in some cases, experts recommend eating no more than 1-2 g perg per day, for example, to pregnant women and women who have just given birth. Whether it is possible to a pregnant woman? Definitely you can. In the first trimester, this beekeeping product will help cope with painful toxicosis, and in the future will help the fetus's organism to properly form and develop.

For pregnant women, bee bread is an indispensable product!

Also in small doses it is necessary to use bees' bread for men. How specifically to take pengu for men depends on the purpose of its use, but if this product is necessary to combat impotence or diseases of the prostate gland, then it dissolves only 1 g to 3 times a day. But on this occasion the opinions of the apitherapeutists diverge, since other specialists, on the contrary, advise to use in such cases up to 16 g of pergi twice a day.

How to take pergu to children directly depends on their age:

  • up to 1 year, the permissible daily dose is 1/5 p. L.;
  • 1-6 years - ¼ tsp;
  • 6-9 years - 1/3 tsp;
  • 9-12 years - ½ tsp;
  • after 12 years - 1 tsp.

Attention! Bee bread can be taken for a long time, but it is necessary to make small breaks. Most often it is recommended to use it for a month, and then take a break for the same period of time.

With proper reception, perg is able to greatly help the body in the fight against a variety of diseases. Among them, pathologies of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, as well as the sexual sphere. This product of beekeeping will cope with cold diseases, including chronic diseases. In detail, we talked about this in an article about the use of perga, which we recommend to read to anyone who is interested in this wonderful tool.

  • Mar 14, 2018
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