For each of us, spruce is associated with New Year's holidays and a wonderful mood. But when the merry days end, we hasten to throw out the "green beauties".But do not hurry, because in fact parts of this plant can bring huge benefits to our health.
Spruce is a unique natural preparation that will help overcome a variety of diseases. Parts of spruce are rich in vitamins, minerals and flavonoids. And that these components have brought maximum benefit, it is enough to prepare a decoction of spruce needles, cones and branches quite correctly.
On the incredible benefits of spruce
Spruce can be called a unique plant that can enhance the body's defenses, strengthen the immune system, relieve stress and take care of skin health. As mentioned earlier, on the basis of its various parts, it is possible to prepare a curative spruce broth that has a huge benefit. Regular use of this drink helps to increase tone, neutralizes anxiety and increases appetite.
Spruce preparations have the following properties:
- is a diuretic that is used to treat the entire urinary system;
- bactericidal and antiviral, which become especially relevant in the autumn-spring period;
- calming - allows you to cope with increased nervousness, insomnia and overexertion;
- thanks to the presence of a large number of essential oils, spruce broth shows high efficiency in the common cold, is used as an ARI prevention and helps to overcome upper respiratory tract diseases;
- for a short time this agent is able to neutralize the effect of harmful microorganisms.
Spruce needles
Needle broth shows the following useful properties:
- antimicrobial;
- diaphoretic and diuretic;
- is an anti-inflammatory;
- choleretic;
- is an analgesic.
Spruce needles help with beriberi, as all the curative ingredients go to the broth during boiling and are completely preserved in it. With its help you can cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, normalize the metabolism and even get rid of excess weight.
Most often coniferous broth is used to strengthen immunity. And if you use it daily for a month, you can feel a surge of strength, vigor and vitality.
Prepare a tonic drink as follows:
- 2 tablespoons of needles to grind;
- pour a glass of boiling water;
- cook for 20 minutes.
Tip! To a decoction had a more pleasant taste, you can add a small amount of sugar.
The product should be taken in three divided doses throughout the day.
Sprue can be decocted can be used as an antiscorbutant, for its preparation it is necessary:
- to take a tablespoon of freshly picked needles;
- pour a glass of boiling water;
- cook for half an hour;
- pour into a cup, cover and let it brew.
After three hours, a fortified coniferous broth is ready. It should be taken at 100 ml throughout the day.
Important! Before you include spruce in your daily diet, you need to consult your doctor and exclude individual intolerance.
Spruce cones
Broth from spruce cones has also found application in folk medicine. This part of the plant is rich in the following valuable substances:
- resins;
- essential oils;
- with vitamin C;
- with tannins;
- with copper, manganese, chrome, iron and aluminum.
It is thanks to these components that a drink from young cones shows a lot of useful properties. With it, you can overcome angina and bronchitis, sinusitis and pharyngitis, and from pneumonia it will help both adults and children.
Spruce cone broth is recommended for use in muscle and joint pains of various etiologies, and in complex treatment it helps to significantly improve the condition of patients suffering from such a complex disease as pulmonary tuberculosis.
To prepare a healing drink:
- spruce cones to grind;
- pour boiling water in the ratio - 1 part cones into 5 parts water;
- cook for half an hour;
- give 15 minutes to insist, filter.
Please note! Ready-made broth should have a brown color, astringent taste and a pleasant coniferous aroma.
To use the product for inhalation, it must be heated to a temperature of + 60 ° C.For adults, about 25 ml of decoction is taken for one procedure.
Spruce branches
Broth of fir branches is used for taking baths. It shows high efficiency with:
- myositis;
- sciatica;
- is deprived.
In addition, spruce baths have a positive effect on the central nervous system, and when inhaled evaporating essential oils, immunity strengthens, which in turn allows the body to withstand the adverse effects of external factors during the season of exacerbation of colds.
To prepare a decoction for taking baths it is necessary to do the following:
- in a large pan to lay a few branches of spruce;
- fill with water and boil for half an hour;
- strain and add to the bath.
Already after the first application you will feel a surge of strength, throughout the body appear pleasant ease, and nerves noticeably calm.