Simple recipes of alcohol tincture on nut septums

The recipe for tincture on nuts contains only nuts and alcohol. The result is a brownish liquid that looks very much like tea, but is sharply different from it with smell, taste and, of course, useful properties.

Useful properties of tincture

Tincture on nut septums absorbed all the useful substances of the plant. Alcohol draws them to itself, turning into a therapeutic extract. Partitions or, as they are called - membranes, are used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, oncological diseases, hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland and many other diseases.

Health benefits of

The use of walnut is widely known, but few know about the healing properties of partitions, which are usually discarded after eating the nut kernels. And it's a pity, because they have valuable healing properties and can be used as:

  1. Source of iodine, which is so lacking in the central and southern regions of Russia. Tincture on walnut membranes is able to more than fill this deficiency in the human body and prevent a huge number of diseases caused by a shortage of this vital element.
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  2. A natural antibiotic, since it contains substances that prevent the growth and development of pathogenic microbes.

  3. An antineoplastic agent that helps to remove carcinogens from the body and stops the reproduction of cancer cells.
  4. A general restorative drug that improves immunity, regulating metabolic processes.
  5. Blood pressure lowering means.
  6. Binder and anti-diarrhea;
Nut baffles look unpretentious, but they have valuable useful properties

Besides this, tincture significantly improves the work of the brain, restores sleep, strengthens memory. The drug is recommended for use by people who have passed the forty-year line of their lives. It is at this age that prerequisites for the emergence of multiple sclerosis and senile dementia arise. Often tincture is used in the treatment of joint diseases.

Tip! In order to find out if your body needs additional iodine intake, apply a strip of iodine at night, before going to bed. If by morning, it disappears, then this is a sure signal of a shortage of a trace element. In this case, stock nuts and urgently fill the deficit.


Alcoholic tincture on nut septums is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

Tincture will help with hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland
  • thyroid hypofunction;
  • of arthritis;
  • tumor formation;
  • hypertension;
  • of diabetes mellitus;
  • of digestive tract diseases;
  • of radiculitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • colitis.

Among other things, the drug has the ability to anesthetize, facilitate the course of inflammatory processes. Tincture has activity against most pathogenic bacteria and is used as an antibacterial agent for infections. It also has a sedative property that is used in the treatment of stress, nervous disorders, neuroses. The drug helps to normalize the metabolism, lose weight, improve immunity, strengthen health.

Properly prepared tincture acquires a rich amber color


It is not recommended to use tincture in the following diseases:

  • acute stage of gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of stomach and intestines;
  • some skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis.

It is also contraindicated to people with allergic reactions to this drug. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children should use water infusions, decoctions, since the harmful effect of alcohol on the development of the child's body has been proved. Tincture is also not recommended with simultaneous reception of the drug and activities related to the need for increased attention - driving, high-altitude construction, mountaineering.

Tip! Consult your physician before treatment with tincture, as this drug has a number of contraindications to use.

Recipes for cooking

The simplest recipe for tinctures on nut leaves contains only two ingredients - walnut membranes and alcohol. For cooking you need:

  • partitions of 20-25 nuts;
  • 70% alcohol - 100 ml.

Nut baffles are placed in a glass container, compacted and filled with alcohol. Then tightly close the cork and put in a dark, cool place for a week. After 7 days, tincture is filtered and used to treat tumors, strengthen immunity.

Similarly, a tincture of nut leaves on vodka is prepared. For its preparation it is necessary to take:

  • 3 tbsp.spoons of shredded partitions;
  • vodka - 150 ml.

Partitions are filled in a capacity of at least 200 ml, then they are poured with vodka. The jar or bottle is closed with a lid and left for a week for infusion. Prepared in this way, the drug is used for gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, atherosclerosis.

There is another way to make vodka tinctures. For him, a bottle is taken, with a volume of half a liter, a third of it is filled with partitions, and the remaining space is filled with vodka. This solution is insisted for about 2 weeks, then it is filtered and used for hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland, arthritis, rheumatism.

A very interesting recipe for making tinctures with cherry jam and honey can be found in this video:

  • Mar 14, 2018
  • 58
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