Cranberry with cystitis - therapeutic effect and useful recipes

  1. Why juice and mors help with cystitis
  2. The therapeutic effect of acidic berries
  3. Useful recipes

Almost all the biologically active substances contained in cranberries help the adult and child get rid of chronic cystitis. The pathology of the urinary system usually develops with the onset of colds, but manifests itself as cuts and burning when urinating, drawing pains in the lower abdomen. To stop the inflammatory process in the bladder, cranberry is often used in cystitis. Delicious berry fruit drinks and juices, urologists recommend drinking to prevent the recurrence of an infectious disease. To avoid the undesirable effects of treating cranberries, you should consult a doctor before starting therapy and undergo a series of laboratory and endoscopic examinations.

The composition of berries of cranberries includes organic acids and triterpentines that can eliminate inflammation in the bladder

Why juice and mors help with cystitis

For the treatment and prevention of bladder inflammation, urologists advise eating 15-20 fresh berries daily. And in the absence of contraindications it is not forbidden to use cranberries sprinkled with powdered sugar. But the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of inflammation of the bladder is manifested by fruit and juice. Formation of infectious foci occurs against a background of a sharp increase in the pH of urine.

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Such an environment is very favorable for active growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria:

  • Escherichia coli;
  • of staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • enterococci;
  • mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Even a single use of freshly squeezed cranberry juice acidifies urine, preventing the spread of pathogenic microorganisms in the urinary system. Bacteria lose the ability to attach to the mucous membranes of the bladder and urethra. They are simply washed out of the human body, and with them toxic products of their vital activity.

It's interesting: Dry extract from cranberry berries is a part of many biologically active additives for the treatment of cystitis, for example, Cystovitis. But urologists are more likely to use in therapy mors and juice because of the side effects of the drugs.

Cystitis is much more often diagnosed in women. The female urethra is wider and shorter than the male, so the pathogenic bacteria easily enter the bladder. The causes of pathology are also low immunity and fluctuations in the hormonal background. In the cranberry contains a number of vitamins and trace elements that help a woman to increase the body's resistance to viruses, fungi and bacteria.

Cranberry juice quickly and effectively eliminates the main symptom of cystitis - pulling pains in the lower abdomen

Therapeutic effect of acidic berries

Juice and cranberry juice from cystitis have a multifaceted curative effect on the organs of the urinary system due to the presence of the following active ingredients in the chemical composition of berries:

  • Organic acids,especially benzoic, have antimicrobial properties. Chemical compounds prevent the formation of inflammatory foci by bacteria on the inner membrane of the bladder;
  • Triterpinoids( oleanolic and ursolic acids) exhibit an anti-inflammatory effect. Regular use of cranberry juice can reduce the number of infectious foci, prevents the progress of pathogens along the ascending pathways to the kidneys;
  • Pectins purify the organs of the urinary system from toxic substances decay products. These polysaccharides take part in excretion of slag and harmful mineral salts from the body;
  • Tannins prevent the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the cells. It is these compounds that are able to prolong the action of antibacterial drugs;
  • Flavonoids affect small and large blood vessels, increasing their elasticity and permeability. The use of cranberries contributes to the normalization of blood circulation in the organs of the small pelvis, provides delivery to the affected tissues of nutrients and biologically active substances.

Of no small importance is the presence in the chemical composition of the berries of the microelement of potassium. An increase in its content in the body leads to an increase and normalization of urination. This promotes the washing out of the bladder and urogenital canal of viruses and pathogenic fungi. Such a sanation can significantly accelerate recovery, as well as prevent the exacerbation of chronic cystitis.

Warning: Cranberries are not used in the therapy of any disease if a person is diagnosed with ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and liver pathology. Morse and juice from this berry is contraindicated to drink to people who have a predisposition to develop allergies.

In jam and cranberry jam there are useful organic acids that help prevent exacerbation of chronic cystitis.

Useful recipes

Thermal treatment reduces the therapeutic effectiveness of cranberries, because under the influence of high temperature, most of the vitamins, flavonoids and tannins are destroyed. But many organic acids are preserved, determining the therapeutic effect of jam, compotes and jams. Therefore, traditional healers recommend that patients who are prone to exacerbations of chronic cystitis in the cold season, include these delicious foods in their diet. Treatment of cystitis with cranberries is quite long and depends on many factors: the age of the patient, the stage and severity of the disease, the species of pathogenic microorganisms.

Regular use of cranberry juice will not only cure cystitis, but also strengthen the immunity of

Morse. Despite the fact that in the process of preparing morses, heat treatment is used, practically all the biologically active substances can be saved. Drinks from cranberries can not be stored or cooked in aluminum containers, because this will provoke unwanted chemical reactions between acids and metal.

You can prepare the mors according to one of the following recipes:

  1. Squeeze the juice from two cups of cranberries and merge it into a separate bowl.
  2. Add 2 liters of water to the dry residue and bring to a boil.
  3. Simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, cool.
  4. Mix with cranberry juice.

If the fruit is prepared from frozen berries, then simply pour a glass of cranberries with a liter of boiling water and press under the lid for about an hour. To treat chronic cystitis, you should drink half a cup of Morse three times a day after meals.


Before taking cranberries with cystitis, it is necessary to examine the stomach for the presence of a hyperacid gastritis. In this disease, it is contraindicated to use pure juice, namely it shows the most powerful therapeutic activity in the treatment of inflammation of the bladder. To make it, you just need to wipe the berries through a sieve or use a juicer. You can improve the taste of the drink with the help of thick honey, but sugar should not be added at all.

Recommendation: Choosing cranberries for the treatment of chronic cystitis, it should be noted that it includes phenols. These biologically active substances can enhance the therapeutic effect of antibiotics, which is not always appropriate and can cause an overdose. Therefore, cranberry juice and juices can be used only after the main treatment with antibacterial drugs.

  • Mar 14, 2018
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