Perennial flowers for summer cottage, not requiring care and flowering all summer: names

A bright, neat flower garden in the country or vegetable garden will help create a unique design of the site, will please the eye. Ideal - perennials, which do not require complex care, easily tolerate the winters of the middle belt, blossom for a long time, until the fall. Perennial flowers for the garden are diverse, they can delight the eye for several months, gradually replacing each other. To do this, it is necessary to plant them competently, take into account the features.

How to choose garden flowers perennials

The variety of decorative perennials opens new possibilities and helps to come up with such flower beds that will please gardeners for a long time, from spring to late autumn. The basis of the landscape area is always flowers-perennials, unpretentious and persistent. There are several types that gardeners choose, designers. In the store, the sale of perennials starts in the fall, when they are planted. Before buying in the nursery, where the growing of flowers, you need to carefully study the description of varieties.

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The basis of a regular lawn composition is always perennials that can bloom throughout the summer. Necessarily there are plants that are not afraid of deep shade. Do not forget about the frost-resistant colors, easily tolerating temperature changes, sudden cold snaps, small frosts. Beautifully flowering, bright, with large flowers inflorescences, for example, poppies, will decorate any dacha flowerbed zone. Flowers-perennials for summer cottage are divided according to the method of planting, which can be bulbous, root, with the help of seeds, seedlings.

Blooming all summer

The most popular plants are those that bloom all summer. They need to be properly planted, and they will be happy for a year in the dacha with bright colors. Gardeners divide perennial flowers for dachas on stunted, no more than a meter tall, and tall. The choice depends on individual preferences, soil, the presence of shadow and solar zones, site design. Perennials are often used to create curbs that frame the flower beds.

A few of the most unpretentious species are in demand among the florists:

  • Sage - it blooms in the summer with very beautiful blue flowers. Plant better on shady areas, with moistened soil.
  • The English rose is hardy, unpretentious, blooms in the summer. In height it reaches up to 2.5 m.
  • Clematis - there are a lot of perennial species, it is easy to choose. There are white, purple, blue, height up to 3 m.
  • Calendula - is a natural protection against pests, has a pronounced flavor.
  • Phlox - prefer sunny areas, do not like excessive humidity.

Perennial undersized flowers

The heart of the composition of perennials is habitual to see stunted flowers, not more than 30 cm high. These include:

  • Pansies - unique color combinations against the background of bright green leaves, a large selection of varieties.
  • Gentian - delicate blue-blue color of petals.
  • Flax large-flowered - different shades of red on large flowers.
  • Cuff - green-yellow inflorescence in the form of a ball.
  • Carnation herb - red and white flowers.

The unpretentious

The advantage of unpretentious perennials is that they do not require maintenance and are time consuming. These types include:

  • Astrancy - the color scheme includes green, cream, white, pink shades, grows equally in the shade, and in the sun.
  • Gypsophila - blooms in bulk, double buds, frost-resistant.
  • Derbenniki - known for their ability to withstand any conditions, from drought to marshland, long blossom.

Early flowers-perennials

The perennials bulbs are in high demand among the early flowers, they are planted in autumn, the first shoots appear under the snow. This category includes:

  • Snowdrop - the name speaks for itself, it starts to grow even under the snow, the first spring flower, planted preferably under trees, bushes, in the shade.
  • Crocus is early-breaking, there are many species, shoots appear in certain climatic conditions in February.
  • Muskari - bushy, very quickly grows, unpretentious.

Long blooming

Decoration of any outdoor flowerbed - flowering throughout the warm season perennials. In order to make them happy for a long time, you must follow certain rules. You can not plant plants that require different care, together. Perennial flowers for cottages, related to shrubs, it is desirable to divide: choose 5-6 branches and plant them a short distance. The most popular are:

  • Rudbeckie - similar to a sunflower, bright and memorable.
  • Lavender - helps to get rid of pests not only in the house, but also in the garden.
  • Astilba - small white, red, purple, pink flowers.

Beautifully blossoming perennials

Landscape designers are able to make real works of art from beautifully blooming perennial flowers for summer cottages. Popular among professionals and gardeners-lovers enjoy:

  • Peonies are fragrant plants, there are different types, beauty will not leave anyone indifferent.
  • Anemones - large petals with a bright core of different shades on long stalks.
  • Kotovnik - replaces lavender in cold climate zones.
  • Hosta - beautiful fleshy leaves, flowers with elongated light petals. Beauty will best pass the photo in the flower catalog for a dacha or on the Internet.

Flowers for curbs

Creating a beautiful flower bed design is not an easy task. It is important to choose undersized perennial garden flowers, which are unpretentious, grow in any light. To create a contrasting border, choose saturated colors. The most popular perennials are chives, chives, arabes, gravel, cleaning, viticulture, feverfew, marigold, geranium, etc. The list of culinary perennial flowers for cottages is inexhaustible. Stand alone are plants that can drag and twist.

To create a functional, attractive flower border it's important to follow the rules:

  1. There should not be any gaps in the edging, since the border will look untidy.
  2. The design should be contrasted with the color scheme of the flower bed itself.
  3. Aesthetics can not depend on the weather. Rain, heat, cloudiness - in any conditions the composition should look good.

Care for perennial flowers

Perennials are mostly unpretentious, able to withstand temperature changes, but you still need to look after the flowers. Observance of some steps will help to preserve a long blooming, bright, unique garden. Attention should be paid to all perennial plants without exception: in time to feed, water, weed, treat from parasites, prun, etc.

The main stages of care:

  1. Top dressing - spend in the spring, from the beginning of the appearance of the first shoots.
  2. Watering - in the middle zone is only necessary during periods of drought, especially if perennial unpretentious flowers are planted in the country or in the garden.
  3. Mulching - retains moisture in the soil.
  4. Collection of wilted inflorescences - needed for repeated flowering, giving a neat flower garden.
  5. Division - overgrown bushy perennial flowers are planted every few years.

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  • Mar 14, 2018
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