What vitamins are needed for health and strengthening of teeth and gums

Thinking that the existing problem with the oral cavity can be solved by a refreshing deodorant or the chewing gum used at the meeting - the person is mistaken!,

The existing discomfort will be exacerbated every day, if not taken in advance. For healthy teeth and gums, it is very important to have enough vitamins and microelements in your food.

Contents of

  • What to initially concentrate on
  • Calcium + fluoride + vitamin D - it's worth starting with
  • What products contain vitamins of group B
  • Ascorbin is our all
  • Other, no less important vitamins
  • Caution - vitamin deficiency!
  • Pharmaceutical Vitamin Complexes for Teeth

What to initially concentrate on

Analyze your diet and the daily menu, which ingredients are consumed in food. But even knowing what vitamins are needed for teeth and gums is fundamentally important:

  • skillfully handle products( thermally, chemically);
  • store in the refrigerator cooked food or purchased perishable ingredients not more than 3 days;
  • instagram viewer
  • be able to clear vegetables and fruits using a useful peel.

Only a balanced menu, adherence to basic hygiene rules can prevent: tooth decay, shakiness of teeth, redness in the of the mouth, the appearance of sores, bleeding gums.

An experienced specialist will tell you how to strengthen the teeth, to have a beneficial effect on the restoration of the gums, to help assess the condition of the mouth, and to form a ration correctly for daily nutrition.

It is important to know and remember - what useful substances and vitamins are needed to maintain not only the gums but also the teeth in a healthy state.

It is not always worthwhile to consume only drugs from pharmacies, concentrates and supplements. It is best to use natural fresh products in the daily diet, when making the menu.

You should not save on your health, knowing that it is easier to prevent gum disease or teeth than to go to the dental office or even to the prosthetist.

A dazzling smile is the guarantee of a fine mood and confidence in its irresistible appearance. Aesthetics of a smile, an excellent appearance are important factors for increasing self-esteem in every person!

Regardless of your age, social status, having satiated your diet with everything you need, you do not have to buy special means for gums and teeth.

It is important to know which micronutrients are important for normal development, life support of teeth, support of healthy and strong gums.

Calcium + fluoride + vitamin D - this is worth starting

Thinking in detail about the rationality of your diet, making a menu for a week, it is recommended to focus not only on the content of vitamins in foods, but also to buy those that contain phosphorus and calcium. This is essential for any organism!

Adults and children should constantly receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, including calcium and phosphorus. Based on these trace elements, vitamin D is well absorbed, allowing bone tissues to form normally.

Calcium is the basis for bone tissue, including tooth. Deficiency of this particular element, first of all, will affect the enamel.

To ensure that the teeth are properly formed, developed, and also had a full fixation in the gum, it is recommended to consume vitamin D together with calcium. This will ensure health and treat the oral mucosa, help to avoid bleeding, inflammation of the gums.

To preserve the health of the teeth, as well as the ideal condition of the gums, will help the right approach when choosing food, knowledge of the subtleties in the consumption of essential vitamins: B, C, K, D, E, PP and A.

What foods contain B vitamins

Vitamins consumed(Group B) will provide natural maintenance of health for the bone system and muscles. The necessary amount of these vitamins allows to naturally form on the natural level gums and well strengthen teeth.

If in sufficient quantity in the body there are no these substances, the teeth will quickly loosen up. After a long time, a whole series of teeth breaks the gum, causing frequent bleeding in the mouth.

B vitamins content in products:

  1. Thiamine( B1) is found in: apples, chicken, fresh milk, tomatoes, yeast, egg, oatmeal, potato, macaroni, pork, sorrel, lentils, peas, nuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds.
  2. Riboflavin( B2) is found in: bitter chocolate, peanuts, herring, lamb, champignons, beans, buckwheat, milk, young chickens, green peas, eggs, salmon, almonds, cocoa, beef, parsley.
  3. Pyridoxine( B6) is found in: pea, pumpkin, cottage cheese, tomato juice, eggs, cod liver, raisins, potatoes, bananas, corn, cereals, barley,, walnuts, beans:
  4. Cyanocobalamin( B12) is found in: chicken, sour cream, butter, eggs, cottage cheese, melted and hard cheeses, cod, brains, beef, liver, kidneys.
  5. Folic acid( B9) is found in: green onions, barley, spinach, hazelnut, broccoli, almonds, beans, peanuts, orange juice, liver of birds.

Ascorbic is our all

Food for vitamin C contributes to the maintenance of an excellent condition of the oral cavity and gums. Ascorbic acid is valued for its ability to accelerate the reactions of metabolism, improve the condition of blood vessels and capillaries.

Ascorbic deficiency can result in:

  • bleeding and gingival inflammation;
  • loosening of the teeth;
  • infections and ulcers formed in the oral cavity.

Ascorbic acid( C) will be found in grapes, dairy products, citrus fruits, tomatoes, currants, parsley, potatoes, tomato juice, sea buckthorn, apple, dill, cauliflower, dogrose.

Other, not less important vitamins

Other vitamins necessary for teeth to be obtained with food and adults and children:

  1. Consumed vitamin K protects the gum from bleeding and loosening of the teeth. Vitamin K is found in: potatoes, spinach, soy, corn, tomatoes, carrots, green peas and rose hips.
  2. Consumed vitamin A provides normalization of metabolic functions of the body. With its deficiency, there may be:
    diseases in the oral mucosa, irregularities in the process of salivation, shakiness of teeth, roughness and irregularities in tooth enamel. Retinol( A, beta-carotene) is found in: apricots, green peas and onions, dog rose, carrots, tomatoes, eggs, parsley, butter( butter), milk and fermented milk products, liver( beef and cod).
  3. The consumed vitamin D assists in the assimilation of the necessary amounts of calcium and phosphorus. This contributes to the accumulation and saturation of dentin with the necessary trace elements and strengthens the gums and teeth. Vitamin D is found in: cow's milk, egg yolks, butter, mackerel, liver( cod, beef, pork, chicken), sour cream, herring.
  4. Vitamins consumed by from the group of the PP will prevent the development of all possible pathologies in the oral cavity. Niacin( PP, nicotinic acid, B3) is found in: meat products, legumes, beef liver, cereals, yeast.
  5. Consumed Vitamin E promotes the activation of processes in the healing of wounds and other damages to the mucosa and gums. The right amount can eliminate the increased sensitivity of the gums and the susceptibility of the mucosa to mechanical damage, eliminate the appearance of ulcers in the oral cavity. Tocopherol( E) is present in: vegetable oil, grain( wheat germ), corn, butter, legumes, cod, cereals, carrots, walnuts, hazelnuts, pasta, beef, cottage cheese, banana, onions, oatmeal.

Caution - vitamin deficiency!

The organism itself will point to the existing deficiency of vitamins:

  1. If caries is detected, dry mouth, burning, sensation of metallic taste - lack of microelements D .
  2. With inflammation of the gums, poor healing of the wounds on the mucosa or the detection of roughness on the surface of the teeth - deficiency of the vitamin A .
  3. If there is a violation of taste, dry mouth, redness of the tongue, this is the shortage of the vitamin B12 .
  4. Observed dental mobility, gingival hemorrhage - evidence of deficiency of ascorbic acid .
  5. Shaky teeth - lacks the vitamin B6 .
  6. Feel constant thirst, burning, pain in the tongue, observe a taste disorder - there is a deficit of B1 .
  7. If there is inflammation of the mucosa in the oral cavity, sores in the mouth are formed, jam on the lips is a lack of vitamin B2 .
  8. With bleeding gums, deficiency should be eliminated to .
  9. With a slow healing of wounds, the formation of sores in the mouth, increased sensitivity of the gums to mechanical damage - there is a shortage of vitamin E .
  10. Crack formation on the lips, diagnosed stomatitis, bad breath, dark plaque on the tongue - deficit of the PP group( B3) .
  11. With the diagnosis of stomatitis or gingivitis( inflammation of the gums) - lack of B9 .

Knowing in which foods contain vitamins and microelements that the body needs, it will be easy to replenish the necessary stock yourself.

Pharmaceutical Vitamin Complexes for Teeth

The most popular and popular vitamin complexes are:

  1. For children and adults in the form of a preventive complex against periodontitis, it is worth choosing Forever Kids .The multivitamin natural composition contains extracts of crops( vegetables, fruits), allowing to enter into the diet with carrots, tomatoes, valuable components of broccoli, spinach, apples and cranberries.
  2. Recommended for receiving the complex CalciumOsteoporosis is considered an additive to support the balance of calcium in the body( adults and children).Contains with vitamins D3, K, B6 and C, valuable trace elements, including manganese and zinc.
  3. The ideal mix for the prevention of dental complications is the popular drug Calcinova , - a complex of vitamins, which include C and D, vitamins A and B6, including calcium and phosphorus. Children will be able to fully receive when forming the entire body and bone tissue for teeth, the necessary amount of useful substances, trace elements.

Take advantage of ready-made preparations and full-fledged complexes. But before this, it is worth consulting with your doctor.

For prevention of dental diseases, make a suitable menu. Focusing on the detected symptoms of dental diseases and disorders, enter into your diet recommended vitamins and valuable microelements that provide strengthening of the gums and teeth.

  • Mar 14, 2018
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