Juicer for apples of great productivity: what better to buy

It is known that apples contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, thanks to which the human body is quickly restored after illness and physical exertion. All the benefits of the fruit are stored in freshly squeezed juice. In the article we will consider what types of juicers are available for processing a large volume of apples.

Screw Juicers

For maximum benefit from apples, you can use a screw juicer. This type of technique extracts juice from the fruit automatically using a special press mechanism. The principle of operation of the device is similar to a meat grinder. In the hole prepared prepared berries, fruits, vegetables, then they grab the auger, crush, squeezing the juice, and cake throws aside.

The advantage of this technique is that it works almost silently, it has more performance, and energy consumption is negligible. Such a device can cope with vegetables, fruits, berries and even grass. Using a screw, the cake is twisted several times, giving the maximum amount of juice from the product. The negative side of the device is expensive, and the fact that the neck for food is very small, so you must crush the food before preparing it.

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Hydraulic pressing machine for juice

Press for squeezing juice from apples is a good alternative to conventional electric juicers. When they do, the fruit is first thoroughly crushed, and then the press for apples with the drainage system squeezes fresh out of them. This device is relatively inexpensive or you can make a homemade device. Hydraulic press has a high productivity and produces the maximum amount of useful product, it is often used on an industrial scale.

Hand-held juicer

Among the hand-held equipment for squeezing juice, there are screw and press tools. They are very similar to their electrical counterparts. But the devices work from the mechanical impact of a person, that is, you need to twist a special pen. Therefore, for today there is no manual juicer for apples of great productivity. Plus such devices in their cheapness and ease of use, this device is suitable for any vegetables and fruits, herbs. The downside is that it takes a lot of effort to twist the fruit and get fresh.

Centrifugal juicer for solid fruits and vegetables

A centrifuge technique, which consists of a centrifugal design, is a traditional household appliance. With the help of a pusher, a fruit or vegetable falls on a rotating disc in the form of a grater, which grinds the fruit into a gruel, from which the juice is then squeezed out. The cake is sent to a special container, and fresh is poured out through the hole into the glass.

Due to the considerable power this equipment has a great performance. It is ideal for hard vegetables, fruits, but, unfortunately, does not cope with soft berries, grass, which is a minus for this device. Due to an imperfect design, the cake is often clogged in the rotating disk section, then you have to disassemble the device to clean it. The technique works noisily and vibrates violently. Another disadvantage is that when cooking fresh, some of the beneficial vitamins are lost.

What should be a good juicer for apples

When choosing, it is necessary to pay attention to the power of the machine, because the more it is, the greater the productivity, you can squeeze out more juice with less time. The device must be equipped with rubberized legs, which protect the machine from movement during operation. And if the apparatus has a wide neck for dipping fruits and vegetables, then you can easily process apples, carrots and other fruits without any preliminary preparation.

A good device has a speed regulator, due to which it is possible to increase the productivity of the machine using different hardness of fruits and vegetables. A big plus will be if the juice collection cup is equipped with a foam separator that separates the liquid from the foam, because many people do not like to drink it, especially from freshly squeezed beverages.

Juicer for fruits and vegetables from the best producers

Today the juicer for apples of great productivity is produced in the CIS countries, Russia and Belarus. Below is an overview of the most popular devices with high performance:

  1. Rossoshanka. Many consumers say that the Belarusian "Rossoshanka" is very similar to the "Salute" juicer. This device has a great performance - about 70 kg of apples per hour, a cycle of work - 10 minutes. Fruit can be laid entirely, which greatly facilitates the work.
  2. Summer cottage. The Russian version of the device is similar to Rossoshanka: a cylindrical shape with a centrifuge. The performance of this unit is higher than that of the previous device, and the work cycle is increased to 20 minutes. Apples can be laid entirely.
  3. Neptune. This device ranks first in the rating for performance, because it can process about 120 kg of apples per hour. The device is produced in Russia. The cycle of work is long, therefore the unit can work without stopping all day.
  4. Salute. The technology is produced in Russia. Like previous devices, it has a cylindrical shape with a centrifugal spin system. This device can process 60 kg of apples per hour.
  5. Angel. The screw juicer for apples of great productivity, is made of steel, has a three-level degree of spinning, which allows you to get the maximum amount of juice from fruit. This unit can easily cope not only with fruits and vegetables, but also with berries, grass.

Where to buy and how much it costs

A large selection of devices for squeezing juice is presented in stores of home appliances and online stores. When you determine for what purposes you need the device and how often you will use it, you can safely proceed to select the model with the desired functions. In online stores you will find a detailed description, and the prices start from 4000 r. In specialized stores of household appliances you will receive a qualified consultation of the seller, a guarantee for the goods, but the price will differ by 500-1000 rubles.and higher, depending on the model.

Video: the best juicer for fruit and vegetables


Maxim, 35 years : We have a large number of apple trees in our country house. In autumn, harvesting, we always puzzled over where to put it. The garden juicer is an excellent option for processing apples. All the winter there were vitamins that are so necessary in the cold season, and we do not need to buy juices in stores.

Olga, 46 : When I had a grandson, I began to pay great attention to his diet and nutrition. After all, it depends on whether he receives all the necessary minerals, substances and vitamins. I was convinced that a natural fresh to a child is simply necessary. Therefore, the universal juicer "Dachnitsa" took a special place in our kitchen.

Ekaterina, 27 years old : I am for a healthy diet and watch my figure, so I just need a natural juice every day. I never buy unnecessary equipment or a thing, before every purchase I appreciate its necessity. Juicer professional "Neptune" has become my choice is not accidental. Now my body receives all the necessary vitamins and energy for the whole day.

  • Mar 14, 2018
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