Eating a healthy person should include 15-20% protein. Amino acids, which form part of them, are extremely important building blocks for all cells and organs. Regulate the metabolism, responsible for normal growth, regeneration of damaged tissues, strengthen the immune system, participate in detoxification of the body. Protein deficiency is very harmful, as it disrupts the vital organs, causes the development of infections and allergies.
A valuable source of protein is meat. But some do not like it or do not eat it for other reasons. How can they make up the deficiency of amino acids? It's not that hard. There are many other foods that are a good source of protein.
Chicken eggs are an excellent source of balanced protein. They contain all the necessary amino acids for the body. One medium-sized chicken egg contains about 6 grams of protein, which is found not only in the egg white, but also in the yolk.
But people who have problems with too high cholesterol should be careful not to eat eggs too much, especially for the yolk. Not so long ago, it is true, scientists have established that the egg yolk, in addition to cholesterol, also contains lecithin, which prevents deposits in the blood vessels.
Eggs are a very good source of energy in the morning. A number of studies show that people who regularly eat them for breakfast have a slender figure, because eggs provide energy for a long time.
Curd is very useful, 100 grams of cottage cheese provides the body with an average of 15 grams of protein. It is easily digested.
However, people who eat cottage cheese because it contains protein, it should be borne in mind that the product can not be the only or the main source of protein.
Contains little fat, but a lot of protein and fiber. In total, it is grown around 400 species, but the most popular are: white, red, black.
All sorts of beans combine what they are an excellent source of protein. It's amazing, but the protein in the beans is even bigger than in the meat.
Pumpkin seeds
Looking at the small seeds of a pumpkin, it's hard to believe that these small grains can actually provide the body with a valuable protein. However, one tablespoon of peeled pumpkin seeds contains about 2.5 grams of protein.
Pumpkin seeds are one of the most versatile foods that can be added to almost any dish: salads, soups, yoghurts, desserts and, finally, as a stand-alone snack. However, unlike beans, pumpkin seeds, in addition to protein, also contain a lot of fat( 100 grams of seeds to 46 grams of fat) and therefore very caloric( 550 calories!), So do not get involved.
Despite the fact that the nuts contain a lot of fat and calories, they are recommended even for those who want to lose weight. Paradox? Not really, because nuts are a very good source of protein and excellent quickly cause a feeling of satiety. This effect is enhanced by the large amount of dietary fiber.
In addition, nuts contain unsaturated fatty acids, useful for health. Of course, you can not ignore the fact that nuts are very high in calories( in 100 grams, about 500-600 kcal, depending on the species), so you will have to settle for a small handful a day.
It is known that almost two thousand years tofu is one of the most popular dishes in Asian cuisine. This is soy cheese, which is known as one of the best sources of protein among plant foods. That's why he is so popular in the diet of vegetarians.100 grams of tofu provides 11 grams of protein and only about 100 kcal
Greek yogurt
Greek( filtered) yogurt contains up to twice as much protein as "regular", plain yogurt, prepared according to traditional technology. Although the initial stages of their production are similar( fermentation of milk with healthy bacteria).
However, due to the subsequent filtration, in which the whey is removed from it, it becomes denser, has more protein and less sugar. Provided, of course, that you have not selected sweetened or flavored versions that are strongly not recommended.
Greek yogurt, especially with a low fat content, may well replace sour cream, and this is a real protein "bomb".You can add nuts or pumpkin seeds to yogurt.
Lentils, like other beans, contain a lot of protein, which in its composition is about 25-28%.Carbohydrates in it approximately 55-60%.It is important to note, however, that the proteins of lentils are 44% composed of essential amino acids, that is, those that are not synthesized in our body and must necessarily come from food. That is why lentils are considered the most valuable source of protein among legumes.
In addition, lentils, unlike other legumes, are very easy and quick to prepare. Just rinse it under running water and cook for about 20 minutes.