Where to treat atherosclerosis of the lower extremities

Where to treat atherosclerosis of the lower extremities

The cause of atherosclerosis of the lower limbs is the obliterating lesion of blood vessels, as a result of which blood circulation is disrupted. The narrowing of the vessels is caused by the presence of cholesterol plaques, which appear on the inner walls of the vessels. The formation of atherosclerotic plaques is possible in any arteries on the human body, but most often the vessels are affected by the lower limbs.

A consequence of atherosclerosis may be trophic changes in the soft tissues of the extremities. In advanced cases of , atherosclerosis can lead to the development of gangrene .The first stage of the disease is asymptomatic. The first symptoms are manifested when the circulation is disturbed and are expressed in the pains that occur when walking. The pains arise from insufficient supply of muscles with oxygen, due to insufficient blood supply.

Diseases of atherosclerosis of the lower limbs are most often people over 40 years of age, also at risk are people who are overweight, leading an unhealthy lifestyle, people with concomitant diabetes. An important role is played by genetic predisposition.

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Men get sick 8 times more often than women.

In the treatment of atherosclerosis of the lower limbs, success depends on timely diagnosis. Treatment of atherosclerosis physician selects individually, based on the individual characteristics of the patient and the stage of the disease and the presence of concomitant diseases. The first stage of the disease can be limited to therapeutic gymnastics and folk remedies, as well as acupuncture and magnetic vacuum therapy.

Traditional methods of treating atherosclerosis of the lower limbs:

  • conservative,
  • operative,
  • is endovascular or slightly invasive.

It should not be left for later treatment of atherosclerosis. Running cases can lead to limb amputation. Treatment of vascular diseases is carried out in Russian clinics, as well as abroad, where Russian citizens can also apply.

Russian clinics

Vascular center named after. T. Toppera
St. Petersburg, Culture Avenue, 4. Main building of the Clinical Hospital 122, 8th floor
Consultation and appointment reception +7( 812) 962-92-91

Tibetan Medicine Clinic "Tibet"
Moscow:ul. Sadovnicheskaya, 11, building 2, art.metro Novokuznetskaya
Reception( 495) 781-57-57

Blood circulation pathology center CBCP
Moscow, Banniy per., 2, building 2( prospectus of the World)
Phone: +7( 495) 640-57-56( contact center)

Clinical Department of the Center for Biomedical Technologies
Moscow, Lukov Lane 10
Phone / fax:( 495) 626-13-36

Moscow Innovative Vascular Center
Moscow, Mitinskaya str. 12
Phone: +7( 495) 649-05-73

Medical Center OLMED
Yekaterinburg, ul. Chkalov( South-West), 124
Telephone multichannel: +7( 343) 287-88-88

Clinic of Immunopathology NIIKI SB RAMS
Novosibirsk, ul. Zalessky 6, building 9
Telephone:( 383) 228-52-62

Foreign clinics

Complex of ASSUT Center for Oncology and Minimally Invasive Surgery of Israel
Israel, Tel-Aviv Str. A-Barzel, 10
Telephone: +( 972) -3-605-3638

International Department of the Central Tel Aviv Clinic Medical Israel Service
Phone in Israel: + 972-546-422-306

Edith Wolfson State Hospital
Israel, city Holon, st.ha-Lohameim 62
Phone: + 972-3-6441599

Stuttgart Clinic Klinikum Stuttgart
Germany, Stuttgart
Phone: 0711 278-03

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