Hemorrhoids - an inflammatory disease, which is accompanied by a pathological crimp and an expansion of hemorrhoidal veins in the rectum with the formation of nodes. Under adverse conditions, the nodes bleed and become inflamed, which causes discomfort and discomfort. One of the main reasons for the prevalence of the disease is the constant use of harmful, deprived of vitamins, spicy and spicy food. Therefore, the principles of proper nutrition, you need to know not only those who have the disease has already developed, but also those who want to avoid its appearance.
- Is the
- diet necessary? Therapeutic diet
- After removal of
- Prophylaxis of
Is the diet of
necessary? The main goal of the diet is to eliminate the main causes of the disease that contribute to the stagnation of blood in the hemorrhoids. Due to proper nutrition, the intestinal mucosa and its impaired functions are restored as soon as possible, and the metabolism is normalized. The success of hemorrhoids treatment, both internal and external, largely depends on the compliance of patients with dietary nutrition.
With hemorrhoids, not only constipation is observed, but diarrhea, which, due to frequent emptying, causes strong veins in the anal area, which increases the pressure in the rectum. With diarrhea, microflora in the intestine is also disturbed, its mucous membrane becomes inflamed, nutrients are not digested, and mineral salts and the necessary liquid are washed away. That is why the correct and effective treatment of the disease without a thoughtful organization of nutrition is not possible.
General rules of nutrition:
- Regular and divided meals( 6 meals a day every 2-2.5 hours).
- Sufficient fiber in the diet.
- Consumption of at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
Health food
For constipation and hemorrhoids, especially bleeding, it is recommended to eat foods that will positively influence intestinal peristalsis. These include:
- Fats. Nutrition for exacerbation of the disease should be restrained. If a patient has a severe form of hemorrhoids and there are tumors, then the diet must be saturated with fats. They soften the stool and make it less painful. Such components are rich in oils( corn, olive, vegetable), lard, fish oil, sprats and sour cream.
- Fiber. This substance is called "intestinal cleaner".It helps to cleanse the body of harmful and unnecessary deposits - it's poisons, toxins, heavy metal salts, slags, radionuclides and excess harmful cholesterol. A large amount of fiber contains vegetables, fruits, rye bread, berries, buckwheat and pearl barley porridge, bran.
- Dairy products not only contribute to the improvement of the intestine, but also populate it with a useful microflora. Useful are whey, yogurt, kefir, koumiss and yogurt. In small quantities, the use of low-fat cheese and milk is allowed.
If the stool is too dry, salt foods( herring, fish caviar, salt meat, salt water) should be included in the diet to soften and dilute it, as sodium will help attract and retain liquid in the intestine.
Sugary substances are also recommended for dry stools( juices, fruits, jams, beet and cane sugar, honey).They dilute the stool and in the intestine the process of acid fermentation, due to which the peristalsis is excited and the secretion of intestines improves. Very effective in stimulating motor activity are freshly squeezed natural juices from carrots, potatoes, beets, apricots.
Water is an important component of well-being. When hemorrhoids need to fast every day on an empty stomach 200-300 milliliters of cool water and the same amount before each meal.
Sample menu for hemorrhoids and constipation:
- Breakfast - a viscous buckwheat gruel, boiled soft boiled egg and vegetable juice.
- The second breakfast is 30 grams of fresh cheese.
- Lunch - boiled lean meat, grated soup with vegetables, kefir.
- Snack - low fat cottage cheese with steamed chopped dried fruits.
- Dinner - salad from boiled beets and carrots, fish cutlet steamed, viscous wheat porridge.
- Before going to bed - a glass of yogurt or kefir.
Nutrition with external and internal hemorrhoids, especially bleeding, and cracks in the rectum means not only the consumption of useful foods, but the exclusion of harmful. Prohibited products are:
- Energy drinks - coffee and strong tea.
- Alcohol.
- Fast food.
- Fat and fried meat.
- Fat cheese and cottage cheese.
- Cereals of white color - rice and semolina.
- Spicy spices. Baked bread and pasta. Sweet, carbonated drinks.
- Various sweets.
After removing
Correct modenutrition in the postoperative period is the key to early recovery: in order to avoid infection, emptying should be gentle, without affecting the superimposed seams.
In the first day after the operation to remove hemorrhoids, to exclude the appearance of stool, the patient is recommended to drink only drinks. After 24 hours, frequent meals are allowed( up to 6 times a day), but portions should remain small.
The diet should include: porridges cooked on the water( rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), vegetable soups, steam cutlets from low-fat meat, sour-milk products and cottage cheese. After a week, stewed vegetables and fish( lean meat), as well as baked apples, are added to dietary nutrition.
The patient needs to remember that in the first month after removal of the hemorrhoids, the fracture of the food cooked or cooked for a couple is preserved. Frequent and proper nutrition provides a soft consistency of the stool and facilitates the release of the intestine.
For a month after the operation it is forbidden to consume products that provoke the appearance of flatulence:
- Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber( cabbage, apples, turnips, radish, spinach, beans, sorrel, peas, gooseberries, dates, raspberries, lentils, citrus fruits, and also raisins, nuts and bread from a flour of a rough grinding).
- Tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, including kvass.
- Alcoholic beverages.
- Smoked, pickled, spicy food and canned food.
- Baking and confectionery.
- Heavy proteins - pork, lamb, meat ducks and geese.
Constant constipation almost always leads to hemorrhoidal veins, the appearance of anal fissures and the formation of numerous nodes. Therefore, the normalization of the stool and diet is the most effective way to prevent disease. In addition, the preventive measures include:
- Moveable lifestyle. Sedentary work is one of the factors in the appearance of hemorrhoids.
- Hygienic procedures. If possible, every time after defecation, rinse the anal area with cool water.
- Exercise. The most effective is the rhythmic tension of the muscles of the sphincter. Perform it must be sitting on a stiff chair or standing standing cross-legged. It is useful to strengthen and the muscles of the abdominal press: every day you need to perform the exercise "bike" and "scissors", lying on your back on a hard surface.