What to do with pain in the corners of the eyes?

This symptom, like pain in the corners of the eye, is characteristic of a wide range of ailments and diseases, differing in their severity and depth of damage to the eye tissues.

This can be attributed to the usual fatigue of the eye muscles and allergic reactions, and quite serious viral and bacterial pathologies.

Most often, pain sensations are localized in the inner corners of the eye, located on the side of the bridge of the nose.

In this article, we will try to highlight the essence and ways of solving this problem.

    • 1. General symptoms of
    • 2. Causes, diagnosis and treatment of
    • 3. Useful advice and recommendations
    • 4. Conclusion

General symptomatology

It can ache like the upper corner( in the areas of the upper eyelid and eyelashes), soand the lower corner( in the areas of the lower eyelid and tear duct).

The pain in the upper corner usually corresponds to sensations of pulsation and pressure in the temples, as well as the frontal area.

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This complex of symptoms speaks of migraine and is not directly related to eye diseases.

Painful sensations in the lower corner are accompanied by reddening of the eyes and the skin around them, lacrimation, itching, dryness. Such symptoms often indicate eye diseases.

The pain can be permanent, and it can manifest only when pressing on the eyelid, when closing the eyes. Constant pain, as a rule, is characteristic for more severe forms of diseases.

Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment


Weak pain in the corners of the eyes with a slight reddening of the eyelid skin is caused by overwork. It comes with prolonged visual work with a focus on small fixed objects. In the group at risk of these symptoms are people who regularly work at the computer.

Often fatigue is accompanied by dryness in the eyes. This problem is eliminated by carrying out visual gymnastics, vitamin support of the body and using moisturizing drops.

Also, the muscles in the corners of the eyes may be overworked due to constant loading when wearing incorrectly selected glasses that do not correspond to the anatomical structure of the nose bridge.

If the eyes are constantly getting good make-up in the form of nutrients, they will be more able to work and slower to tire. Here is information on the popular vitamins for them:

  • Blueberry Forte
  • Okuvait Lutein Forte
  • Complivit Ophthalmo


Allergic reactions manifest themselves mostly with itching without the appearance of pain.

But they can take place and with acute manifestations of allergies, especially with intensive combing of the inflamed area. Such a reaction can be provoked by the use of eye cosmetics and the use of certain external medicines.

Inflammation of

Canalitis is a pathological inflammation of the lacrimal canaliculus. It can be both an independent disease, and one of the symptoms of another ailment.

The following table shows the main characteristics of the inflammation:

Name Canal
Nature of appearance Fungal, bacterial
Haratker symptoms Swelling of the lower or upper eyelid, secretion of mucopurulent contents when pressing on the corner of the eye

From a number of fungi, causative agents of the canaliculitis are actinomycosis, sporotrichosisand candidiasis. Most often, the infection is caused by contact of the eye tissues with dirty hands.

Painful sensations appear only in the transition to the middle stages, in the early stages of the development of the discomfort, no discomfort occurs even with pressure on the corner of the eye.

Diagnosis is carried out during an external examination of the eye and by taking microbiological tests.

The most effective method of treatment of canaliculitis is surgical: the lacrimal canal expands with a probe, fungal formations are removed from it, and the tubule walls are lubricated with antiseptic drugs( iodine, diamond greens).

Non-surgical treatment involves the use of antibiotics in the form of drops, but the effectiveness of this method is high only in the early stages.


Like canaliculitis, dacryocystitis is a pathological disturbance of the tear duct, but if the first cause inflammation of the conductive pathway, this disease is characterized by lesion of the lacrimal sac.

This organ is located near the inner lower corner of the eye, this is where the inflammation focuses.

For the disease is characterized by active lacrimation, the release of pus with pressure on the corner of the eye and the corresponding painful sensations.

Pathology is provoked by local bacterial infections, as well as complication of the course of common viral diseases( ARVI) and disruption of the nasal cavity( sinusitis, adenoids).

Dacryocystitis is diagnosed with a Vesta test. A dyeing organic substance is buried in the eye, and a tampon is inserted into the nasal passage.

If the patency of the lacrimal canal( associated with the nasal canal) is not compromised, the tampon is painted in the appropriate color. If conductivity is impaired, the diagnosis is confirmed with microbiological tests.


Blepharitis is an inflammation of the ciliary epithelium. This term unites a large number of various diseases of bacterial, fungal and parasitic nature. The most common causative agent of inflammation is Staphylococcus aureus.

The disease can manifest as a uniform redness of the eyelids along their entire area( including in the corners of the eyes), and the appearance of separate ulcerative foci. The second type of symptomatology is more painful. With blepharitis, partial loss of eyelashes is possible.

Diagnosis is carried out using smears to determine the content of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as through an anamnesis of general well-being, since blepharitis can be provoked by systemic diseases.

Treatment involves the use of Erythromycin, Chloramphenicol, Ofloxacin and other analogues of these drugs.


This is an infectious disease, manifested by inflammation of the skin of the eyelids. It is provoked by a conditionally pathogenic parasitic mite belonging to the genus Demodex.

The conditional nature of its pathogenicity means that, under normal conditions, its residence in the human body does not lead to the appearance of painful symptoms, but under adverse circumstances( weakening of immunity, increase in body temperature, etc.), the parasite becomes harmful.

Parasites affect the hair bulbs of the eyelashes. They are pustules, capillaries expand on the eyelids. Pain sensations most often occur in the lower inner corner of the eye.

For the diagnosis of demodicosis 3-4 eyelashes are taken, placed in a special solution and studied under a microscope. Treatment involves smearing the skin of the eyelids with Carbohol drops and applying a bactericide gel Demolon.


This is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the sclera and eyelids. Painful sensations in this disease are most pronounced and acute.

Conjunctivitis is easy to identify by external manifestations: the skin around the eyes reddens, the pupil is filled with blood, on it you can see the capillaries.

The disease is provoked by bacterial infections, allergic reactions and traumatic effects.

Typically, conjunctivitis is characterized by pruritus, but scratching the eyes only increases pain. Treatment depends on the cause of the pathology: it is possible to use antiseptic drugs, antihistamines or regenerative drugs.


This disease is characterized by a clear localization of inflammation in this or that area of ​​the century. The inflammation itself looks like a rounded translucent or red bubble.

Barley rarely appears directly in the corners of the eye, but if its localization is close to these areas, then they will have a strong stitching pain.

The disease is provoked by Staphylococcus aureus. It is strictly forbidden to puncture the focus of inflammation.

Tips and tricks for

For the diagnosis of all these diseases, an ophthalmologist is responsible, it is also possible to go to a consultation with an otolaryngologist. Do not engage in self-medication until the full explanation of the causes of painful sensations in the corners of the eyes.

Drugs suitable for the therapy of a particular pathology can be harmful in the treatment of another disease.

Pain sensations can not be removed by applying warm or cold compresses. This can temporarily stop them, but in the long term such procedures will only increase the activity of bacteria and parasites.


Unpleasant and painful sensations in the corners of the eyes are caused by both fatigue of the body and allergic reactions, as well as infection with local and systemic infections.

These infections lead to inflammation of the eyelids and blockage of lacrimal ducts, which contributes to the accumulation of purulent discharge.

If general preventive measures are sufficient to combat fatigue, the treatment of infectious diseases involves the use of special drugs, and in severe cases, surgical intervention may be required.

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