Candidiasis of the throat: causes, symptoms and treatment of the oropharyngeal infection of the oropharynx

Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis - the root cause of all these treacherous ENT diseases is often the massive damage to the mucous cells of the pharynx and larynx by Candida fungi. If the immune defense of a person is strong enough, white blood cells and macrophages quickly destroy the pathogenic flora, with a reduced body resistance inevitably develops an acute inflammatory process provoked by a fungal infection - candidiasis of the throat.

Symptoms of thrush are often expressed slightly: there is no heat, there are no strong pains in the larynx, there is no general weakness. It is for this reason that people turn to the doctor untimely, only after a dangerous bacterial infection with a life-threatening symptomatology is added to the fungal lesion.

Meanwhile, the delay in initiating the treatment of throat candidiasis leads to terrible consequences: a fungal infection gradually descending into the mucous membranes of the bronchi and the respiratory tract, lungs, genitourinary and other organs, causing their irreversible obstruction and severe toxicosis.

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How to detect the fungus in time, what are the causes of infection and the symptoms of candidiasis, than to treat thrush?


  • Where the fungi of the Candida live, the way of infection
  • What can trigger the activation of the fungus?
    • Development of a fungal infection in a child
    • Causes of mycotic diseases of the oropharynx in adults
  • Clinical picture
  • Diagnostic methods and criteria
  • Complex therapeutic treatment
    • List of popular antifungal medicines
    • Antiseptics( solutions, sprays, tablets)
    • Common restorative therapy
  • Thrush is dangerous?
  • Preventive measures

Where the fungi of Candida live, the pathways of infection

The following types of oropharyngeal candidiasis differ depending on the location of the inflammation foci:

  1. Haylit .Characterized by the defeat of fungi of the mucous lips, external manifestations: microcracks, flaking flakes, uneven seals on the entire surface of the epithelium. With an angular cheilitis, erosion occurs in the corners of the mouth( seizures).
  2. Gingivitis .The area of ​​reproduction of the fungus is the gums. They are covered with a white - gray coating of curdled consistency, become inflamed, and begin to bleed.
  3. Glossite .From infectious lesions, the tongue suffers: microcracks are formed, sores covered with a thin, grainy white film.
  4. Stomatitis .Explicit manifestations of thrush are observed on the mucous membranes of the internal cavity of the mouth. Plaque white, yellowish or gray hue easily separated by a spatula, exposing the epithelium, affected by many small ulcers.
  5. Candidiasis of the throat , which is manifested by the following diseases: pharyngitis( infection seizes the pharynx), tonsillitis( thrush invades the tonsils) and laryngitis( the fungus settles in the larynx).

Fungal diseases of throat of focal nature are rare, usually diffuse spread of pathogenic microorganisms throughout the mouth and nasopharynx.

Depending on the severity of the lesions, there are surface candidiasis of the throat( fungi progress on mucous membranes) and deep mycosis( with the formation of internal necrotic ulcers, tumors).

What can trigger the activation of the fungus?

Pathways of infection with an infection that provokes candidiasis: endogenous, caused by the pathological reproduction of fungi, constantly living in the cavity of the mouth and throat during the onset of unfavorable factors for the organism, and exogenous( contact) with the sick person - domestic, sexual.

Development of a fungal infection in a child

Babies can become infected with thrush during labor from a mother who is sick with candidiasis of the vagina, or catch the fungus during feeding.

The risk group also includes:

  • older children, who may develop throat candidiasis due to dysbacteriosis, as well as improper use of antibiotics;
  • children with a lack of vaccinated hygiene rules - also an important factor provoking candidiasis of the oropharynx;
  • The risk of fungal infection of mucous membranes exposed to children with high blood sugar( diabetics);
  • development of thrush promotes viral and bacterial infections;
  • is often the cause of the disease in children is the wrong metabolism - due to vitamin deficiency( or hypervitaminosis), as well as a deficiency of minerals;
  • diabetic children are susceptible to fungal angina due to high blood sugar levels( especially favorable fungal environment);
  • fungus in the throat of a child is often formed due to autoimmune diseases.

To provoke a thrush can illnesses of a teeth( caries, a parodontosis), and also fungous diseases of bodies of breath, digestion( on an ascending way).

Candidiasis in children often develops due to mechanical damage to the mucous with an overly hot drink swallowed by a sharp cracker, excessively spicy( acidic) food.

Causes of mycotic diseases of the oropharynx in adults

In the photo, a whitish coating on the tonsils is a characteristic symptom indicative of Candida fungus living in the throat of

. To the above natural factors of throat candidiasis development, which are typical for children, age-related artificial causes of fungal infection are added:

  • use of antibiotics, corticosteroids;
  • continuous use of antiseptics;
  • presence of caries, parodontosis, gingivitis, stomatitis in advanced stages;
  • poor quality products for cleaning teeth and oral cavity( paste, rinse aid);
  • infectious diseases;
  • misuse of diets( consequence - lack of vitamins);
  • professional activity in harmful production( dust, chemical reagents);
  • chronic internal diseases, weakening immunity;
  • smoking;
  • strong alcoholic beverages;
  • mucosal damage to acute spices;
  • stress load;
  • oncological diseases;
  • HIV Immunodeficiency.
Candidiasis of the larynx can become a constant companion of singers, speakers and teachers due to an abnormal vocal cords with constant tension.

Specialty of the clinical picture

With candidiasis of the throat, all adjacent areas are gradually affected: the posterior wall of the larynx, palatine tonsils, arch, tongue, surface mucosa and the inferior of the tongue, the inner epithelium of the cheeks.

Characteristic symptoms that indicate that the fungus has settled in the throat and the infection spreads to nearby tissues:

  • reddening of the pharynx;
  • absence or low-grade fever( 37 - 37, 5);
  • slight pain in swallowing;
  • itching in the throat, pershenie;
  • loss of sonority of the voice, hoarse;
  • cough;
  • presence of bad breath;
  • curdled consistency of plaque on the sites affected by the infection, when it is removed on the mucous, numerous small hemorrhages, aphthae, solitary or merging sores are found;
  • progression of the disease is aggravated hoarseness, increased pain during swallowing, the appearance of dyspnea, spastic cough;
  • on the folds of the glands and larynx appear jams.

Treatment should be started immediately, otherwise the infected tissues will be infected with other pathogenic microorganisms.

Attachment of bacterial infection is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature( 39 - 40,5), bright hyperemia of the glands, a strong edema of the larynx, as well as increased bleeding, an increase in the area of ​​the lesion, and the appearance of purulent mucus on the surface of the epithelium.

Diagnostic Methods and Criteria

If suspected of becoming infected with a fungal infection, the patient is referred for clinical blood and urine tests. If necessary, check the biochemical composition of the blood, do pharyngoscopy. In case of suspicion remain, specific tests of the smear from the throat are prescribed:

  • microscopy.
  • bucket.
  • PCR.
  • ELISA.

Mandatory differentiation of candidiasis from allergic, infectious diseases of bacterial and viral etiology, which allows to avoid mistakes in prescribing medications.

Complex therapeutic treatment of

To treat the candidiasis of the throat and entire oropharynx was successful, it is mandatory to exclude the factors activating the Candida fungus, which causes the fungal infection:

  • discontinuation of antibiotic and corticosteroid treatment;
  • establishment of a correct diet regime with the exception of sweet, sour, acute, sour, fatty rations;
  • elimination of bad habits: smoking, drinking.

Qualitative and regular oral hygiene is the main condition for preventing further development of Candida fungi.

List of popular antifungal medicines

The following antimycotic agents for systemic exposure are prescribed for the destruction of fungal infection and restoration of immune defense:

  1. Fluconazole .To destroy the newly formed candidiasis in the throat, one capsule( 150 mg) should be drunk in the morning 1 to 2 days( on the recommendation of the doctor). If the fungal disease is chronic, take Fluconazole twice a day for 10-14 days.
  2. Nystatin .Before you start taking medication you need to find out the individual sensitivity to the active substance, for which you should drink 1 tablet. In the absence of allergies, the treatment of thrush takes place according to a doctor-defined scheme. Usually the dosage is: every 3 hours for 500 000 10 to 12 days.
  3. Orungal .1 capsule in the morning for 15 days.
  4. Itraconazole .Tablet 100mg once a day for 15 days.
  5. Ketoconazole .10 days, the dose for a day from 200 to 400 mg.
  6. Diflucan 10 to 12 days, single dose of 50 to 150 mg.

Topical antifungal agents:

  • Nystatin - an aqueous suspension or ointment is applied in the form of applications( 4 procedures per day), or for rinsing the throat( 10 ml);
  • Amphotericin for rinsing, 1 ml of solution per time, per day 4 procedures;
  • Clotrimazole, or Candid 1% solution.

In the absence of allergies, it is allowed to rinse the throat with folicar antifungal agents: decoction of chamomile, calendula, sage, willow bark, oak, soda.

Antiseptics( solutions, sprays, tablets)

Treatment of the throat of the oropharynx is impossible without the use of antiseptics:

  1. Tantum Verde .The spray of the day is used to irrigate the throat 4 to 6 times a day. Degradable tablet up to 4 pcs.per day.
  2. Lugol solution .Spray mucous up to 4 times a day.
  3. Newsept .For 1 lozenge dissolve after 3 hours or apply irrigation of the throat with a spray.
  4. Chlorhexidine .One rinse 10 ml of solution for a minute. In total for a day from 6 to 8 procedures.
  5. Oralcept .A day is sprayed 4 times on the oropharynx.
  6. Fukortsin, Methylene blue for the treatment of aphthae and ulcers.
  7. Inhalation through nebulizer for disinfection of throat tissues with Miramistin, saline solution. In the morning and in the evening.

General restorative therapy

It is compulsory, in conjunction with antifungal therapy, to drink funds to strengthen the body's immune system:

  • antipyretic drugs are prescribed only at temperatures above 38.6: Paracetamol, Nurofen;
  • complex vitamin and mineral remedies : Complivit, Alphabet - 2 pills in the morning;
  • probiotics in order to restore the amount of beneficial bacteria: Linex, Acipol;
  • immunomodulators : Immunal - 3 times a day for 20 drops, Wobenzym - 3 tablets three times a day.
Self-medication is unacceptable at any stage of the candidiasis of the throat, because the infection can move deep inside the body and get rid of it will not work for many years.

Than Thrush is dangerous?

Untimely or incorrect treatment of throat thrush can lead to serious complications:

  • fungal infection of the genito-urinary organs, skin;
  • disrupting the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • dysfunction of the muscular and bony system;
  • affection of the heart muscle;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • critical reduction in immune defense;
  • development of an allergy to medicines.

The most common consequence of candidiasis of the throat is that the fungus settles in the airways, which leads to bronchial obstruction, pulmonary insufficiency.

Preventive measures

The primary preventive task is the elimination of the above-listed causes and factors for activating Candida fungus.

In addition, it is important to comply with the following rules:

  • if someone in the family has become a thrush, you need to limit close contacts: allocate individual household items and personal hygiene, often wash them, rinse with antiseptic drugs;
  • in the process of treatment it is necessary to reduce to a minimum the consumption of fatty and carbohydrate food, yeast rolls, pies, add protein and vegetable dishes to the diet;you can not eat ice cream and other cold foods, you also need to limit hot food;
  • the room should be ventilated regularly, in the winter open only the remote windows;
  • if not cold you need to walk more often on the street away from transport;
  • is very important positive emotions, life without stressful situations;
  • One of the best ways to prevent thrush is the systematic hardening of the body: sports activities, including swimming.

Throat candidiasis is a very dangerous infectious disease, with the first symptoms you should immediately consult a doctor, otherwise a fungal infection of the respiratory system, liver, and heart muscle tissue can develop. The sooner the treatment begins, the more successful will be the disposal of fungi, and the less threatening will be the consequences.

  • Mar 15, 2018
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