With age, the human body undergoes various changes. Damaged tissues are worse restored, the metabolism slows down, unlike in a young organism.
The visual apparatus of a person is also prone to similar age changes, especially for those who in the course of their life were associated with significant visual loads, working under bright sunlight, long stayed behind the wheel or at the computer.
Also detrimental to the visual apparatus are smoking, high concentrations of oxygen, poor nutrition.
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- instruction 2.
- price 3.
- analogues 4. Summing up:
Free radicals formed in the body destructively affect all eye structures, damage its cells and lead to diseases such as agemacular macular degeneration( macular degeneration), cataract.
The muscular apparatus of the eye becomes less elastic, the ability of the eye to focus is reduced.
What is the price of Khilokomod in pharmacies in the CIS?What analogies are there for this drug and what is the price for them?
In the article( link) instruction on the use of a drop for eyes Oftagel. When and how many times can I use drops?
Long-term research of scientists has shown that vitamins possess the best antioxidant protection. In combination with biologically active substances, they contribute to the acceleration of metabolism and tissue regeneration. All these qualities of a unique vitamin-mineral complex are collected in the biologically active additive Okuvite Lutein forte.
Okuvait Lutein forte contains a unique combination of vitamins, biologically active substances and minerals.
BAA is available in the form of tablets at 0.645 g No. 30
One tablet Okuvait Lutein forte contains 6.5 mg carotenoid marigolds - 6 mg lutein, 0.5 mg zeaxanthin;60 mg of ascorbic acid( Vit. C), 8, 8 mg of α-tocopherol acetate( VitE), 20 μg of selenium in the form of selenium yeast, 5 mg of zinc. Also in the composition are auxiliary components in the form of fillers, dyes, emulsifying and glazing agents.
Useful properties
Lutein is a carotenoid that exerts a shielding action and protects the retina from destructive ultraviolet radiation.
Zeaxanthin - is a carotenoid pigment( xanthophyll), is able to accumulate in the macula yellow spot( macula), together with lutein helps protect the eye from light exposure to the blue part of the spectrum, and also destroys lipofuscin, which is considered the final product of metabolism( slag).
Ascorbic acid( vit. C) is a water-soluble vitamin, it has strong antioxidant properties, promotes strengthening of the vascular wall, which favorably affects the choroid of the eye( choroid).Also, vitamin C affects the metabolism and recovery of visual pigments, is involved in the regulation of intraocular pressure, reduces it. Thus, it prevents the development of glaucoma.
Alpha-tocopherol acetate( VitE) is a fat-soluble vitamin that, together with vitamin C, provides antioxidant protection and strengthens the vascular wall.is an important link in the prevention of cataracts.
Selenium is another antioxidant, which is also a synergist of α-tocopherol acetate( promotes its absorption and enhances properties).Selenium takes part in the exchange of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and is part of more than thirty important biologically active complexes formed in the human body.
Zinc is a microelement that, in combination with the above components, dietary supplements participates in antioxidant protection. Zinc is able to prevent the aggressive influence of ultraviolet rays on the retina, slows down the age-related degenerative changes in the retina. Its deficiency can cause cataracts, a decrease in color perception.
All components of Okuvite Lutein forte are not formed in the body, therefore, they must come from the outside in the food composition. However, not always eaten by us products contain the necessary amount of these substances, so the drug will be an excellent assistant in eliminating the deficiency of substances important for healthy eyesight.
The Okudwight Lutein forte is indicated for people with high eye strain( working at a computer, driving for a long time, working under bright sunlight, BAA helps in the prevention and treatment of cataracts, age-related retinal degeneration, "night blindness"
Okuvate Lutein forte is used in all degree of myopia to reduce the risk of disease progression and recovery of visual acuity
How to use
A dietary supplement can be administered to children aged 14 and adults aboutt 1 to 2 times a day for 1 tablet Duration of admission 2.5 to 3 months
BAC Okuvite Lutein forte is not indicated for individuals with increased individual sensitivity to any of the components of the drug
Average price Okuvain Lutein forte in Russiais 682 rubles, in Ukraine 106 UAH
Lutein Complex is a complex dietary supplement containing lutein, blueberry extract, vitamins C, E, A, copper, zinc, selenium, taurine, β-carotene. It shows persons with increased visual loads, diseases of the choroid of the eye, twilight blindness. Like Okuvite Lutein forte has antioxidant, protective and angioprotective effects.
Complivit Ophthalmo - similar in composition to Lutein Complex, additionally contains rutin and B vitamins. It has similar properties and indications. Great for reducing eye fatigue after wearing contact lenses.
Detailed reviews about Vidisike, what doctors and patients say about these eye drops.
In the news( here) detailed instructions on eye drops Visomitin.
Price on the Myrtle!http: //moezrenie.com/lechenie/vitaminy/ mirtikam-opisanie-i-primenenie.html
Nutrof Total - Omega-3 contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are one of the strongest antioxidants and stabilizers of cell membranes. Nutrof Total is perfect for preventing age-related eye pathology.
Reviews about BAD Okuvayt Lutein forte can be found at the end of the article.
Let's sum up:
- Okuvaite Lutein forte is an active additive containing essential biologically active substances and microelements, the intake of which is from the outside, as they are not synthesized in the body.
- The components of dietary supplements have a high ability to antioxidant protection, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, protect the eye from harmful light effects, and prevent the development of age-related changes.
- Apply BAD can be from 14 years.
- Admission of this dietary supplement should be avoided for individuals with increased individual sensitivity to any component of the drug.
- Okuvait Lutein forte has an affordable price and many analogues.