What do you need to know about a milking day on milk?

  1. Benefits and benefits of discharge on milk
  2. To whom is this diet not suitable?
  3. General recommendations
  4. Options for the dairy ration

It is difficult to find another so balanced product, like milk. Designed by nature for feeding offspring, it harmoniously combines the proteins, milk fat, vitamins A, D, E, K, B, available to the body, more than 50 macro- and microelements. Unloading day on milk is an effective way to adjust weight, clean the intestines, normalize digestion. In addition, it is a kind of vitamin-mineral dope, improving overall health and appearance.

Milk is a unique product, the precious gift of nature

The benefits and benefits of unloading on

milk. No matter how much they argue about the benefits of milk and dairy products, the fact that mankind drinks about 800 million glasses of this medicinal drink every day speaks for itself. By value for the human body, dairy products are not inferior to meat and fish. By composition - a balanced source of proteins, carbohydrates, fats. Let's talk about the advantages of unloading with this product.

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  • 100 g of milk is 3.5 g of protein. Drinking 1.5-2 liters of beverage during the dairy day, you meet the minimum daily requirement for this important component. In addition, the milk protein contains 20 amino acids, and its most important characteristic is an easily accessible form.
  • Mineral complex of calcium + phosphorus + magnesium is just what our body needs, completely and easily absorbed.

  • A whole group of substances( vitamin B₂, methionine) activate metabolism, improve liver function, accelerate fat burning, and this is the most important condition for weight normalization.
  • Low-fat milk products( up to 3,5%) are characterized by low caloric content - 36-56 calories per 100 g, but they perfectly saturate and quickly suppress hunger.
  • Unloading day on whole milk is indicated for people who want to lose weight, but have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The product gently affects the gastric mucosa, intestines, does not irritate ulcerous formations, erosion, eliminates heartburn.

Please note! Milk helps fight colds, viral infections. The protein contained in it is better than any other, promotes the formation of antibodies( immunoglobulin), which neutralize the toxins released by viruses.

No less useful are natural sour-milk products, prepared without preservatives and "substitutes" for milk fat.

To whom is this diet not suitable?

Despite the obvious benefit of a natural drink, there are contra-indications for a dairy unloading day.

  1. Lactose intolerance. This "defect" in adulthood is observed in almost 50% of people. Over time, the body stops producing the enzyme necessary for the splitting of milk in the stomach. When lactase deficiency is better to unload on curd or kefir.
  2. Allergy to dairy products. The most common allergy to casein is one of the milk proteins, lactose is milk sugar. In this case, it is better to refuse from the day of milking at all.
  3. High cholesterol. Unfortunately, overweight is often accompanied by the above problem. With cardiac, vascular diseases, atherosclerosis, it is desirable to limit the milk ration, since it is a source of additional cholesterol.

Even if you do not have the described problems, but you do not like milk and do not drink milk, it is not worth taking it as a basis for a day of unloading.

General recommendations

Whichever day you choose, on milk or other products, follow the general recommendations.

  • Do not starve. You need to cleanse and heal the body, and not torture it with hunger.
  • Do not overdo it. To arrange a light diet recommend no more than 1 time per week.
  • Do not abuse the same product, protein diet alternate with carbohydrate, meat - with cereals, fruits.
  • Do not combine a day off with increased mental or physical exertion.
  • Do not overeat immediately before unloading and immediately after it. Light dinner on the eve and the same breakfast the next morning is just right.

Options for the dairy ration

We offer several options for dairy days of release. You can stick to such a diet or by analogy make up your own menu. The general approach is the basis all the same dairy, at combination of products the daily energy indicator should not exceed 900 calories.

On pure milk

During the day you should drink only milk, eliminating even tea or water. The full volume of the drink( 1.5-2 liters) is advised to be divided into 5-6 receptions. To unload it was most useful, you need to drink it warm or at room temperature, but not from the refrigerator. Fatty choose at your own discretion - the fat-free drink contains only 36 kcal / 100 g, milk 3.2% - 56 kcal / 100 g.

Advice! In the last portion of milk( before going to bed) add a teaspoon of natural honey. Sweet warm drink will well satisfy hunger, soothe, provide a sound sleep.

Milk Mud Has recommended itself a fasting day on green tea with milk. In order not to depart from the base product, tea is best prepared directly on milk. Take it you need 2 liters, heat up to 80-85 degrees, brew 2-3 st.spoons of green tea. Finished molokochay pour into a thermos, drink for 5-6 receptions. Even with a low-fat product, you will get a minimum of 700 calories, which will not make you feel hungry.

Milk tea burns excess fat, cleans the body of toxins and toxins, muffles the appetite

Mix with dairy products

A good effect for losing weight( not less than 1 kg per day) gives a combination of milk and cottage cheese. The first and second product should be taken for 500 grams, divided into 4-5 servings, there is alternately, at lunch, you can combine. This option involves the consumption of additional liquid - green or herbal tea, a table of mineral water.

With fruits

Fruit is an addition to this variant of a dairy day of unloading. We offer two recipes.

  1. A one-day diet consists of 1 liter of milk and 3 bananas. Distribute them so that the drink goes to the main reception, and the fruit to the snack. The exception is lunch, where both products can be combined. The average caloric value of 1 banana is 120 kcal, that is, a day with sufficient milk is 900-920 kcal.
  2. At the same norm of milk, a banana can be replaced with apples - 500-700 g. You need to eat by alternating foods.
Hearty, tasty, useful cleansing of the body on milk with fruit

With cereals

When planning a day of milk on milk, you can supplement it with rice or buckwheat.

  1. Boil 1 cup of fresh rice on water. Rice porridge divided into 5-6 servings, before consumption pour 200 g of warm milk. During the unloading a lot of tea without sugar or plain water.
  2. Buckwheat needs to be cooked. To do this in the evening a glass of cereals fill with boiling water( 1: 2), let it evaporate. By the morning you will get crumbly porridge, which is eaten by pouring a glass of milk. The total volume of the drink is 1 liter.

As a cereal component, you can take bread - rye, whole-grain, with bran( 100-150 g).

Having chosen a milk discharge option, you can reset up to 1.5 kg of weight. This may not be as effective as on cucumbers or apples, but it is tasty, useful and easy.

Video about the milk diet:

  • Mar 15, 2018
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