
There are a lot of disputes about vegetarianism. And to reach a compromise to supporters and opponents of this food system, apparently, it will not be possible. The number of studies and evidence of the benefits and harms of vegetarianism is growing, both from one and the other side. Let's try to understand the nuances of vegetarianism, its pros and cons. What is a vegetarian food system? Vegetarianism is not a newfangled diet that promotes weight loss and health improvement, but a system that lasts thousands of years, meaning complete or partial refusal to eat animal products.

The term "vegetarianism" was introduced by the English, some scholars believe that this word is derived from the Latin "vegetus" - vigorous, strong, full of strength. Members of the "British Vegetarian Society" in 1842 were convinced that in India the plant diet brings unquestionable benefit and, propagandizing it in the homeland, introduced the term Homo Vegetus, which means a harmoniously developed personality. Initially, the word "vegetarian" was more of a philosophical nature, only in the course of time it began to point to a person adhering to a plant diet.

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Vegetarianism implies not just a certain set of dietary rules, but rather a person's vital position. Many people who adhere to the vegetarian food system, acted in defense of animals, feeling their own involvement in the world of wildlife. Vegetarianism is held by Buddhists, who try not to harm even insects, believing that his killing will negatively affect the karma of the "killer".Vedic culture, calling for a plant diet, advocates a life in harmony with nature and in the world with animals( they are against their destruction).Priests in Ancient Egypt did not eat meat of animals, so that this did not interfere with their "magical" abilities. The ancient Greeks also adhered to vegetarianism.

The sacred books of many peoples contain indications of the preference for eating plant foods. So, in the Bible, in the book of Genesis it is said that from the very beginning people had to eat food of vegetable origin. The Qur'an mentions that one should not make stomachs graves for animals.

Varieties of Vegetarian Food System

Vegetarianism is different from vegetarianism. In general, it can be said that vegetarians do not eat animal products. However, different types of vegetarian food system has its own set of "forbidden" products.

Vigorous vegetarianism does not accept not only meat and fish, but also eggs and dairy products. Vegan vegetarians are also called vegan.

If strict vegetarians prefer the use of vegetables, fruits, nuts, they are called fruitarians. If the priority is grain, then we are talking about the followers of macrobiotics.

Lactovegetarians use dairy products and oil in addition to plant foods, lacto-vegans also eat eggs.

The Benefits and Harms of Vegetarianism

The Benefits of the Vegetarian Diet

If a person adheres to vegetarianism for ethical or religious reasons, he somehow does not think about the benefits of this food system. When a person chooses vegetarianism by medical or economic indicators, this question is very relevant for him. Also it is worth to learn more about this for those who doubt the feasibility of a vegetarian food system.

Vegetarian diet is based on vegetable food, which contains a large number of vitamins C and P, potassium, magnesium and beta-carotene, which contribute to strengthening immunity. Vegetable fibers help to remove slag and other harmful substances from the intestine. Phytoncides, which also form part of many plants, suppress the life of putrefactive bacteria. Vegetable food does not contain cholesterol, in addition, when eating nuts, oats and barley, the level of cholesterol that already exists in the body decreases. Such properties of plant food allow it to be used for weight loss, for the prevention of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and oncological diseases, digestive system diseases.

Genetics scientists who embarked on the protection of vegetarianism argue that people should not include genetically similar foods in their diet for a full-fledged life. Biochemical processes of humans and mammals differ little from each other, more than 85% of genes also coincide. Plants have almost nothing in common with the human genotype.

Vegetarian weaknesses

Strict vegetarianism is not without flaws, as it may seem after acquaintance with seemingly obvious merits. It's not about taste, the fact is that the body of a person adhering to veganism does not receive vitally important substances, for example, vitamins D and B12.

The human body is unable to synthesize vitamin B12, which is necessary for the normal course of cell division processes. The lack of this vitamin can lead to the destruction of nerve fibers. A lot of it in meat, kidneys, seafood, especially in crabs and oysters. Vegetarians are prohibited from using these products. Lactovegarians are in a better position, because they can satisfy the body's need for vitamin B12, eating cheeses( especially useful in this regard, camembert) and low-fat milk.

The lack of vitamin D is fraught with brittle hair and other unpleasant manifestations. In children, its deficiency can provoke the emergence of rickets. Vegetable products do not contain this vitamin, it is found in the liver of sea fish and in fish oil. They are rich in butter, whole milk and fresh eggs. The human body is designed in such a way that it can synthesize vitamin D on its own. As is known, it is able to form in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Consequently, the deficiency of this vitamin can be almost completely restored. It is important that certain conditions are met. A large amount of vitamin D is produced when staying in the sun in the morning and in the evening, especially for fair-skinned people. With aging, the production of vitamin in the body is reduced, and it is little produced in the conditions of polluted air in industrial cities.

Also fruits and vegetables practically do not contain riboflavin, or vitamin B2.Its shortage is manifested in weakness, dizziness, all kinds of damage to the mucous membranes. The main products containing riboflavin are the liver, kidneys, eggs, milk. A small amount of this vitamin is produced by the intestine. To receive riboflavin with food, strict vegetarians should include in their diet oatmeal or buckwheat, mushrooms or take vitamin complexes. The rejection of the yeast test will also benefit, as yeast suppresses the production of the intestine of vitamin B2.

Few in plant foods of calcium, iron and iodine. The content of these trace elements in products of plant origin is determined by the soil on which the plants grew. Consequently, they can be in food in sufficient quantities, and not at all, and when buying products in a store, it is not possible to determine this.

How to mitigate the disadvantages of vegetarianism

To avoid iodine deficiency, vegetarians can eat champignons, sea kale, spinach, broccoli, iodized salt. Soy and products made from it have the property of reducing the production of iodine by the body, which leads to a twofold increase in the demand for this trace element. Excessively addicted to these products, therefore, is not worth it.

There is a lot of calcium in dried fruits, cabbage, dairy products. Also, these products contain a small amount of iodine.

There are a lot of iron in the liver and meat products. Also, iron is found in dried fruits, buckwheat, lentils, beans, in small quantities - in bitter chocolate.

To raise the level of hemoglobin, you can use the following recipe: grind the unroasted buckwheat in a coffee grinder to the state of powder. During each meal, eat a tablespoon of this powder plus a teaspoon of honey.

Protein is vital to the body. It promotes growth, healing of wounds, promotes increase of immunity. All vegetarians should include beans in their diet, as they contain a protein that is the closest in structure to the animal.

As for vitamin C, it is part of many fruits and vegetables. Especially a lot of it in the dog rose, black currant, red vegetables( Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes).For complete assimilation by the body of protein products containing vitamin C, should not be subjected to heat treatment. These products should be part of the daily diet.

Fats necessary for the production of hormones, transportation of vitamins and a number of other functions can be obtained with vegetable oil, nuts, avocados. Vegetable oils are now presented in a wide range, each has its own useful properties. Well, if the kitchen will be several of their varieties: olive, sunflower, corn and others.

Transition to a vegetarian diet

A person should decide for himself whether he should be a vegetarian. When making a decision, keep in mind that strict vegetarianism is shown to adults. Those who adhere to it, it is necessary to take care of additionally taking balanced vitamin complexes.

For children, vegetarianism is not recommended, if you are still determined to "plant" your child on this food system, limit lacto- or lacto-vegetarianism. It is also suitable for those who simply want to adhere to this diet in order to improve the body. Children should combine a vegetarian food system with the reception of a complex of vitamins and microelements matched by doctors. The last recommendation applies to pregnant women, whose health "minuses" of plant diets can affect especially strongly. Our ancestors understood this perfectly, in many religions the strict requirements of fasting were removed from sick people, travelers and from future mothers.

Those who want to lose weight, adhering to the vegetarian food system, it is recommended to start eating this way in the warm season, as at this time the metabolism becomes more active, in addition at this time a richer selection of vegetables and fruits. At this time, it will be easier for you to switch to a vegetable diet, you can quickly get used to a new diet for you. With better health, you will feel more motivated to stick to vegetarianism in the future.

It may seem that vegetarianism implies a complete rejection of delicious dishes. However, it is not.

Take, for example, Indian vegetable curry. Even if you do not follow the principles of vegetarianism, try to cook this dish. Fry onion and garlic in vegetable oil. Add the curry powder, put it on low heat for 3 minutes. Add peeled chopped tomatoes or tomato paste. In the same dish, put the chopped pods of asparagus beans and cook until the beans soften. If the sauce is too thick, add a little water. Put the vegetables into finely chopped potatoes. Stew until soft, sprinkle the prepared dish with lemon juice.

The vegetarian food system is diverse, its dishes are not only useful, but also delicious. Applying a little imagination, you can almost any dish to transform into a vegetable diet. So, you can cook borscht on vegetable broth, while vegetables pass in vegetable oil. As a result, you will get a delicious aromatic dish, without violating the requirements of vegetarian food.

When cooking pilaf instead of meat, you can put prunes and dried apricots in the dish. Sweet Vegetarian pilaf sprinkle with crushed nuts( cashew or almonds).From this hearty and unusual dish, even the most vegan will not refuse.

As an alternative to meat and fish, you can consider soy and beans. Sometimes you can replace them, depending on the dish, mushrooms, potatoes, eggplant. The taste of the dishes, of course, will be different, but seasonings and spices will help fix the situation.

Eggs can be replaced with potatoes, avocados when preparing soups and salads. For the test, instead of eggs, you can use soy or bananas, turned into mashed potatoes.

Butter can perfectly replace vegetable margarine, peanut and coconut oil. The composition of these products includes a sufficient amount of body fat. As already mentioned in the article, the need for fats can also be met by adding olive, sunflower and other vegetable oils.

Soy or coconut milk can be used to replace milk of animal origin, ordinary water can be added to some dishes instead.

For many people the transition to a vegetarian food system means the beginning of a new spiral in their lives. After all, vegetarianism is also a vital philosophy, pushing for a more peaceful relationship with the outside world.

Healthy food methods
  • Mar 15, 2018
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