With a cold, drink onion juice, He will relieve congestion and nose swelling!

  1. Uses
  2. Usage in folk medicine
  3. How to use onion juice in the common cold
  4. Side effects and contraindications

In case of an annoying runny nose, squishing and stuffy nose, folk medicine recommends using onion juice. It not only eliminates the symptoms of cold, but also crushes the germs that provoke malaise.

In addition, it strengthens the immune system and improves well-being in general. Juice of onions in the cold is one of the most accessible and effective means. It is based on the preparation of therapeutic gruel, drops, ointments and cocktails.

The benefits of

The curative properties of onion juice are due to the presence of phytoncides( natural antibiotics), which playfully deal with any pathogenic bacteria. The remedy is irreplaceable for colds and flu:

  • facilitates the expectoration process;
  • relieves pain when coughing;
  • relieves nasal congestion;
  • restores normal breathing;
  • eliminates edema of the nasal mucosa.

Application in folk medicine

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Healing onion juice from the common cold is used in different ways: mixed with honey and other products, buried in the nose, they prepare ointment and mush.

Classic recipe

To bring the nasal mucosa in the norm the following recipe will help:

  • Onion free from the husks and grate on a fine grater.
  • Form the juice squeeze through the gauze fabric.
  • Mix it with a little water.
  • Dampen with a cotton swab and alternately place in both nostrils for 8-10 minutes.

Attention! The bulb fluid can cause burning in the nose, so do not forget to lubricate the mucous membrane with petroleum jelly.

Onion juice is one of the effective cures for the common cold


To prepare a healing ointment, mix freshly squeezed onion juice with honey, cyclamen root, aloe vera and Vishnevsky ointment. All the ingredients should be taken in equal doses - about 5-10 g. Carefully mix the mixed weight slightly, dip the cotton swabs into it and apply to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages for 20-30 minutes, no more. The procedure should be repeated 2 times a day until well-being. Keep the ointment in the refrigerator.


Excellent onion juice from a chronic cold helps. To make a drug, grate one on a small grater and pour the resulting mass of a glass of hot vegetable oil. Wrap up the container and leave for 7 hours. With oil, lubricate both nostrils daily. Relief will come on the second day.


The agent is widely used for inhalations. To do this, pour the onion into a glass, and place it in a bowl with hot water. Cover the glass with a funnel made of thick paper, and begin to inhale hot steam from the onion, then one or the other nostril. The procedure will remove the swelling of the mucous and bring the breath back to normal.

Warning! Inhalation in the common cold should be conducted no more than 4 times a day.

Onion inhalation eliminates mucosal edema and clears nasal passages


You can give onion juice from the cold to children, but only in a duet with water or honey. To prepare the drug, store onions( 500 g) and honey( 50 g).Bulbs finely chop or grind with a grater. Form the juice mixed with honey, pour into a jar and determine in the refrigerator. Children should take 1 tbsp.spoon means, adults - 2 spoons after they have had a bite. This mixture will relieve the cold and cough for a week.

The use of onion and honey juice is that the former has an expectorant effect, and the second kills the bacteria. The agent can also lubricate the nose.


A "thermonuclear" onion-based cocktail should be prepared in cases where you need to get up on foot in one night. You will need:

  • lemon juice - 100 ml;Onion juice - 5 tbsp.spoons;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • honey - 1 tbsp.a spoon;
  • boiled water - 200 ml.

All the ingredients are mixed and poured with water. Ready for a cocktail drink on the future. Do not drink anything and do not jam, otherwise there will be no benefit from it.


Onion juice from cough is taken together with sugar. Cut a small onion into small pieces, mix with sugar( 2 tablespoons) and leave for 7-8 hours. Then squeeze the mass through the gauze fabric. Drink the juice in small sips. After 2-3 days the cough is guaranteed to recede.

Nasal drops

There are several recipes for cooking onion drops.

Recipe number 1. Finely chop or grate one onion. Kashitsu pour with sunflower oil( 6-8 hours spoons) and leave to infuse for 10 hours. Then squeeze through the cheesecloth and use as directed. To enhance the effect, you can add to the recipe a chopped clove of garlic. The finished composition can be stored for not more than a week.

Children should drip onion juice diluted with water or oil.

Recipe # 2. In a cold, mix the onion juice( 5 drops) with 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Mix the mixture carefully with a match stick, and then dip into the nose.

Recipe # 3. Chop one small onion and fry it in a frying pan until liquid appears. Put in a saucer and pour olive oil( 3 tablespoons), mix, filter. Instead of olive oil, you can also use sea buckthorn or peach - their action is identical.

Warning! Before you bury your nose with onion juice, make sure that you do not have allergies to it. Otherwise, prolonged sneezing can not be avoided.

Drink recipes 2-3 times a day for 2-3 drops in each nostril. Combine the procedure with garlic drops is prohibited.

Drops should only be used in case of a viral infection. Give her thick snot( green or yellow) with pus. There is no evidence that onion drops will cure a runny nose, but they will greatly accelerate recovery.

Attention! It is forbidden to instill onion juice from the common cold to children in pure form. It must be diluted with water, otherwise the mucous membrane of the nose will get severe burns.

Shelf life of onion recipes is 7 days.

. How to use onion juice with runny nose.

. Drip onion drops or put cotton swabs soaked in onion juice in your nose, according to the following rules:

  • For symptoms of viral and bacterial infection.
  • The temperature of the room, where the patient is lying, should not be above 22 degrees. In a stuffy place with excessively dry air, the nasal mucosa dries out, providing the bacteria with a protective coating. No drops in such conditions will not help.
  • Do not use onion juice undiluted, especially for children. Dilute the corrosive liquid with water or olive oil.

  • The patient should actively fill the deficiency of moisture in the body, caused by malaise.
  • Several times a day, the nostrils should be washed with a special solution( 1 teaspoon salt / 1 liter of water).This action promotes the excretion of mucus from the respiratory tract.
  • Onion recipes can be consumed only for 7 days from the date of preparation.

Warning! To drip a bow onion juice is possible only in the period of illness. In order to prevent colds and flu, it is prohibited to use it. The reason for this - a whole set of contraindications and side effects.

Adverse events and contraindications

Among the side effects can be identified:

  • irritation of the nasal mucosa;
  • chemical burns;
  • edema of the nostrils;
  • drying of the mucosa.

Attention! Long-term use of onion drops is fraught with serious consequences: a temporary loss of smell and the formation of a hard crust on the mucosa. Such violations are much more dangerous than a common cold.

For the above reasons, drops and juice of onions are forbidden to receive:

  • for children under 6 years;
  • in the presence of drops of blood in the snot;
  • with constant drying and irritation of the nasal mucosa;
  • in allergic rhinitis;
  • with mucosal edema.

Attention! Lubricate or dig in onion liquid into the nose only for 3 days, no longer.

Long-term use of onion drops can harm nasal mucosa

Do not consume onion juice with a cold and cough inside:

  • for severe kidney and liver disease;
  • for acute diseases of the gallbladder and intestines;
  • for cardiac ailments in the acute stage;
  • with an ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.

Use onion juice from the common cold and cough is dosed and wisely, otherwise the health problems will only worsen.

  • Mar 15, 2018
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