Eleutherococcus has long been famous for its medicinal properties. From its roots preparations of the most various medicinal forms are made.
The alcoholic tincture of Eleutherococcus is the most popular, because in it, thanks to the extracting properties of ethanol, the greatest concentration of useful organic and inorganic substances is achieved.
Healing properties of Eleutherococcus
The main effect of the tincture of Eleutherococcus is the properties of the restorative and tonic character. In its composition there is a large number of biologically active substances that have the ability to increase immunity, restore efficiency, and remove the effects of stress and transferred diseases. Chemical composition
- glycosides
- oils
- resin
- pectin
- anthocyanins
- gum
- starch
- glucose
- flavonoids
- alkaloid
- saponites.
Such a rich content of useful substances has provided the plant with a wide application in medicine. Eleutherococcus possesses a number of medical qualities, the main of which are:
- antiviral
- hypoglycemic
- cardiotonic
- stimulating
- gonadotropic
- adaptogenic.
Eleutherococcus tincture is used for a number of infectious diseases both for therapeutic and preventive purposes, increasing the body's resistance to viruses. This drug reduces blood sugar, increases mental activity, increases visual acuity and hearing, and regulates cardiac activity and metabolism. And that's not all yet! On its healing properties, eleutherococcus is equated to ginseng, but it has a milder effect on the body. It is also noteworthy that plant preparations do not cause addiction, as well as side effects in the absence of allergies and compliance with dosage.
An interesting fact! Eleutherococcus is widely used in the production of energy drinks.
Indications and contraindications for the use of
Regardless of their belonging to synthetic or natural substances, all medications have indications and contraindications for use. With regard to tincture of eleutherococcus this rule remained unchanged. Taking drugs inappropriately can lead to complications. Therefore, it is recommended to strictly follow the instructions, and in the presence of chronic diseases, consult a doctor beforehand about the advisability of such treatment.
The alcohol tincture of Eleutherococcus has the following indications for use:
- diabetes;
- arterial hypotension;
- weakened immunity;
- oncological diseases;
- infectious diseases;
- atherosclerosis;
- oily seborrhea;
- infertility;
- impotence;
- menstrual cycle disorder;
- asthenia;
- immunodeficiency;
- anorexia;
- obesity;
- vegetovascular dystonia;
- depression and overwork.
For preventive purposes tincture is used in case of mass epidemics of influenza. Eleutherococcus is useful in the postoperative period for restoring blood volume and enhancing tissue regeneration. Eleutherococcus tincture is also used to strengthen hair in early baldness. In this case, the external treatment is applied by rinsing the hair with water decoction of eleutherococcus and simultaneous reception of alcohol tincture inside. As practice shows, as a result, the hair strengthens considerably, it acquires strength, elasticity, the tips do not split, and the skin on the head gets rid of dandruff and itching.
Interesting fact! Eleutherococcus tincture is a serious contender widely known for its curative properties of ginseng preparations. Not yielding to them for their medical qualities, it is at the same time affordable for most people. In addition, it can be manufactured independently at home.
Despite all its positive qualities, the tincture of Eleutherococcus has contraindications for use. Do not take this medication in the presence of the following diseases:
- arterial hypertension;
- allergic reaction to drug components;
- of insomnia;
- excessive excitability of the nervous system;
- of cirrhosis;
- arrhythmia;
- myocardial infarction;
- epilepsy;
- alcoholism.
Not recommended tincture in the acute period of infectious diseases, inflammatory processes. With caution, it must be used in work that requires attention and accuracy. Children under 12 years of age, pregnancy and lactation are also contraindicated for the use of a drug such as Eleutherococcus tincture. Its use in these cases is possible only under the supervision of the doctor and in the presence of serious indications.
Side effects of
A side effect of taking the tincture may be an allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes. With prolonged use and overdose, sometimes the blood pressure rises, edema and tachycardia appear. A large dose of the drug can cause headache, increased irritability, insomnia.
Often, when you abuse the tincture of Eleutherococcus, there is an opposite therapeutic effect. There is a depression of the central nervous system, drowsiness and inhibition of reactions. At reception of a preparation during pregnancy the threat of an abortion and development of a various sort of pathologies raises.
Tip! To find out if you are allergic to tincture or not, use a minimal dose of the drug, halved. At the slightest sign of an allergic reaction, take an antihistamine drug, and if you do not feel well, ask your doctor for help.
How to take?
How to take Eleutherococcus tincture? The doctor prescribes treatment and dosage based on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. In case of self-administration, strict adherence to the instructions and constant monitoring of blood pressure are necessary. Do not combine the tincture with other drugs that excite the nervous system. In particular, during the period of treatment it is necessary to refuse coffee, strong tea, alcohol. Simultaneous reception with sedatives will reduce the therapeutic effect.
Alcohol tincture for children from eleutherococcus or other plant matter is contraindicated because of the presence of ethanol in it, since it has been shown to have an adverse effect on the development of the child. However, when he reaches the age of 12 years, its appointment is possible according to the indications. In this case, the dosage is halved.
The course of treatment with eleutherococcus drugs is usually 25-30 days. It is prescribed in the morning or in the early afternoon half an hour before meals in the amount of 20-30 drops. The drug is dissolved in water in order to avoid a mucous burn. Reception tincture in the evening is not recommended because of the possible development of insomnia.
Whenever eleutherococcus is used, one can also find out from this video: