- Special features of
- Useful properties of
- Indications for use
- Basic principles of treatment
Propolis is a bee product that has a multifaceted curative effect on the body of adults and children. The natural product is used to treat viral and bacterial respiratory infections - sore throats, flu, bronchitis, tracheitis. It helps to get rid of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, which include radiculitis and osteochondrosis. Propolis with milk has the greatest therapeutic effectiveness. This combination of useful products significantly expands the range of application of the drug. Honey and milk can provoke an allergic reaction, so before using the mixture, you should consult a doctor about the safety of this method of therapy.
. Special features of
. In the middle of spring, bees collect sticky substances from the kidneys of trees, they are clotted with flower pollen and their own enzymes. As a result, a viscous greenish mass - propolis is formed. It is used by insects for the disinfection of hives, since it has pronounced antibacterial properties. Over time, propolis hardens, turns into a sweaty dark brown mass.
It's interesting: Beekeepers clean propolis from foreign impurities by heating it in a water bath. Then the mass is filtered and poured into molds with cells for further solidification.
Propolis easily dissolves in any liquid - oil, alcohol, water. After its dilution in milk, the mixture is saturated with all the biologically active substances that this bee product is rich in. This way of using propolis helps to improve its tart and burning taste, characteristic for woody buds.
Unlike most natural products, bee glue does not lose its curative effect during heat treatment. The resinous substances during boiling help to preserve completely all the vitamins, micro and macro elements. For mixing with milk, alcoholic tincture of propolis is used, which is sold in each pharmacy. But the medicine from natural propolis, cooked at home, shows the maximum therapeutic effectiveness.
Useful properties of
In flower pollen and wood buds contains a huge amount of bioactive compounds that are completely preserved in propolis. Its qualitative and quantitative composition can vary significantly depending on the species of bees, the time and place of collection of sticky substances. Most of this medicinal product of beekeeping is wax and resin. In these organic compounds there is a huge amount of useful for the body child and adult substances:
- amino acids;
- proteins;
- ethers;
- alcohols;
- of fatty oils;
- phytoncids;
- flavonoids.
Propolis contains many trace elements: zinc, molybdenum, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium. Also in the composition of bee glue are water- and fat-soluble vitamins. After dissolving propolis in milk, a mixture is obtained that is able to compete with modern high-priced multivitamin complexes. But unlike them, a solution with a tart taste not only replenishes the deficiency of bioactive substances, but also displays a curative effect:
- increases the body's resistance to viral, bacterial, fungal infections;
- prevents the formation of benign and malignant tumors, prevents metastases from penetrating into healthy tissues and organs;
- increases the functional activity of the central nervous system, eliminates anxiety and depressive conditions;
- normalizes sleep phases, speeds up falling asleep;
- improves the condition of large and small blood vessels;
- increases vitality.
Recommendation: Folk healers are advised to take propolis with milk for all diseases, accompanied by a general intoxication of the body. The therapeutic mixture reduces the severity of dyspeptic disorders, prevents sharp temperature jumps.
Treatment with propolis with milk is used to accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers. A healthy drink normalizes metabolic processes, which has a positive effect on tissue regeneration. In addition, the mixture has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the size of infectious foci, restores damaged tissues.
For women
The general chemical composition of propolis with milk includes phytoestrogens, which are analogues of estrogens produced by the ovaries. Regular use of medicinal drink allows you to normalize the hormonal background of a woman. A useful mixture reduces the severity of clinical manifestations of menopause:
- tides;
- sharp mood swings;
- dizziness.
Propolis with milk and honey quickly and effectively eliminates abdominal pain and emotional instability during menstruation. A health drink has a positive effect on a woman's appearance. Thanks to replenishment of vitamins and trace elements, hair follicles and nail plates are strengthened, and the complexion improves. And antimicrobial and antibacterial action of products allows you to get rid of acne, redness and rashes on the skin.
For children
Specialists of official and traditional medicine recommend giving milk with propolis to children who suffer from respiratory infections more often 4-5 times a day. Drink is a natural immunomodulator, which strengthens the protective powers of children and adolescents. In the middle of autumn and with the advent of spring, the child's organism is most vulnerable to bacterial and viral diseases. The use of propolis dissolved in milk will be an excellent prevention:
- flu;
- bronchiolitis;
- sinusitis.
During the off-season, herpes viruses are often activated, previously peacefully "dozing" in the child's body. The powerful antiviral properties of the drink will prevent the development of events in such a negative scenario. To prevent herpetic, bacterial and fungal angina, give the child for 2 weeks a glass of hot milk with a pinch of propolis.
For men
Propolis with milk is used to treat and prevent inflammation of the prostate. Penetrating into the prostate, phytoncides and organic acids sanitize its cavity, clearing of pathogenic microorganisms. Beneficial effect of the use of propolis with milk and on the sexual activity of members of the stronger sex:
- increases libido;
- improves potency.
If a man takes a highly concentrated mixture, then its active ingredients show a pronounced bactericidal potency, disrupting the integrity of the bacterial cell membranes. And at low doses, the drug has a bacteriostatic effect, restraining the growth and reproduction of staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli.
Recommendation: Folk healers are advised to take a healthy drink to men who plan to become fathers. Under its influence, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the sperm are improved.
Indications for use
Propolis with milk contains a unique combination of fat-soluble vitamins and a microelement of calcium. These biologically active substances have beneficial effects on cartilaginous, articular and bone tissues. This ability is actively used in folk medicine to stop inflammation and reduce the severity of the pain syndrome in the pathology of the musculoskeletal system:
- rheumatism;
- intercostal neuralgia;
- arthritis and arthrosis;
- of the intervertebral hernia;
- osteochondrosis of all parts of the spinal column.
Vitamins K, E, A and calcium are delivered directly to damaged tissues, restoring their structure and eliminating degenerative-degenerative changes. Tincture of propolis with milk has found application in the therapy of the following pathologies:
- hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver disease;
- gastritis of various forms and stages of the course: erosive, atrophic, hypoacidic, hyperacid, catarrhal;
- depressive states, psychoemotional instability;
- cardiovascular disease, recovery of patients after a heart attack, strokes;
- pathology of the urinary system: nephritis, glomerulonephritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, chronic renal failure;
- disorders of the thyroid gland, adrenal gland, diabetes mellitus.
Therapeutic drink is used to eliminate the symptoms of flatulence - excessive gas formation, sensation of bursting, bubbling and rumbling in the abdomen. Antibacterial ingredients of propolis interfere with the development of putrefactive and fermenting processes. And milk helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract due to its adsorption properties. It binds slags, toxic compounds, pathogenic bacteria and removes them from the body.
Tip: The most relevant is the use of a useful drink in chronic intestinal infections, accompanied by diarrhea or constipation. Milk with propolis quickly normalizes digestion and peristalsis, restores the qualitative and quantitative composition of lacto- and bifidobacteria in the intestine.
Dry and moist cough
Warm milk with honey is a wonderful remedy for treating a sore throat. And if propolis is added to the drink, the therapeutic effectiveness of the mixture is greatly enhanced. It is enough to take just a glass of milk with propolis before going to bed, to feel much better in the morning. A warm drink will help reduce the viscosity of thick sputum, eliminate its adhesion to the mucosa of the respiratory tract. An adult or a child begins to cleans throat, which is a sure sign of an early recovery. How can you prepare propolis with milk from a cough:
- Pour a glass of milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
- Pour a pinch of propolis and sprinkle 3-4 minutes.
- Remove the saucepan from the heat and add a teaspoon with a slice of thick honey.
A warm mixture has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the larynx and the bronchus, softens them and eliminates irritation. Propolis with milk promotes the washing out of inflammatory foci of infectious pathogens and toxic products of their vital activity.
Propolis with milk in pancreatitis is used to stop the inflammatory process in the pancreas. The disease occurs against the background of a decrease in the production of digestive enzymes, which causes the development of dyspeptic disorders. Immediately after eating, a person has nausea, belching and heartburn occur. The course of taking propolis with milk will help to get rid of all the symptoms of pancreatitis. How does a healthy drink work:
- normalizes the production of hydrochloric acid and enzymes;
- promotes the restoration of inflammation-affected pancreatic tissue;
- increases the functional activity of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
An important role in the therapy of pancreatitis is the antibacterial properties of propolis. Often, inflammation in the pancreas provokes pathogenic bacteria, forming on its inner wall infectious foci. The use of propolis, dissolved in warm milk, leads to the destruction of pathogenic microbes and their removal from the human body. Traditional healers recommend the use of alcoholic tincture of propolis for the normalization of digestion and peristalsis in pancreatitis. For the preparation of the drug mix, dissolve 10 drops of thick liquid in a glass of warm boiled milk and take it twice a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is about 6 months.
Basic principles of treatment
Both milk and propolis are highly allergenic products. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is recommended to consult an allergist doctor who will conduct a series of tests and issue a verdict on the safety of the drink. This method of treating various diseases is not suitable for women during the period of childbearing and during lactation.
Warning: Do not give milk with propolis to newborns and infants. Children have a very high permeability of blood vessels, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract has not yet fully recovered. In a complex, this can provoke nausea, vomiting, and allergy in children.
After drinking a drink, a person starts to sleep quickly. Therefore, the optimal time for taking the medicine comes in 2-3 hours after dinner. If the doctor has appointed a more frequent use of the remedy, then throughout the therapeutic course should be abandoned such activities:
- driving vehicles;
- performance of works requiring concentration and attention.
A heal mixture is used in the treatment of all diseases due to its immunomodulatory action. It also determines the specific features of propolis with milk. As the accumulation of biologically active substances in the human body, the protective forces of the adult and the child gradually weaken. To prevent this from happening, folk healers are advised to take a ten-day break after 2 weeks of treatment. This therapeutic technique will achieve maximum therapeutic effect.