Olive oil from stretch marks during pregnancy is used by women very often. And not in vain, because such procedures bring very good results. It is better, of course, to use it for prevention purposes, but even with stretch marks, it is quite possible to make them much less noticeable.
. How and why does it work?
The use of this useful food product for the prevention and control of emerging stretch marks has been practiced for many years. And the reason for this is the high efficiency of natural olive oil. After application to the skin, it begins to work immediately:
- strengthens blood circulation and stimulates the regenerative processes, including connective tissues;
- perfectly moisturizes the skin and saturates it with tocopherol - vitamin E, which is rightly considered a vitamin of beauty;it promotes acceleration of cellular regeneration, thus helping to deal with stretch marks;
- in this product also contains vitamin A or retinol, which is responsible for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, and therefore able to prevent their stretching during pregnancy.
Thanks to such properties, olive oil is used not only at home. Often it is found in professional skin care products, such as creams and emulsions. In this case, any preparation is very simple to use: it should be applied to the skin and rubbed with massaging movements.
Rules and methods of application
The appearance of stretch marks is influenced by genetic predisposition and elasticity of the skin. For these reasons, it is better and easier to deal with prevention and reduce the risk of annoying problems to a minimum. But if for any reason to carry out the necessary measures before pregnancy was not successful, then apply olive oil from stretch marks preferably as early as possible - better from the first month.
Tip! Use at the same time recommended crude product, which in the process of manufacture did not yield to refining!
Natural olive oil has a characteristic darker shade and a pronounced flavor. On the label there is always a marking - the first pressing.
Only olive oil
With regard to the use of olive oil on an individual basis, this procedure is quite simple:
- take a shower with a soft peeling;
- put the oil on the wet abdominal skin and do a light massage;
- for a while leave this area without clothes, so that the product is well absorbed;
- then remove its excess with a napkin.
With essential oils
Essential oils also show very good efficiency in the fight against stretch marks. And in conjunction with olive oil, they significantly enhance the effect of each other. On 30 ml of the substrate, you need to add a few drops of different ethers, mix and apply on damp skin. At the end of the procedure, the remnants of the product are washed off and blotted with a paper towel.
Important! Before using essential oils, be sure to consult your doctor. Often they are recommended to use before pregnancy or even after childbirth!
One of the recipes includes the following oils:
- olives - 30 ml;
- sprouts of wheat and avocado - 15 ml each;
- lavender - 2 drops;
- carrot seeds - 2 drops;
- geranium - 2 drops;
- calendula - 2 drops;
- neroli - 4 drops.
This home scrub will help you prepare the skin for the basic procedure. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix olive oil, natural liquid honey and ground coffee. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions, mixed and gently rubbed into problem areas.
Scrub with olive oil improves blood flow, removes cornified skin particles and promotes its speedy recovery. This procedure is preferably carried out every evening. After scrub, use olive oil in its pure form according to the scheme described above.
With aloe
Olive oil in combination with aloe juice and vitamin E shows very good results in the fight against severe stretch marks formed during pregnancy. To 100 ml of the main product should be added the same amount of aloe juice and 5 drops of oily vitamin E. All mixed and used twice a day on problem areas.
Recommendation! Of these quantities of ingredients, a rather large portion of the product is obtained. And to preserve all the properties, keep it preferably in the refrigerator in a glass container under a tightly closed lid!
As mentioned above, to get the expected result, use olive oil from stretch marks better for preventive purposes, that is, before pregnancy, or at that moment,when your body just started to change. Thus, you can prevent the accelerated development of this defect. In this case, you should buy only a natural fresh product without any additives.
However, even with all these conditions, the effectiveness of procedures may be minimal. Often this is due to disruption of the endocrine system and hormonal failure, which require observation from a specialist. Sometimes special methods of treatment can be used. The genetic predisposition can also impede the process of skin regeneration: in such cases, stretch marks can be eliminated only with prolonged use, often it takes about six months.
And in conclusion I want to mention the fact that natural olive oil during pregnancy can be used not only for cosmetic purposes. It will bring great benefits and being in your diet. Add it to various dishes, cook on it's home make-up, be healthy and beautiful!