Where to treat bronchial asthma

Where to treat bronchial asthma

Most often bronchial asthma is common to people with allergies, which can be complicated by a chronic form. What measures should be taken regarding treatment? How to distinguish between asthma varieties? Where can I get professional help? All answers can be found at this moment.

Bronchial asthma is a serious enough disease affecting the respiratory tract. In general, chronic, with frequent attacks of dyspnea and a persistent cough. Accompanied by attacks of suffocation, as subtle respiratory tracts are affected by external stimuli, narrowing and begin to produce mucus. Which, naturally, leads to difficulty breathing. It is known that asthma is most often caused by allergens of various kinds.

Depending on what allergens are acting, asthma is divided into species:

  • Atopic bronchial asthma is inherent in allergens of non-infectious origin. They can be food, various medicines.
  • Infectious-allergic - caused by allergens such as protozoa, fungi, viruses, helminths.
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  • Neurogenic bronchial asthma. Her attacks can happen due to damage to the nervous system. Frequent experiences, emotional stress.
  • Physical asthma - caused by heavy loads, with attacks of rapid breathing.

The methods of treatment of asthma are as follows:

  • Medication therapy - the chronic symptoms decrease with anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Folk methods - prepare recipes at home.
  • Physiotherapeutic( hardening, physiotherapy, acupuncture, treatment in salt rooms, treatment with ionized air).
  • Climatotherapy - treatment in resorts.
  • Diet - from the diet of the patient exclude those foods that triggered the reaction.
  • Psychotherapy - explain the nature of the disease, and teach a competent attitude to their illness.

Considering the question of where to treat bronchial asthma, you can come to the conclusion that it is possible to do this not only with the help of domestic specialists. Abroad, there is also a competent approach to this disease. The choice is only for the patient. Where it is more convenient and comfortable for him to take medication.

If you prefer foreign countries, you can select several addresses:

Medical Center Meir
Kfar Saba, ul. Chernihiv 59, Israel
Phone: +97235284791

Clinic Rambam
Aliya-Ashniya 8, Haifa 31096,
Phone: +97248267111

In Russia, asthma is treated in such hospitals:

Moscow, along Donskoy Street, 28

Professional Children's Center for Toddlers "Human Health"
Moscow, North boulevard, 3, building 1
Telephone:( 499) 7452880

Moscow, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, Building 30, Building 2
Phone:( 495) 2291782.

Science does not stand still. Today you can get qualified help, quickly identify sources of allergens and make the right decision about treatment.

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