Vitamin complex "AEVIT" and monthly

Most gynecologists recommend their patients to take various vitamin complexes on critical days. To improve the well-being of a woman, AEVIT also works well, and the monthly ones also normalize.

During menstruation, the female body loses a large amount of vitamins and trace elements, the absence of which worsens the condition of the patients. An example is the lack of zinc, which provokes prolonged menstrual pains of noisy character. It is for compensation of microelements that AEVIT is prescribed.


  • 1 Vitamins in critical days
  • 2 Positive qualities of AEVIT medication for women
  • 3 Effect of the drug on the menstrual cycle of a woman
  • 4 Basic regimens for the administration of
  • 5 Side effects of medication and overdose symptoms
    • 5.1 To whom AEBIT
    • 5.2 is not possible Signs of drug overdose
  • 6 Why AEWIT

Vitamins in critical days

In addition to micronutrients, a woman during a month's bleeding needs vitamins. First of all, this, of course, vitamins C and B12.

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During menstruation, the percentage of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the patient's blood is significantly reduced, which leads to a deterioration in the supply of body tissues with oxygen and nutrients.

To prevent such problems, women are prescribed iron preparations during this period, and ascorbic acid and vitamin B12 promote its assimilation by the patient's cells.

If the pain syndrome requires medication on a monthly basis, then in addition to analgesics and other similar drugs, vitamins of group B are always prescribed. In addition to reducing pain, these beneficial substances contribute to the magnesium increase in the woman's body. Especially indicated the appointment for these purposes of vitamin B6.

To reduce the effects of menstruation, patients are advised to take vitamin E. AEVIT during menstruation not only helps stabilize the patient's hormonal immune system, but can also help with the normalization of the menstrual cycle. Features of this drug should be considered in more detail.

Look at the video about the elimination of symptoms of PMS with vitamins:

The positive qualities of AEVIT medicine for women

The drug is a fairly successful combination of vitamins A and E. Its main therapeutic effect in the body experts call the restoration of small vessels and capillaries.

The drug takes an active part in the normalization of metabolism, the restoration of the immune system, increases the ability of cells of various organs to function normally in chronic oxygen starvation.

The therapeutic effect of AEVIT is based on the interaction of two vitamins. In this case, doctors believe that:

  • Vitamin A is responsible for the metabolic processes in the body of a woman. Its main goal is the exchange of proteins and carbohydrates, which is very important at the time of loss of blood during menstruation.
  • The body needs vitamin E. Essentially, the substance contributes to the normal functioning of small blood vessels, prevents the destruction of red blood cells. That is why taking AEVIT is desirable for women in critical days.

Despite the fact that the drug is used most often in cosmetology, it has been recently taken on by gynecologists. Can AEBIT cause monthly, remains a question to which modern medicine can not give an unambiguous answer

In the literature there is no clear data on the effect of vitamin E on the menstrual cycle. The abstract to the drug also does not indicate a similar possibility of using this medication. Most specialists in the appointment of a vitamin for the correction of the menstrual cycle rely solely on their personal experience.

Effect of the drug on the menstrual cycle of a woman

As noted above, the effect of this drug on the monthly according to the data of different authors are very different. However, most experts suggest using it to stimulate menstrual bleeding when delayed by more than 1 to 2 cycles.

Treatment scheme in this case is quite simple. Experts recommend taking two capsules of the drug per day for 8 to 10 days, starting from 4 - 5 days after the last menstruation.

It is believed that AEVIT causes monthly effects due to its effects on small vessels and capillaries, which abundantly supply blood to the uterus and ovaries. However, such a result does not always occur.

Often doctors face complaints of patients that using this medication for various cosmetic problems causes delay and complete cessation of menstruation. Experts do not reveal any serious deviations from the hormonal background in the patient.

It should be recognized that the impact of AEVIT on a woman's menstrual cycle is purely individual. Serious scientific sources deny the confirmed effect of this medication on the monthly.

We recommend reading the article on vitamins for the menstrual cycle. From it you will learn about the reasons for the delay, the effect of vitamin on the body of a woman, recommended for eating foods, as well as vitamin complexes.

Basic regimens for taking

Often physicians recommend using this medication according to a certain scheme. In order for a woman to say that she was taking AEVIT and went monthly, one should strictly adhere to the rules of vitamin therapy, which is clearly consistent with the menstrual cycle of the patient.

Usually, treatment begins with a 3 day cycle. The patient should take one capsule of the drug in the morning before breakfast. To this should be added 1 tablet of vitamin B15.

After 10 days of treatment, a break for 3 days is made, during which it is necessary to give a general blood test. If the examination did not reveal any problems with the woman, the therapy can be continued. However, it should be taken into account that in combination with AEVIT for the next 10 days, ascorbic acid should be used.

This scheme is able to stabilize the menstrual cycle in 65 to 70% of women. This is the opinion of most specialists dealing with this problem. Doctors recommend to strengthen the action of the drug in question during this period, by taking various multivitamins that are widely represented in the pharmacy network.

The annotation to the medicine does not contain any specific recommendations for its use, therefore each specialist independently develops techniques for applying AEVIT.In one tablet of the medicine contains 100 mg of vitamin E, which is practically its daily dose. It is high concentration of vitamins A and E in AEVIT often lead to poisoning, when in the pursuit of the result a woman does not listen to recommendations and independently increases the number of tablets per day.

Side effects of medication and symptoms of overdose

This drug, given the high concentration of vitamins, is used only for medical purposes and under the supervision of a doctor. If a woman is interested in whether AEVIT can provoke a month, it usually answers what can. However, this medicine is not allowed to be prescribed for all patients.

To whom it is impossible AEVIT

There is a certain category of patients who are contraindicated in taking this vitamin complex:

  • First of all, these are women suffering from heart and vascular diseases. Since the vitamins of these groups increase the coagulability of blood, there is a high probability of blood clots.
  • For the same reason, experts also refer to kidney problems in patients as contraindications. It is especially dangerous to appoint AEVIT to patients who have an anamnesis of acute and chronic glomerulonephritis.
  • The drug has an increased effect on the parenchyma of the liver, can cause its inflammation, so if there is a history of cholecystitis in patients, the use of AEVIT is prohibited.
  • Since there is no evidence base of how AEVIT affects monthly, it is preferable not to recommend this vitamin complex to pregnant women, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.

For all other patients, it should be recalled that any vitamin preparations have a high allergic activity. Therefore, at the first sign of a pathological reaction to AEVIT in a woman, the use of this remedy should be discontinued and consult a doctor for help and advice.

Signs of a drug overdose

As doctors say, an overdose of this medication can be acute or chronic. In the first case, this pathology will be characterized by signs of gastrointestinal and kidney damage.

Patients may complain of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The kidneys immediately respond with increased urine output, while the urine will be dark in color.

Possible jaundice of the skin and sclera, which is a symptom of liver damage. If the question arises whether AEVIT can provoke a month earlier, then a similar symptom may also become a manifestation of an overdose of the drug.

In case such a picture develops in a short time, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Prior to her arrival, it is recommended to wash the stomach, cleansing enema, activated charcoal and a large volume of warm liquid for drinking. You can use sweet tea or warm salt mineral water.

When the poisoning with this drug is stretched in time, then to the listed symptoms can be added violations from the hormonal sphere of a woman, since the excess of vitamin E in the body always causes a failure of the production of hormones in the thyroid gland. In connection with the high probability of increased clot formation in AEVIT overdose, the development of external and deep vein lesions is possible in patients, which often leads to thrombophlebitis and other thromboses.

Treatment of such conditions requires a lot of effort, time and money. Therefore, at the first signs of an overdose of the drug, you need to contact your doctor for advice and to decide whether to continue treatment with this medication.

Why else designate AEVIT

Because this drug is a potent enough drug, it should be prescribed only by a doctor. Most often this medicine is used in such pathologies:

  • Disturbance of nutrition of cells and tissues of the body with oxygen and other useful substances. AEVIT helps the cell with the least loss to survive the lack of oxygen.
  • Complex therapy of various structural changes in the vessels of the lower limbs and heart, including atherosclerosis and cardiosclerosis.
  • The lack of vitamins A and E in the body of patients. Such an avitaminosis can cause many diseases. In addition to problems with blood vessels, a lack of these vitamins can lead to loss of vision due to problems with the retina.
  • Some authors recommend the appointment of AEVIT to pregnant women for the full development of the fetus. Such recommendations do not withstand criticism, since the drug negatively affects the functioning of the liver of the kidneys, which for a pregnant woman poses a certain danger.
  • Finally, this medicine is widely used in cosmetology to improve the skin of patients. In addition, experts note the significant positive effect of taking AEVIT for women's hair.

The use of this drug for the regulation of malfunctions of menstrual function remains a rather controversial issue. With the processing of data from a larger number of observations of women with a similar treatment for monthly disorders, experts will probably make the appropriate conclusions. Variations in the methods of influencing the female sexual sphere, especially the menstrual cycle, can cause serious problems in patients and their treating physicians.

  • Mar 15, 2018
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