Frequent menstruation - two or three times a month: what to do?203

Menstruation twice or more times a month indicates the presence of a pathological process in the body of a woman. It is necessary to understand what caused this pathology, and take measures to prevent and treat it. Consider why the monthly go 2 times a month, what are the causes of this symptom?


  • 1 Hormonal failure
  • 2 Foreign object
  • 3 Tumors
  • 4 Other gynecological diseases
  • 5 Possible pregnancy
  • 6 Stress, fatigue and relocation

Hormonal failure

Hormonal changes control the processes in the female body. Any transformation of tissues, reorganization or rejection occur only after a change in the hormonal ratio, the appearance of new hormones that stimulate certain processes within the body. When there are monthly ones twice in one month, the cause is often in hormonal imbalance( natural or medicinal).Such a state in the female body can form with several cases:

  • Climax( accompanied by changes in the hormonal background), the result - during the menopause there are more frequent bleeding. There may be a month after a week after menstruation.
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  • The adolescent period - the time of the onset of menstruation, is also accompanied by hormonal changes. There may be monthly bleeding 10 days after the previous.
  • Taking hormonal medications: oral contraceptives. Gynecologists consider permissible the violation of the menstrual cycle in the first three months of taking hormonal contraception. If the violation is repeated further, the monthly ones are over and resumed after 3 days, then the used drug should be replaced. Properly selected hormonal contraceptives allow to normalize the menstrual cycle.
It is important how the second menstruation occurs. If it is weak, smearing, such a violation does not require an urgent adjustment. If both times the bleeding is abundant, this pathology requires prompt treatment, as it leads to the formation of an anemia and general weakness. There is a need for timely treatment and solution of the question "why did the monthly go 2 times a month?"

Foreign object

Sometimes the cause of recurring bleeding becomes the intrauterine device. This foreign object inside the female genital organ is installed as a contraceptive( prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg).If frequent critical days are caused by a spiral, it must be immediately removed and another remedy to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Tumors of

In some cases, when a monthly second appears in the same month, the reasons for this state lie in the formation of the tumor( good / malignant).Benign tumor( myoma) provokes hormonal failures, which form frequent and profuse menstrual bleeding. The body tries to get rid of the toxins of the tumor, for this reason, frequent bleeding occurs, with which part of the toxic substances are eliminated.

When there are monthly 3 times a month, the causes of this pathology in the presence of a strong toxic formation - a malignant tumor( cancer).The development of cancer education is accompanied by brown watery discharge, appearing independently of the day of the menstrual cycle.

Other gynecological diseases

Extraordinary menstrual disorders can occur if there are different gynecological diseases:

  • endometriosis;
  • polyps in the vagina;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • inflammation of the appendages( fallopian tubes);
  • cervical erosion( a wound that can bleed).

Also the reason that the monthly ones are over and started again, there may be poor blood clotting, which is also dangerous and requires treatment. With poor thrombosis, extensive internal bleeding can occur in the internal cavities that threaten the life of a woman.

Possible pregnancy

Sometimes, menstrual periods two weeks after menstruation are a sign of the incipient conception and implantation of a fertilized zygote into the uterine mucosa. Why can bleeding occur? The egg is fertilized by the exit from the ovary. Further, it moves along the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. There the fertilized egg is introduced into the mucosa and strengthened in it. In this case, small damage to blood vessels in the uterine cavity and its mucosa is possible. There is a slight leakage of blood for several hours. So 8-10% of pregnancies are implanted.

The situation, when the monthly went for the second time in the same month, may be evidence of the reverse process - the failure of fertilization, that is, the rejection of the egg and miscarriage at short notice. This happens when installing a spiral or taking emergency contraception. The medicinal substance or spiral forms inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the uterus. As a result, the fertilized zygote can not be implanted and flows outward, forming an extraordinary menstruation.

Sometimes, scanty red smears accompany ovulation, especially with poor blood coagulability.

Stress, fatigue and relocation

Strong nervous experiences, accompanied by hysterics, emotional outbursts, can form violations in the female cycle and provoke early menstrual bleeding. Also, the cause of the appearance of pathology can become chronic fatigue: physical fatigue, constant lack of sleep. Possible monthly ahead of time for a sharp change in climate, flight over significant distances.

  • Mar 15, 2018
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