Is it possible to stop menopause 1

Switching off the function of the ovaries at a certain age is inevitable. But it is difficult to reconcile with this, if the symptoms of menopause are detected before the due time. After all, then it lasts longer, changes are harder, and do not want to grow old prematurely. At the first alarming signs, women begin to look for a way to stop the menopause. But is it real, if the process is started?


  • 1 What contributes to climacteric changes
  • 2 Means for stopping the extinction of ovarian function
    • 2.1 Hormones
    • 2.2 Phytohormones
    • 2.3 Folk remedies and vitamins
    • 2.4 Lifestyle against climacteric changes

What contributes to climacteric changes

Many people think that the body is developing onlyOnly in accordance with the genetically inherent features of it. They really matter in what kind of women's health, how long the reproductive period will last. But this is not the only determining cause.

Is it possible to stop the early menopause and how? The doctors found out what exactly affects ovarian functions, in addition to heredity:

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  • Alcohol and smoking. These bad habits interfere with reproductive development by disrupting the circulation in the body. Having lost enough oxygen, the ovaries work harder, they get tired faster. Their functioning is also dependent on the brain and endocrine glands. And infringement of blood supply to them is also not useful;
  • Irrational nutrition. Excess weight, like a deficiency of necessary substances, brings down the hormonal background. The organism constantly lives in a borderline state, devoid of stability of metabolic processes. This affects the ovaries adversely;
  • Stresses. Constant psychological shocks negatively affect the hormonal balance and the chemical reactions of a healthy organism, violating them;
  • Gynecological and other diseases. Intervention of infections, drugs in the work of the reproductive system depletes it. Violation of the balance of hormones and other substances in all cases is inevitable. First of all, it affects the ovaries, they grow old before.

To not have to worry about how to stop the onset of menopause, you need to pay attention primarily to the above nuances.

A healthy lifestyle since adolescence, the exclusion of provoking circumstances is a good insurance against the hurried menopause.

Means for stopping the extinction of the ovarian function

But what if the changes inherent in menopause leave no doubt that it is on the way? Worried about poor health, tests on hormones indicate that the ovaries are about to exhaust the potential inherent in them. Then there is a need to prevent this.

There are several possibilities. The doctor should determine what to prefer, since some medicines cause side reactions, conceal the danger of provoking serious illnesses, and have many contraindications.


Hormones prescribed to inhibit the development of climacteric changes, solve many problems. But first of all they fill the body with missing substances, giving the ovaries a rest.

Assignment of hormones is preceded by assays that detect levels of FSH and estradiol. It will be necessary to find out the amount of glucose in the blood, to determine the activity of the thyroid gland. Some cause symptomatic symptoms like climacteric, is diabetes and endocrine disorders.

Excess of sugar, as well as inappropriate values ​​of thyroid hormones, knock down the overall balance of substances, deplete the ovaries, cause increased activity of the hypothalamus. And caring about how to suspend the menopause, you will only need to take medications for diabetes( Metformin, Diabeton, insulin) or containing thyroxine, triiodothyronine.

If the same tests and examination revealed that menopause at the threshold, stabilize the balance of hormones can estrogen-progestogen:

  • Clinonorm;
  • Divina;
  • Climen;
  • CyclO-Proginova.

Some doctors will prescribe those containing the same COCs:

  • Jess;
  • Marvelon;
  • Silage.

In an effort to rejuvenate the reproductive system with synthetic hormones, we must not forget that they have contraindications:

  • ; Oncological diseases;
  • Serious problems with blood vessels and heart;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Increased blood viscosity;
  • Diabetes mellitus.

Among the adverse reactions to such drugs are seen:

  • The appearance of neoplasms in the mammary glands;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Weight gain.


With the current problem of how to stop menopause, it would be more logical to use natural remedies, that is, homeopathic drugs and phytoestrogens. They not only replenish blood with necessary substances, but rejuvenate the body, stimulating the ovaries to produce sex hormones.

The circle of contraindications is much narrower than those of the previously described drugs, the effect is milder, there are practically no side effects. To remove climacteric changes, to improve the blood circulation of the small pelvis in the forces of drugs:

  • Remens;
  • Climadinone;
  • Climatoplan;
  • Qi-Klim;
  • Climact-Hel.

Folk remedies and vitamins

The problem is how to safely stop menopause, worried women always. Therefore, before the appearance of hormonal drugs and phyto-drugs, prescriptions based on medicinal plants were used. Some of them have the ability to stimulate blood circulation, spur metabolic processes, rejuvenate the body, restore withered immunity. To brake aging can:

  • Licorice root;
  • Wrecker;
  • Red clover;
  • Sage;
  • Hawthorn;
  • Rowan;
  • Parsley;
  • Rosemary.
Plants are useful mainly because they contain components that act similarly to sex hormones, but without their negative component. In them, and a lot of vitamins, which are also necessary for the preservation of youth.

For this purpose it is necessary to receive complexes containing also minerals. In their composition, it is necessary to have:

  • Vitamins A, D, E;
  • Folic acid;
  • Magnesium;
  • Calcium;
  • Iron;
  • Beta alanine and other amino acids.

We recommend reading the article about taking vitamins with menopause. You will learn about the necessary substances for the body of a woman during the menopause, appointed by doctors vitamin complexes.

Lifestyle against menopausal changes

Concerned about how to stop the oncoming menopause, it is a mistake to rely only on drugs and to lead an old-fashioned lifestyle. To support youth it is possible, if:

  • There is mainly vegetative food which will not allow to type superfluous kgs, stimulates activity of cells, a metabolism. Especially useful are soybeans, other legumes, sea fish, nuts, seeds;
  • Move a lot. Physical activity accelerates the processes of cell renewal, circulation, promotes the natural production of hormones;
  • Have sex with pleasure. This is a kind of physical activity, but also a way to level the emotional background, push the production of sex hormones, remove stagnation of blood in the small pelvis;
  • Avoid stress. The desire for positive emotions makes it possible to feel young. A psychological state is very important for physical health. To translate emotions from a minus to a plus, all methods are good: going to a beauty salon, books, traveling, buying clothes, communicating with pleasant people.

Wishing to stop the menopause, do not go to extremes. The goal of all efforts is not the endless production of sex hormones and eggs, but well-being, a decent appearance, interest and joy of life.

  • Mar 15, 2018
  • 62
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