What does the murder of a man dream about?

  • 1 I dreamed of a murder in my sleep that it means
    • 1.1 What does the murder of a man with a knife
    • 1.2 If the death of a child of his
    • 1.3 dreams What does the murder of a man before my eyes
    • 1.4 Dream of a husband who is alive to death is

Murder of man- an extremely unpleasant and disturbing dream, causing fright and sadness in the dreamer. Very often you can see this only in nightmares, but do not be scared at once.

This dream does not necessarily have a bad meaning, the correct interpretation will help give a dream book. The main thing is to take into account all the important details - who was the victim and the killer, what kind of weapon was used, where all this happened, and so on.

Dream of a murder in a dream what it means

If a person's murder is a dream, should look into the dream book and become acquainted with such interpretations:

  • as the dream book says to kill a person in a dream by poisoning - you are guaranteed a rush of fresh strength, vigor and energy in reality;
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  • dreams of his own death in a dream , while you see the face of the killer - you have a long journey;
  • dreamed of killing a stranger in a dream - a woman or a girl such a dream says that her life is too monotonous and lacks romance;
  • to shoot a stranger in front of a crowd of - you feel confused and do not know how best to act in a certain situation;
  • to hack a person with ax - you do not have enough sharp impressions, you can also get jealous in a short time;
  • strangle your victim - you should diversify a bit of your intimate life, try to hint to this partner.

Why the murder of a person with a knife

If you dream of killing with a knife , find out the correct interpretation will help the dream book. Just remember all the circumstances of the dream and get the right answer to your question:

  • dreams that you had to kill a person with a knife in a dream - you need to radically change your lifestyle and throw bad habits, start to monitor your own health;
  • take a knife and slaughter a stranger - the dreamer will be disappointed by a loved one;
  • to help the victim, who tried to stab with a knife, to speak with her at the same time - you will make your soul mate jealous;
  • to experience animal fear at the sight of the assassin with the knife - you are insecure in your own abilities and therefore do not dare to start implementing your plans;
  • slaughtered with a knife of a close relative - you will soon change your place of residence.

If the death of a child of his

dreams. According to the dream book, the death of a child may have different meanings for the dreamer - both bad and good. A correct interpretation can be obtained if you compare all the details of this dream without missing a single detail:

  • if you dream of the death of your child in a dream after his long and painful illness - in reality you really should pay attention to your kid's health and visit a clinic;
  • to see the death of his son as a result of the accident - you will have a big quarrel with him;
  • sudden death of a child - he may have difficulty learning;
  • if you dreamed of an infant who died, just born - this means rejecting you from the relatives;
  • if the kid immediately resurrected after his death - soon you will go on an exciting journey that will give you a lot of positive emotions;
  • to see the death of someone else's child - close people will betray you;
  • to see in a dream a child who in fact has long left this world - you should visit his grave, it is also worth ordering a moleben.

What does the murder of a person look like before my eyes

According to the dream book, the murder of a person that occurred in the eyes of a dreamer can mean the following:

  1. kill the object of your hatred in the eyes of outsiders - you feel confusion and despair;
  2. to threaten a person with a pistol, then shoot him in someone else's house - expect guests soon;
  3. to shoot your best friend in a dream - neighbors will envy you;
  4. to shoot at people around you at work - you have a merry holiday;
  5. slaughter a stranger in the crowd - you will experience disappointment;
  6. to see blood after the murder - soon relatives will come to visit you;
  7. see the torment of his victim - a loved one will tell you unpleasant words;
  8. slaughter your own sister or brother - you will be relocated to a new location;
  9. if the murder of a person is seen before your eyes, after which it comes to life - you want to resume relationships that have long ended.

Dream of a husband who is alive to what it is

  • Dreams like always evokes the most ambiguous feelings of for every woman. Very often, such dreams arise from the fact that the wife is constantly worried about her husband.

This happens if the husband's work is connected with a certain danger - for example, he is a fireman or a policeman. Do not pay attention to sleep, if this is your case.

Otherwise, pay attention to the details: if the spouse in a dream died as a result of an accident, it is best to cancel all planned trips.

  • Death of a husband on the road can mean , that the spouse will change his attitude to you, he will become more alien and detached.
  • If the husband was killed by electric shock - in reality he was tired of quarrels, maybe he decided to leave you.
  • Kill a spouse in a dream and get rid of a corpse - you are too dependent on this person and trying to fight it.
  • Mar 15, 2018
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