Eating with eye diseases

In case of eye diseases the body needs vitamins, vitamins A, E and C are especially important. For sure, everyone knows that vitamin E is found in large quantities in carrots, melons, fresh tomatoes, green onions, cottage cheese, chicken liver. Vitamin B is abundant in fresh vegetables, mushrooms, sour-milk products. Vitamin C is abundant in dog-rose, potato, sauerkraut and citrus. Eat plenty of dishes from these foods.

Especially useful for eyes products

Well enriches the eye system with vitamins carrot juice. It contains a lot of vitamin A in a form that is well absorbed by the body. You can drink it as much as you want, but once in six months, drink carrot juice as a medicine: a glass of juice in the mornings for a month.

When the carrot is not juicy and not suitable for making juices, make a decoction of carrots. In vegetable soups, you can also add it. Do not forget that stewed carrots, carrot salad, juice must necessarily be consumed with sour cream or butter, since this vitamin is fat-soluble. It will be enough to have a small spoonful of fat.

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If there are diseases of the optic nerve, cornea, and conjunctivitis, the juice of parsley is excellent. It is quite potent, so do not drink it more than 40 ml per day, and at one time - no more than a tablespoon.

Juice from parsley is recommended to mix with water or with other vegetable juices. An excellent remedy is obtained if you mix the juice of parsley and carrots. This drink is an excellent option for restoring visual acuity, lowered with intense eye work.

Works well on the eyes and cleans the beetroot. Several table spoons of beet juice can be added to carrot-petroleum juice.

Apricots, both fresh and in the form of dried apricots and apricots, influence the vessels of the eyes. Of the berries of the summer period, an excellent tool for the eyes - blueberries. Hawthorn is suitable for short-sighted people.

Infusions of wild rose and hawthorn, blueberry juice and kissel, green tea - try to include every day in your diet at least one of these drinks.

A lot of carotene is contained in the pumpkin, which can be added to salads, eat in the form of soups, mashed potatoes. Fish oil is mandatory for people with eye diseases. With all this, it is necessary to increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables, salads and juices.

Therapeutic diets
  • Mar 15, 2018
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