Interesting facts about Russian

The Russian language is one of the languages ​​of international communication, especially in the post-Soviet space.

It is poeticized by many writers and has a lot of fans among foreigners that only at the behest of the heart, and not because it is necessary, wants to study it.

People literate, of course, know the basic rules of grammar, spelling, punctuation, but interesting facts about the Russian language are familiar to a few.

And in vain, because it's really much more interesting and interesting than cramming rules from the textbook.

"Russian language is an interesting fact in itself"

That's what my teacher of Russian language and literature claimed.

I have not met anyone more in love with my subject in my entire academic life.

She did not just teach us how to write and speak Russian, she literally reveled in his sound.

And her lessons were incredibly fascinating and interesting, because she led them unannel, actively used visual aids and constantly told something so interesting that you can not read in the textbook.

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The Russian language is one of the East Slavic languages.

It is public in the Russian Federation, as well as official in some countries of the former USSR, for example, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, etc.

It is widely distributed in the world( it occupies the eighth line in the number of people who consider it to be their native).

It is spoken by over 250 million people all over the world.

Powerful Russian-speaking communities exist not only in most republics of the former USSR, but also in countries that are geographically distant from the Russian Federation: the USA, Turkey, Israel and others.

It is also considered one of the six working languages ​​of the United Nations.

In general, the reasons to have a good command of the Russian language( whether native to you is or not is not so important) is enough.

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But, alas, aliens, especially those whose mother tongue is not part of the Slavic group, it is not easy to learn Russian.

It has an interesting alphabet with unique letters, for example, "» ", words that are written and sounded in completely different ways, variable endings, word distribution by gender, species and cases, many rules and exceptions to these rules.

And the Russian language differs from others in that it is possible to give a lot of interesting facts about it.

Interesting facts about the letters of the Russian language

Well, it would seem that such an interesting in letters, especially in the letters of the Russian language, especially for neighboring countries with the Russian Federation, for residents of which Russian is not native, but familiar andunderstandable.

But as it turned out, there are a lot of interesting facts about the letters of the Russian language:

  1. The familiar "f" is familiar and understandable to us today, it has its own peculiarity: most of the words with it are borrowed from others.

    AS knew this perfectly well. Pushkin also tried in his "Tale of Tsar Saltan" less to use such words.

    In addition to the word "fleet" of another in "Fairy Tale" you will not find.

  2. How much do you remember the words that begin with the letter "y"?

    Well, let the force of 5-6.

    And it turns out that there are over 70 such words in Russian.

  3. Do you know the words that begin with the letter "s"?

    I personally do not.

    It turns out that there are such words, although all of them are hard-to-pronounce geographical names, for example, Ynysyt or Ytyk-kyuel.

    How to start learning English?

  4. It seems improbable that there can be a word that contains three identical letters that go in succession.

    But the Russian language here also excelled, because it can boast of the word "long-necked".

  5. The letters "and" and "a" can serve as prefixes.

    Want examples?

    Please: "total", "maybe".

Interesting facts about the words of the Russian language

"If you know about the letters so many interesting facts, then about the words of this wonderful language they must be nemerenoe number," I thought and was absolutely right.

Here are some interesting things about the words of the Russian language:

  1. Single-word words are not uncommon in Russian, but for some reason most adjectives contain two or more syllables.

    The only exception to this rule is "evil".

  2. You would never have guessed( at least, I would not have guessed right) that two different words like "bull" and "bee" have one root.

    Do you know why?

    Because earlier on a honey insect they said "bees", and the sounds that the bulls and bees issued, were called "buchanie".

  3. There are a lot of words in Russian that have 10 or more letters, and in words that they have more than 20 letters, we are not too surprised.
  4. Ah, this is a terrible word to "win", which can not be used in the first person.

    How many people were forced to blush, muttering indistinctly "I will win. ..", "I will run. ..", trying to find a way out of a bad situation, in which they themselves have been driven.

    By the way, this is not the only "insufficient verb"( one that can not be used in the first person) in Russian.

  5. If someone wants to fix you, they say, the word "coffee" is masculine, you can safely say to him:

    "Your information is out of date".

    In 2009, the Ministry of Education itself recognized that coffee is of a middle class.

    The learned men apologized for the mistake, which crept in: "coffee" - a derivative of "kofi", which is actually a masculine gender.

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And 5 more interesting facts about the Russian language

Few interesting facts about you in Russian?

So catch a few more:

  1. Russian alphabet is Cyrillic, which was subject to civil modification( I do not know what it means, but so says Wikipedia).
  2. One God knows why, but until the fourteenth century, linguists, literati and other literate Russians called all the words with a not very decent meaning "ridiculous verbs", even if they were not at all verbs.
  3. We can be proud of the fact that in 2003 an interesting fact about the Russian language was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

    People fixing records were amazed at the fact that we have a word consisting of 35 letters: "over-the-counter".

  4. In the Russian Federation, 99.4% of the residents are fluent in Russian.

    It's true, I think, no one asked migrant workers, which are so many now, well, all right, still this figure is impressive.

  5. The Russian language is gradually losing its position of "official language" in many former Soviet republics due to the fact that it is replaced by the official language of these countries.

    If this goes on, then by 2050 the number of Russian speakers in the world will be halved.

In the video below you will find 12 more interesting facts about the Russian language:

What facts about the Russian language seem interesting to foreigners?

But what facts about the Russian language seem to the most interesting foreigners:

  1. Why in general in the alphabet are two letters that do not indicate sounds: "» "and" ь ".

    "Some kind of absurdity," many foreigners believe.

  2. Well, how can this be so that such a good word as "to be" could not exist in the present tense?

    But it excels in the past and the future.

  3. Well, is it really so difficult to come up with a word for treatment?

    "Comrade" and "citizen" went out of fashion, "mister", "mistress" and did not get accustomed.

    A "man" and "woman" sound rough.

    What's left?"Hey you"?

  4. On the one hand, the order of the words in the sentences is arbitrary, but it is not permissible to rearrange them on the other as you like.

    For example, rearrange the words in the short sentence "I'm going home" and you will have a new meaning every time.

  5. To turn an affirmative sentence into an interrogative one, simply a question mark at the end and a corresponding intonation.

    No special words or constructions.

    How so?

Of course, this is not all interesting facts about the Russian language .

There are so many of them that you can not remember everything, and it is quite difficult to tell about everything within one article.

And what fact do you find most interesting?

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