Remote work. Work at home. Freelance

To date, more and more people have begun to give their preference to work at home( freelance).

But many people do not even realize that remote operation has many drawbacks: it requires a person of determination and patience, perseverance and self-control, and you can forget about material stability.

Recently, people are hungry to find freedom, they are not hesitant to leave their jobs and embark on a free flight.

This article is for those people who do not yet clearly imagine what is 's remote work and what advantages and disadvantages it has.

Those who want to work as their only and profitable source of income should have such valuable qualities as: the ability to manage their time( time management), be independent, disciplined( in all aspects), and have good motivation.

But still, in order to evaluate your abilities and strengths in freelancing, you first need to start with elementary part-time work( for example, after the main job, do a remote job at home and see how you will cope with it, nothing will distract you).

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Remote work: the pros and cons.


  1. Remote operation gives you freedom.

    You are your own king!

    You yourself paint your plan for the day, set for yourself specific tasks and goals!

    Over your head is not a formidable director with a raised eyebrow, no one is hurrying you anywhere, colleagues do not appreciate your appearance.

    Even when you have already done your work, you do not need to specifically wait till 6.00 pm to check in and go home;

  2. You yourself paint your work schedule for the day!

    You do not need to wake up early and hurry somewhere.

    You do not have to push yourself into crowded buses and go on one leg to work, and also stand in ill-fated traffic jams.

    Here, take and imagine how much money and time you spend for a week( a metro token, a bus ticket, gasoline) to just get to work and back!

    According to statistics, on average, a person spends about 10 hours a week to get to work and back.

    How are you?

    That's it. .. and I'm hurt. .. But remote work saves your money and your time!

  3. Girls, now you do not have to sit every morning near the mirror and draw a contour of lips and eyes, do your hair!

    Remote work from you will not require any dress code, it can be freely done in a dressing gown and slippers with hair curlers on the head;🙂

  4. Remote work gives you the opportunity to communicate more with family and friends;
  5. If you are sick with workaholism - no problem!

    You can safely work, both on weekends and holidays, that's there to say. .. you can work at least a whole day and no one will tell you anything;

  6. For most people it is that the remote work of is the right way to create your own business!
  7. You can not worry about the dismissal - it does not threaten you!🙂
  8. A huge plus gives remote work to to people who live in villages where there is constant unemployment.


  1. Uneven load.

    For example, one day you can look at the ceiling and do nothing, and then bang. .. and went-go!

    You have been hit by a lot of orders from customers and have to work all day long to be in time with the design;

  2. Remote operation does not give you stability in material terms( especially in the first months).

    You do not have an official salary, no one pays for your vacation, and a loan is already a problem!

  3. You should only rely on yourself!

    Themselves should look for customers with real orders, and it takes quite a while!

    Therefore, I warn that in the first months your work schedule will be tense and unstable, as it will be necessary to create your own customer base.

  4. If you are an unorganized person - congratulations!

    In most cases, these people are reduced working capacity and productivity.

    You no one podgonyaet and does not set deadlines for accomplishing tasks, there are many temptations around you to distract yourself.

    Such people are very difficult to force themselves to do something, they can shift important things from day to day, they do not have a working plan;

  5. All of us need communication, and remote operation can not provide this to us!

    It is the communication with people that shapes our outlook, we are intellectually and spiritually developing.

    With the help of communication - we get support from people, understanding, making new acquaintances.

Remote work. To whom does it fit?

Remote work is more suitable for people with creative and creative thinking, those who dream of a free life without guidance and assessments, those who can not work in submission.

This work is suitable for those who want their career growth and material income to depend only on their own efforts.

Remotely can work: programmers, copywriters, seo-specialists, journalists, photographers, designers, artists, writers, writers, coach coaches and for other creative professions.

I suggest to see all

interesting statistical facts about remote work( freelance).

Where can I find a remote job?

If you are looking for work at home, then it will not be enough to simply take and flip once a week a newspaper with announcements of the required vacancies. You need to take the bull by the horns and act in different directions!

If, for example, you live in a small town, the first thing that you have to do is submit your advertisement about searching the city newspapers and put the information on the local site.

The easiest way to find a job at home is to participate in exchanges for remote work.

Here you can easily find a specific section for your works, which will surely interest the customers.

On thematic forums you can find for yourself a lot of interesting information in your area, as well as ask questions that you care about.

The best way to self-punch your professional skills can be a personal website.

  • Mar 15, 2018
  • 81
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