Toothpaste to remove tartar: truth and myths

Careful oral care is a guarantee of a beautiful smile and healthy teeth, but not always compliance with hygiene is 100% guarantee that no additional help will be required in the struggle for the ideal.

Among the problems that a human tartar can face is one of the main ones. In order to get rid of it you need not only to brush your teeth daily, but also to do it with the help of special pastes.


  • Causes of stone cliffs on teeth
  • Special toothpastes: do they really help?
  • What should I look for when choosing a tool?
  • What should be in
  • Our ten best of the best
  • Opinion of consumers and doctors
  • Usage rules for
  • pastes Alternative methods

Causes of stone cliffs on teeth

It can often be noticed that a person on the surface of teeth has a solid formation - a pigmented coating of light -yellow or brown - this is the tartar.

It is important to remember that this deposit is not just food particles, but bacteria are actively multiplying in it, negatively affecting not only the teeth, but also the whole oral cavity.

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In addition, if you do not take measures to control tartar at the earliest stages of its formation, then from a soft substance it turns into a solid formation, which it is very difficult to remove yourself.

A tartar can appear both between the teeth and on the gums, often there are deposits under them, causing various diseases, for example, periodontal disease.

Among the main reasons for the formation of dental calculus, the specialists distinguish the following:

  • improper dental cleaning technique;
  • violation of oral hygiene - irregular brushing of teeth;
  • prolonged use of one toothbrush;
  • individual characteristics of the organism;
  • use of substandard toothpastes;
  • improper diet - the predominance of flour and sweet;
  • malocclusion and abnormal chewing.

In addition, bad habits and taking antibiotics contribute to the rapid formation of tartar. It is also recommended to use brushes with hard bristles, as they simultaneously massage the gums and strengthen them.

Special toothpastes: do they really help?

Studies conducted by dentists have shown that toothpastes designed to fight tartar can do a good job, but they can not fully protect against its re-education.

It is also necessary to understand that the body of each person is individual, therefore, the selection of the paste must be done carefully, best under the supervision of the doctor.

It is important to remember that among the variety of offers there are pastes with one or more active substances destroying the deposits - the choice should tend to pastes in which 1 or more components, then the effect from application will be higher.

However, if tartar has acquired a firm form, then no specialized pastes can cope with its removal - this can only be done by a dentist.

This is why the paste should be considered neither as a treatment and disposal of tartar, but as a preventative measure aimed at preventing the formation of deposits.

What should I look for when choosing a tool?

When choosing a special paste that removes tartar, it is necessary to pay special attention to a number of factors, such as:

  • included in the components;
  • manufacturer;
  • reviews of consumers and dentists.

It is important to remember that the amount of fluoride and fluorides in the paste should not exceed a value of 0.6%.

Many people think that a large amount of foam improves the result of hygienic treatment of the oral cavity, but in fact, a qualitative paste, especially aimed at combating tartar, should contain a minimum amount of foaming components - SLS.

In addition, when choosing a remedy, you should take into account the sensitivity level of tooth enamel, since this indicator refers to the individual characteristics of the body, it is necessary to consult a specialist so that he can give recommendations on the choice of paste.

It is important to remember that the quality toothpaste to control tartar, should not include two components simultaneously - calcium carbonate and fluoride , since their combination can adversely affect the teeth, destroying the enamel.

Timely application of high-quality drugs to prevent the formation of deposits, help to maintain oral hygiene, as well as relieve the serious problems that arise with the formation of calculus.

What should be included in

In the composition of specialized pastes designed to prevent and treat tartar, in addition to fluorides, foaming components and calcium carbonate, there is also triclosan. This substance is an antibiotic.

It is intended, first of all, for the destruction of pathogenic microflora, which is necessarily formed in the oral cavity.

It is important to remember that together with an infection or plaque forming tartar, triclosan also destroys beneficial bacteria. This negatively affects the acid balance in the oral cavity, which can cause destruction of tooth enamel, caries and gum disease.

Therefore, do not use special pastes. If you need to buy such a paste, then it must contain calcium carbonate, because it reduces the negative impact of triclosan, and also acts as an effective substance that removes plaque.

Our ten best of the best

In order to prevent the appearance of tartar and slightly reduce its amount in the oral cavity before going to the dentist, you need to buy a special paste.

In order not to be mistaken with a choice, we offer the TOP-10 of the best toothpastes for the removal of tartar based on feedback from consumers and experts:

  1. Sea Fresh is a paste containing marine minerals, algae and aloe extract. Herbal substances, as well as extract grapefruit grains contribute to the removal of inflammatory processes.
  2. Radonta - ideal for daily use in order to maintain oral hygiene at a level necessary for health. Recommended for cleaning in the morning and in the evening, is available in two versions - pastes and gel. The main active ingredient is the herb extract.
  3. New pearls - a paste with a high calcium content, protects not only from the formation of tartar, but also from most gum diseases, as well as from caries. In the composition there are abrasive particles, extracts of plants and herbs, bleaching agents.
  4. Blend-a-Med is a paste containing a special substance - hydrated silicon, which effectively cleans enamel from plaque, preventing the formation of tartar.
  5. Dabur Carnation - is based on natural ingredients, softly affecting the oral cavity.
  6. Detartrin - the paste contains in its composition crushed zircon, which contributes to excellent plaque removal with simultaneous bleaching of enamel.
  7. Royal Denta Silver - contains particles of silver, as well as gold, which has a beneficial effect on the oral cavity as a whole.
  8. Jason - the advantage of the paste is the absence of preservatives in its composition, which preserves the beneficial microflora.
  9. Silver and Sensitive pastes contain silver ions, which allows you to quickly get rid of bacteria and effectively remove soft deposits on tooth enamel.

The choice of paste should be done under the guidance of a specialist, since the intensity and degree of hardening of tartar in each person is not the same.

Opinion of Consumers and Doctors

A complex of reviews about different pastes that are designed for removing tartar.

A quality product can not be cheap, but not in the case of the Pearl New Paste. I had some problems with the oral cavity and I noticed that tartar began to form. Casually in the store drew attention to the packaging with this paste and decided to try. The result exceeded all possible expectations. I recommend everyone who is attentive to their smile!

Alina, 35

Dental stone appeared quite unexpectedly, despite the fact that I do not neglect cleaning - every day in the morning and in the evening. The dentist advised to buy a special paste to quickly get rid of the raid. The acquisition was a real miracle - my teeth are completely healthy again.


I am a practicing dentist, so I can recommend toothpaste pastes as an effective tool for preventing formations on tooth enamel and gums. The only thing - paste, regardless of price, is more a means of prevention than treatment. Completely remove the stone can only be in a medical office.

On the forum of the stomat clinic

Rules for the use of

pastes Depending on the concentration of therapeutic substances, the use of paste to remove sediments can be prescribed 1-2 times a day.

Apply it in a thin layer on a toothbrush with a hard bristle. Direct cleansing is done by soft and smooth movements, as in most cases the gums are weakened and require careful handling.

Alternative methods of

There are several alternative ways to overcome tartar or prevent its subsequent appearance:

  • Stone removal in the dentist's office - mechanical method;
  • ultrasound method - it is completely painless, occurs without direct contact with the tooth;
  • laser method - allows you to get rid of tartar by noncontact fracturing and removal under the stream of water;
  • chemical method is produced by softening and dissolving deposits with weak solutions of acids and alkalis. It is important to remember that negligence can cause damage to tooth enamel.

All alternative methods are best used in a medical room to avoid problems with the oral cavity.

Thus, tartar is a problem that needs to be eliminated as soon as the deposits harden with time so that they can cause deformation of the gum or cause damage to the tooth. Pastes are an effective way of preventing its formation or removal of soft deposits in the initial stages of plaque formation.

  • Mar 15, 2018
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