Growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse: technology and care for seedlings

It is known that a cucumber is a delicious and healthy vegetable, which is particularly loved by gardeners. Growing it in greenhouses is a vital necessity. Short summer, unstable weather does not give a good harvest in the open ground. Very little attention to this culture - and you are guaranteed a high yield.

How to grow cucumbers

Very nice to eat a crispy fragrant cucumber right from the bush. Do you want to please the harvest of your loved ones, make logs for the winter? For this to happen, you need to know how to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse. For this it is necessary to observe the technology of cultivation. It includes:

  • greenhouse treatment;
  • soil preparation;
  • selection of a yielding variety;
  • sowing seedlings;
  • planning beds;
  • planting of plants in the greenhouse;
  • top dressing;
  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • tying;
  • fighting disease;
  • war with pests.

Cultivation of cucumbers in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate

This vegetable culture loves heat, moisture and sun. Therefore, a greenhouse made of polycarbonate is very popular among farmers growing cucumbers. It creates a microclimate, comfortable for this vegetable. When installing a greenhouse, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of ventilation. If you organize the right care - the first cucumbers you will try by the middle of June. Under condition of heating it is possible to grow cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse all year round. This method is suitable for a small farm of farmers.

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Want to know how to grow cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse? Begin preparations for planting in the fall. The greenhouse is treated internally with disinfectant solutions. For example, seven percent copper sulfate. The earth is dug, adding fertilizers. For a square meter, put a bucket of manure, 0.5 kg of dolomite flour. In the spring they dig one more time, and a week before planting they bring in complex fertilizers.

Cucumbers in the film greenhouse

Those who have a small plot and do not need a large crop, will approach the cultivation of cucumbers in a greenhouse with a film. Make a frame can be made from inexpensive materials available: wood, metal corner, plastic arcs. The film is fixed to the frame using racks. With careful use it will last for 3 years. If possible, the greenhouse is made 2 meters high to make a vertical garter. Low greenhouses also will please you with yield. The main thing is to know how to care for cucumbers.

Planting cucumbers in the greenhouse

As the plant is very photophilous, it is important to determine how to properly plant cucumbers in the greenhouse. When growing plants should not interfere with each other, there should be normal access for care. The scheme of planting cucumbers in the greenhouse assumes a distance between rows of at least a meter. Between separate bushes - not less than 30 centimeters. It is desirable that no more than 3 plants per square meter. Plan an embankment in the winter. The roots of cucumbers are located very close to the surface, so the seedlings do not need to be buried. The stem should not be underground, so it does not rot.

When to plant seedlings

Before beginning truck farmers, the question arises as to when to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse. Only if there is heating, landing is possible in April, and you are guaranteed an early harvest. The optimal timing is the beginning of May. If you want to try your cucumbers early, you need to grow them with seedlings. Seeds are planted in special containers, peat pots. Watered, fed fertilizers. When a third leaf appears, the plant is transplanted into the soil. If you do not want to mess with seedlings, you can sow seeds. Put in the hole manure, pour boiling water. Tear the seed under the ground.

The cucumber forming scheme in the greenhouse

The way of cultivation of cucumbers in a greenhouse assumes the correct formation of a bush for obtaining an excellent harvest. This is important for pollination and uniform illumination of leaves. Leave several lateral shoots - more ovaries are obtained. The main stem is attached to the vertical trellis and pinch. This contributes to the beginning of active growth of the lateral branches.

If the development of the cucumber bush is allowed to flow, the plant will not have enough food for all the fruits. To prevent this, you should remove the excess. The following scheme of hive formation is proposed:

  • remove the fetuses and stepsons on the first five knots;
  • on the sixth and seventh leave only the fruit;
  • on the eighth, ninth - cucumbers and a whip to the first leaf;
  • on the rest - fruits and whips already up to the second sheet.

Care for cucumbers

When growing cucumbers, you will get a good harvest, provided that the bush is properly maintained. Creating a favorable climate in the greenhouse, the possibility of airing - very important factors. In addition, it is required:

  • regular watering;
  • hilling of bushes;
  • periodic top dressing;
  • formation of the bush;
  • tying of lashes;
  • sprinkler;
  • pinching of lateral weaves after the first ovary;
  • harvesting of fruits larger than 5 cm;
  • limitation of the number of cucumbers on the bush - no more than 15 pieces;
  • attracting insects for pollination;
  • disease control;
  • battle with pests.

You will greatly facilitate the care of cucumbers if you use mulching soil. The earth under the plant is covered with a layer of material that retains moisture, prevents the weeds from breaking through. The activity of worms and microorganisms is increasing - soil is improving. The regime of temperature and humidity is better preserved. It will take less water to water. For mulching apply:

  • a dark film;
  • cardboard;
  • sawdust;
  • grass;
  • with needles of trees;
  • to the straw.

Gummy cake in a greenhouse

It is very important when growing cucumbers so that they receive a lot of light. In addition, you need free access for care. Therefore, the plants are tied up. Use a vertical trellis, along which the cucumber will begin to curl. The material for this is twine, long branches of trees, wire. The trellis is fixed to the profile of the greenhouse. You can pull a special plastic mesh and plants will crawl along it. Tie up bushes with a length of shoot more than 30 centimeters.

There is a horizontal garter variant. At the same time wire or twine stretches along the greenhouse. Control of the plant is required: so that it does not start growing along the rope, it is necessary to re-attach it to the next horizontal line. It is practiced by truck farmers and "blinding" the bush, where the main stem is tied to a vertical trellis, and at a distance of 50 cm above the ground remove leaves, side shoots.

Watering cucumbers in a greenhouse

How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse so that they are juicy and not bitter? The answer is simple - you need to water them properly. Cucumbers will be bitter if you use cold water. It is desirable to warm it up. Put a container of water in the greenhouse: it will quickly become warm, suitable for irrigation. About the scarcity of water, you will tell the leaves when they turn dark. With an excess of moisture, they lighten. The leaf will start to turn yellow at high temperature, lack of water. Observe the rules for watering:

  • the plant must suffice moisture;
  • do not fill the root;
  • regularly perform watering;
  • do not allow leaves to wilt.

When growing cucumbers, watering them is recommended in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. It is advisable to make grooves along the beds and pour water there - this will protect the root from decay. Recommend watering every other day. For seedlings, the amount of water is five liters per square meter. From the moment of flowering, the number is doubled. At very high temperatures, it is necessary to additionally carry out sprinkling: to water the leaves from the watering can. Always monitor the condition of the soil. If the weather is overcast, then you can refuse from watering.

Addition of cucumber seedlings

Do you want to try fragrant, juicy fruits as soon as possible? Then, before growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, you need to do seedlings. It is advisable a month before the cucumber is planted in a permanent place. To make the seedlings strong and healthy, she needs light and nutrition. The second is done when the plant has 2 leaves. For fertilizing seedlings, use a special complex fertilizer. Apply it according to the instructions.

When the plant is transplanted into the ground, it will take root, after about two weeks, feed again. At that moment, the fifth leaf appears on the seedlings. Before applying the fertilizer, the bush is watered abundantly. The next feeding will be during flowering. Fertilizers are first put in water - 15 grams per 10 liters. Use double superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, and potassium sulfate. When there are fruits - the plant is fed with manure.

Video: what cucumbers should be planted in a greenhouse

  • Mar 15, 2018
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