If you interview all your friends, acquaintances, relatives on the subject: " What is the happiness of ?", Then you will hear a wide variety of answers.
Someone thinks that you can not be happy without love and family, someone - without understanding and respect of others, someone - without a sound financial situation and career.
Someone give a life full of entertainment, and someone - a bowl of rice and shoes.
And some of them do not have one of the above components at all, give them everything at once.
The only true answer to this question simply does not exist.
This convinced the greatest minds from different eras: writers, philosophers, scientists, journalists, thinkers.
We can not find the right answer to the question "What is happiness?", But we will definitely understand what a person should do to feel happy.
What is happiness: the opinion of famous personalities
Etymological dictionary gives the origin of the word "happiness": "part" - share, particle, piece, "c" - as a prefix that stands for "good".
As we can see, the phrase "good share" most accurately describes "happiness".
Explanatory dictionary explains the meaning of the word like this: the state of joy, the fullest satisfaction of what is happening, the emotional uplift.
Modern language I would describe such a state of "Zashibis!" Or "Super!" 😛
Aristotle tried to find the answer to the question " What is the happiness of ?".
In his opinion, the soul, which leads a virtuous life, should already feel a feeling of greatest satisfaction. Priests of all faiths would surely agree with his statement.
But the toiler of Leonardo da Vinci, who left us numerous masterpieces, claimed that only the person who works hard can find happiness.
Solidarity with him was also the famous Russian journalist Grigory Landau, who claimed that only trouble could be an accident, but in order to experience the highest degree of joy, one must work hard.
But the father of a lot of aphorisms Kozma Prutkov( I remind neozhaykam - a team of authors, hiding behind such a colorful pseudonym) generally believed that if you want to become happy, you just need to take it and do it!
Perhaps, I like the last opinion most of all.
I'm not tired of telling you that our happiness is in our hands, and if you constantly complain about troubles and dissatisfaction with life, then it's not the fate of other people who are guilty of this, but only yourself.
How did my friend understand what happiness is?
At school I had a good friend Alena.
She was an excellent student and wanted to become a doctor.
Parents could not pay her a local medical college, so immediately after graduation she went to Poland, where she worked first as a nurse, then learned to be a nurse.
Later, relatives living in Spain offered her to try to enter the University of Barcelona, ​​as the authorities did not prevent smart foreigners from obtaining higher education.
Having mastered not only spoken but also written Spanish for 3 months, Alena became a student.
Despite the fact that relatives allowed her to live with them, money was still needed. Combining work and study was incredibly difficult.
In the fourth year of training, Alain could no longer cope with depression.
She complained to me that she would give up and come back, that she could not do so much more, that she was wildly tired, that she had ceased to understand what happiness was and where to find it.
With difficulty, but still, the girl managed to pull herself together!
Now she has graduated from the university, entered an internship and is going to marry an excellent guy.
Claims that it feels absolutely happy and does not regret the difficulties experienced, because it knows for sure: the path to happiness is not easy!
How to find happiness?
To begin with, you need to answer honestly honestly to yourself the question: " What is the happiness of ?".
For you is not important form, do not try to build a beautiful phrase, your works, like Aristotle, no one will read. Do not limit yourself to one component.
Let it be a few points, the main thing is that you as accurately convey the essence.
Here, for example, for me, happiness is:
- I feel well and my loved ones.
- Self-realization in all areas of interest to me.
- Amount of money sufficient for a normal life.
- A personal life.
And now see what I have to do( and do!) To find my happiness.
We will analyze each item separately.
So, in order to be a happy person you need:
My well-being and my loved ones. I:
- I go in for sports;
- I try to eat right;
- I drink vitamins;
- do not ignore campaigns to doctors and follow their recommendations if I get sick;
- do not hesitate to teach my family and friends to do the same.
Self-realization in all areas of interest to me. I: read a lot of
- ;
- is an interesting Internet project;
- is working on an excellent job, which I adore;
- attend various trainings and courses;
- watch a useful developing video, and not the slag that I'm fed from the TV.
Amount of money sufficient for a normal life. I:
- a lot and work hard;
- is not afraid to look for new methods of making a profit;
- think about the future( and do not lower all earned for a week for some garbage);
- I choose work not only on the principle of "I like", but also "it can feed me";
- is constantly improving, as a specialist.
A personal life. I:
- was not afraid of the first dates, while I was alone;
- improve my appearance and mind, so that my beloved would be interested and pleasant to spend time with me;
- took into account mistakes made by me in past relationships, and I work on my shortcomings;
- not only take love / care from my boyfriend, but also give it back;
- daily work on our relations, trying to make them even more harmonious.
Now you have to do the same: write the components of your happiness and paint on the points that you need to do every day to understand it.
Do not be afraid of obstacles or misunderstandings, they are invariable components of the life of successful people.
Do not be afraid to make a sharp turn, without it it's simply impossible to achieve what you want.
Do not be afraid to take risks if you are sure that your happiness is close.
Do not be lazy, but still look -
VERY useful video that
"Happiness is inside us!"
P.S.for those who periodically drop their hands and the spleen withers -
keep this article + video and you will be happy every day!😉
Often from people you can hear: "Who prevents me from understanding, what is happiness? . "
The answer to this question is simple: "Go to the mirror and look into the eyes of a person who does not allow you to achieve what you want."
You and only you are capable of raising yourself to the top, and living your whole life unhappy.