Bracket alignment: practical results and feedback

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Just slightly more than half of all people by nature have perfectly smooth teeth. The rest suffer from congenital or acquired anomalies.

Usually, first of all, a person is concerned about the aesthetic side of the issue. But an incorrect bite and other dentoalveolar defects without treatment can lead to more severe consequences.

This means that it is by no means impossible to leave such a problem without attention. Moreover, modern methods can correct even significant curvatures and anomalies. And the most effective tool for this are bracket systems.


  • How and by what means the braces align the teeth
  • The correction of the malocclusion
  • The pros and cons of the orthodontic construction
  • The word to the dentists
  • The opinion of the patients

How and how braces align the teeth

The ability of the braces to correct the dentition, The design of an elastic orthodontic arc made of steel or titanium alloy. It is she who pushes her teeth in the right direction, forcing each of them to take the right position.

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This is possible due to the fact that the arc constantly strive to take the original form. But an important role in achieving the effect is played by elements that are attached directly to the chewing organs - locks( braces).

For each tooth, this part of the structure is made individually, they can not be confused. Thus, each tooth has a targeted effect, as a result of which it moves in the right direction. This explains the high efficiency of such correcting devices.

In the process of correcting anomalies, the orthodontic arch is tightened several times or replaced.

From the type of braces the principle of their action does not depend, in any case, alignment occurs due to a purposeful, gradual shifting of the chewing elements in the desired direction.

Correction of an incorrect bite

Bracket systems are considered to be the most effective means of correcting bite anomalies in both children and adults.

The treatment process is very long, to achieve the desired result the patient needs to wear a design from 6 months to 3 years, depending on the severity of the case.

Under the influence of braces, one tooth is shifted in the desired direction by an average of 1 mm per month. Therefore, correction of the bite can not be a fast process, correction is gradual.

During treatment, the patient needs to carefully monitor the condition of the teeth and perform hygiene of the oral cavity.

For a better cleaning of the dentition and the construction of the food pieces, you should use not only a brush, but also a special brush and dental floss. Otherwise, the probability of infection is high.

After installing the design, the patient approximately once a month will have to visit his doctor to replace the orthodontic arch or pull it up. After the braces are removed on the back surface of the teeth, a special metal device is installed - a retainer.

He will hold his teeth in position after treatment with the system. Typically, the container is installed for several months, but it may be necessary to use it for more than one year.

Pros and cons of orthodontic construction

Brackets have their advantages and disadvantages, and there are many advantages over other designs, much more than disadvantages:

  1. Are capable to correct practical any zubozhalyunnuyu anomaly .And you can do this at any stage of the development of curvature.
  2. Virtually no contraindications to .
  3. The results are noticeable already in the first months of treatment with .
  4. Can be used to correct bite by people of any age .They are equally effective both in children and adults.
  5. They are a non-removable design, which means that the does not need to remove or clothe the .Everything happens in the orthodontist's office.
  6. Modern braces almost invisible to the surrounding .

But have these corrective devices and a number of drawbacks:

  1. When wearing the braces you need better hygiene of the oral cavity .Teeth and construction should be cleaned much more carefully to avoid the development of caries, gingivitis and periodontitis. It is necessary to clean the dentition and braces after each meal or at least rinse your mouth.
  2. The need for a long wearing system .Many are frightened by the fact that it will take several months or years to put up with the presence of a foreign body in the mouth. But the result is worth it.
  3. Aesthetic component of .Some braces are not very visible appearance, some patients are embarrassed. But modern bracket-systems allow to pick up practically invisible kind of a prosthesis made of plastic or ceramics. In addition, there are lingual structures that are fixed on the inner surface of the dentition.
  4. The cost of the is quite high compared to other corrective systems. But the price is due to efficiency and an individual approach during the manufacture and installation of the system. In addition, it depends on the type of construction and material from which it is made.

We also recommend viewing a few videos and photos that show the dental line before and after wearing braces.

To learn how really effective braces, as well as finally clear up all the pros and cons of using them, you can by examining the reviews of doctors and patients.

The word for dentists

From the medical point of view, the use of braces is primarily necessary to correct the bite and to exclude the likelihood of the occurrence of diseases associated with it.

Braces are undoubtedly the most effective tool on the way to correction of dentoalveolar anomalies. They allow you to get a normal chewing function and speech, and in addition, and a beautiful smile. At the same time, such organizations practically have no contraindications to use.

Maria Kudryavtseva, orthodontist of the McDent clinic

An adult should be shy about curved teeth and a wrong bite, not braces. If you can make your smile ideal - you must certainly take advantage of this. Without braces, it is impossible to correct serious defects.

Elena Novikova, dentist-orthodontist of the whiter white clinic

The opinion of the patients

After my dentist informed me that if I do not correct my bite, then by the age of 35 I can remain without teeth, I agreed to install braces. I have worn them for 2 years. At the end of this time in the mirror, I really saw the perfect smile.

But after a while I began to notice that there are gaps between the teeth. As a result, it turned out that the doctor simply forgot to write me a cap. Now I dress them every night, the situation is gradually corrected.

Inna, 29 years old

The daughter wore braces for 2 years, her teeth became even and stood in place. Special discomfort was after installation and after braces of the arc - there could only liquid food. But when she began to appear wisdom teeth, then all the rest began to pile up again. The effect of them of course is, but not durable.

Vladimir, 39 years old

Worn braces for 1.5 years. Before the installation traveled a few clinics, long chose a doctor. Finally, the system was installed, and a painful correction process began. During the treatment a lot of time was spent on the hygiene of the mouth, than only I did not clean the remains of food: yarn, brush and so on.

The jaws were very sick at first. I had to drink anesthetic. But now I am a happy owner of even teeth and a beautiful smile! However, after the removal of braces still at night I use kapami.

Oksana, 25 years old

Braces have proved their unsurpassed effectiveness in correcting dental and maxillary anomalies for many years. But the installation of the system must certainly be handled by a highly qualified specialist.

The patient also requires a responsible attitude to oral hygiene during treatment and regular wearing of the kapa at the fixing stage. Then a Hollywood smile will please him for many years.

  • Mar 15, 2018
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