Carving - a fashionable wave of hair

Contents of
  • Advantages of carving
  • Types of carving
  • Types of carving
  • Carving procedure
  • Hair care after carving
  • Carving faults
  • Carving( video)

Perfectly straight, smoothed hair is not as relevant as a few years ago. In fashion, the curls that gently framing the face return. Time and effort to lay down a lot, so women are trying to alleviate this problem with a long-lasting perm. But chemistry mercilessly corrupts the structure of ringlets. We have to look for other, not so harmful methods. One of the best options that contemporary hairdressing art can offer is carving hair - a gentle wave. It does not last as long as chemistry, but it is much less harmful.

Advantages of carving

This is the development of the famous German company Schwarzkopf. Literally this term is translated as "carving".That is, the hair is "cut" into thin strands, covered with a special fixative preparation and wound on curlers to create stable artificial curls. The lifetime of this laying varies from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the condition, length, type, structure of the hair.

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At the same curls remain the same alive, obedient, natural. There is no re-burning effect, as when performing a classical perm.

Special tools are used for carving, which act superficially, without penetrating deep into the hairs.

The action of the curl is short-lived, which is also a significant advantage of the technique. You do not need to change your hair, cut off the ends as you grow, wait until you can get rid of the "chemical" curls.

Carving helps to solve many problems:

  • You do not have to spend any more time each day to create a beautiful hairstyle.
  • Changing the image is painless, without the use of aggressive chemicals.
    Naughty, rare, thin strands after waving become lush, wavy, acquire an additional volume, well suited to laying.
  • Rigid, naughty locks become softer.
  • Easy "drying" helps to get rid of excess fatty hair and scalp.

The composition of the carving means does not include ammonia, so brunettes, brown-haired beauties can be bravely made such a hairbrush, the shade of the paint will not change. Blonde carving also does not hurt. But melirovanie and coloring are contraindications to the application of the technique.

Kinds of carving-waving

There are many options for carving, as the procedure can be performed using different types of curlers and how to curl the locks into curls.

The type of carving is chosen depending on the type and length of the hair. For example, for the production of small curls, as in the case of chemistry, bug curlers are used. Large curls on long hair, flowing in luxurious waves, do with the help of large-diameter hair curlers.

Techniques for winding strands in the carving are as follows:

  • Curl is classic. Curlers are wrapped in a string in a traditional way, from tips to roots. As a result, one obtains either the same size curls along the entire length, or uniform large waves.
  • Vertical wave. Individual strands are wound on special spiral or vertical curlers along the entire length. The technique is applied to both long and medium, and short hair.
  • Curl is local. If it is necessary to increase the volume of the hairstyle, strands are wound only at the roots, leaving the ends straight.
    To create curls or curls at the ends of the hair, the curlers wind the lower parts of the braces, without touching the area near the roots.
  • Curling by texturing. Used curlers of different diameters and types to highlight the accents in the overall hairstyle. The technique is used in those cases when it is necessary to make a creative, original hairstyle.

Types of curlers for carving:

  1. Bobbins. Curlers of small diameter, with the help of which make small "African" curls. Bobbins are also used to get the effect of "wet" curls, in this case, before winding, the hair is covered with a special gel. Curler hair curlers. They are used for vertical curling, creating the effect of a luxurious thick head of hair. Advantage of carving on spiral curlers is more than when curling on standard curlers, the shelf life of the styling.
  2. Hair curlers are three-dimensional. A distinctive feature is the large diameter. When curling on voluminous curlers, large undulating curls are produced. The strands are wound in two ways: from the roots to the ends to visually increase the volume of the hairdo, from the ends to the roots to obtain romantic curls that gently frame the face.
  3. Roller, curler boomerang. This kind of curler is made of soft foam rubber, put over a flexible wire. The tools have different diameters, so they can be used for any type of carving.
    Using boomerangs, you can create small curls and large curls.

Curling carving always looks great, regardless of the length of the haircut. However, stylists recommend to do it on medium hair or short haircut, since long-term stitching on strands of small length lasts longer. Carving on long hair looks also impressive, but it does not last long, and the time for the procedure goes more.

Carving procedure

Carving technology is generally simple and safe. But before you do a permanent perk in the cabin or yourself at home, you need to make sure that the hair is perfectly healthy. If the ends of the hairline are split, they need to be cut off without regret.

Before starting the procedure, prepare the preparation for carving and curlers of the desired type, size, diameter. Also it is necessary to choose protective means for hair care taking into account their type, condition, structure. The size of the curlers is selected based on what you need to get: small curls, a vertical wave, large curls, waves.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. . From the total mass, thin strands are separated and wound on curlers in the chosen technique.
  2. For wrapped strands, a special permanent for carving is applied, which does not contain ammonia, theoglycolate, glycolic acid and other aggressive chemicals.
  3. The composition maintains a certain time for fixing the effect of the wave. The waiting time depends on the composition of the drug used, but on average does not exceed 10-20 minutes.
  4. After the required time, the curlers are removed, the strands are washed well with warm water.
  5. Apply a protective balm to the hair.
  6. The finishing stage of carving is drying and blow-drying.

The procedure lasts about 90 minutes. The time for perming long, thick hair will take a little more, up to two hours. The effect will last 1.5-2 months. Repeated carving will be possible in 3-4 months.

Hair care after carving

No matter how simple the technique of carving, we should not forget that the procedure involves chemicals. Consequently, the strands are exposed to a partial but harmful effect. Therefore, caring after hair care should be carefully, with particular care.

  • In order not to damage the curls, the hair dryer should be used as rarely as possible. It is not recommended to use curlers, styling devices often. It is undesirable after carving to paint in blonde, do highlights, etc.
  • In the first two days after the procedure, it is strongly advised not to dry hair with a hair drier or curl them on a thermobigi. Plaicek to create a hairstyle can be used only after a week.
  • Hair after carving requires vitamins, nourishing and moisturizing masks, and easy treatment procedures. Very useful compositions( masks, rinses, balms) with the addition of natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair. Particular attention should be paid to cosmetics containing vegetable and essential oils( burdock, castor, linseed, peach, cocoa), extracts of medicinal herbs, extract from aloe.
  • Use only with special cosmetics and shampoos for damaged, dry hair. For washing, it is best to use shampoos for textured hair. Styling is recommended to do with the help of mousses or foams, designed specifically for curly and curly hair.

Disadvantages of carving

For all positive moments, the technique has some disadvantages. First of all, this concerns contraindications to the procedure.

  1. So, carving can not be done for pregnant and lactating women. It's not that the chemical components of the permanent can harm the fetus or get into breast milk. During pregnancy and lactation, the hormonal background is so unstable that it is not known how the hair reacts to a chemical wave.
    The result may be unpredictable, for example, half of the hair will start with a small demon, and the second will remain in its original state.
  2. Carving and hair-wearers, weakened by numerous hairdressing manipulations, are not suitable. The procedure, although considered safe, but for hair that is exposed to frequent stress is still harmful. In addition, no matter how sparing the carving means, they do not work on the structure of weakened hair in the best way.
  3. You can not do carving on newly dyed hair. Should pass at least two weeks, otherwise the paint will change the shade or wash away fragments. By the way, partial lightening is a natural effect after carving. You need to be ready for the fact that after waving your hair will become lighter on tone.
  4. It is forbidden to do carving for those who are prone to allergies to permanent components for chemical perm.
  5. Contraindicated carving for brittle, dry, clarified hair, as it creates the effect of "drying".To ensure that after the procedure the strands do not turn into a loofah, you must first cure the hair and restore their structure.

Finally, the result of the procedure is not always positive. If the hair is too thick, thick, heavy, difficult to lay, the desired effect can not wait. Strands will remain almost the same as they were before the wave.

How to make carving( video)

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  • Mar 15, 2018
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