Menstruation after abortion 56

All women know how important menstruation is in their lives. After all, they can judge the health of the female body. But many women do not know when to start monthly after an abortion. And very often the discharge immediately after the abortion is taken for menstruation.

Contents of

  • 1 What are the discharge after abortion?
    • 1.1 The main factors influencing the resumption of menstruation are:
  • 2 The first months after abortion
  • 3 If the monthly does not come
  • 4 Medical abortion
  • 5 Mini-abortion and menstruation
  • 6 Scraping

What are the discharge after abortion?

Abortion is a surgical intervention in which blood vessel damage and significant blood loss occur. They make abortions for up to 20 weeks of pregnancy. After such an operation, the surface of the uterus is a vast wound that bleeds until the vessels completely cease to spasmodic. Although there are cases when after abortion there was no discharge at all. Everything depends on the woman's health and the quality of the abortion.

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It is believed that the day of abortion is the first day of the menstrual cycle. But, as such, these allocations can not be called monthly. This is more likely the consequences of abortion and the reaction of the uterus to trauma.

If parts of the placenta or fetus are left in the uterine cavity, the discharge of blood will be long and abundant. At the same time, they can clean the uterus. This complication occurs when the pregnancy is interrupted for a fairly long time( more than 8 weeks).

If the medical abortion was performed at a later date, the allocation can last for a long time up to a month. They can gradually change from bloody to serous, similar to the period after childbirth. If the discharge has an unpleasant smell and the appearance of them is also quite unpleasant, this indicates inflammation in the vagina. Be sure to visit a gynecologist.

The main factors influencing the resumption of menstruation include:

  • type of abortion;
  • the period at which the operation was performed;
  • the age of the woman;
  • woman's health status;
  • quality of medications used;
  • level of professionalism of the doctor( surgeon).

All these indicators should be taken into account in a comprehensive manner, since the onset of menstruation depends on them all at once.

The first months after abortion

When and through how many months after abortion will come - an important issue that excites every woman. Normalization of the menstrual cycle after the termination of pregnancy depends on many factors. The excitement about their beginning is connected rather not because of fear for their health and the risk of getting pregnant again, but it is also a kind of confidence that the body is all right and the pregnancy is really interrupted.

In some cases, severe bleeding may be caused by heavy physical activity or sex. Therefore, every woman after the operation should be a couple of days try to stay in bed and two more weeks to limit themselves to physical exertion.

The monthly after the medical termination of pregnancy is generally always durable and abundant, can last up to 10 days. This is because the separation of the endometrium with abortion occurs gradually, as in curettage. If the bleeding is intense, it is necessary to clean the uterus.

Full-fledged menstruation after abortion will begin in approximately 28-35 days. And since abortion gives a strong hormonal failure in the body, the monthly ones are very scarce, which is associated with the suppression of the function of the appendages.

If the menstrual period does not occur

If after the abortion there are no monthly ones and after more than 35 days after the operation, a pregnancy test should be done. The probability of pregnancy is high, if after sexual intercourse there was sexual intercourse. Be sure to visit a gynecologist.

You can become pregnant one week after the abortion. This is due to ovulation, which can occur already 10-12 days after the abortion. Therefore, in order to normalize the hormonal background and prevent pregnancy, the doctor appoints for at least three months to take birth control pills. You can take the pill right after the abortion, but only if they are not contraindicated.

Another reason, as a result of which menstruation may not be - too "carefully" was made scraping. The endometrium was damaged too deeply, up to the muscle layer. Often after such an operation on the surface of the uterus, spikes are formed, which subsequently cause infertility.

Medical abortion

Medical abortion - termination of pregnancy on terms not more than 6-7 weeks. This method does not contain surgical intervention, so it is called "sparing".In contrast to curettage and vacuum abortion, this type of abortion has the lowest percentage of complications.

The day when rejection from the uterus of the fetal egg occurs, is considered the first day of menstruation after abortion. Delay for 10 days is the norm. A longer delay may indicate a new pregnancy or a reproductive system disease. Abundant months after medical abortion are associated with hormonal failure in the body. Monthly after the medical termination of pregnancy will return to normal when the hormonal level is normalized.

Mini-abortion and menstruation

Mini-abortion or vacuum aspiration is the termination of pregnancy when the fetus is removed by vacuum suction. The undesirable consequences after it are greater than with medical abortion. Perform such a procedure on a short period of pregnancy.

As a result of mechanical effects on the uterus, various complications and blood loss are possible. Monthly after cleansing comes about a month later. Recovery cycle takes 3-6 months, it all depends on the female body.

If menstrual flow changes in color, an unpleasant smell and pain appears, it is possible to attach any infection. Visit to the doctor can not be postponed.

Bloody discharge after abortion is not considered menstrual, because they are associated with uterine spasms. They last several days after the mini-abortion.


Cleaning or scraping is one of the methods of surgical abortion, which is performed at a later date( 8-12 weeks of pregnancy).This is the most aggressive of all methods, but it is possible to interrupt pregnancy for a period longer than 8 weeks, only with its help.

The procedure is dangerous with a variety of complications - it can be endometritis, parametritis, pelvioperitonitis, which can cause infertility. With a deeper damage to the endometrium, intrauterine synechiae - fusions may appear. The period of recovery of the female body takes 10-14 days.

Monthly after cleansing is usually normalized in a month and a half. Menstrual discharge after the elimination of a frozen pregnancy most often appear 6-7 weeks after scraping. It is also possible to delay menstruation, which indicates that the body needs to restore all functions.

Too much discharge or, on the contrary, barely noticeable, and even with a bad smell, it is urgent to go to the doctor.

Long absence of menstruation may indicate a serious pathology. It is possible that after the cleansing procedure there was a spasm of the cervix. And this could cause the accumulation of blood in the uterus. This is a dangerous situation and the doctor's help should be mandatory.

A woman can become pregnant 10-12 weeks after scraping. Therefore, it is possible that the woman is pregnant again. After abortion, she should carefully choose a contraceptive.

Any type of abortion does not go without a trace for the body. But if there is a need for it and a decision has been made on its conduct, it is better to perform the procedure at an earlier time of pregnancy. In this case, the number of complications will be much less, the monthly after any abortion will be normalized in a short time and the female body will return to normal.

  • Mar 15, 2018
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